A Date?

On reaching her office, Somya curiously looked here and there. Although she had already seen it yesterday, at that time there were only a few employees present.

She greeted a male employee cheerfully who she remembered from yesterday and sat on her desk. After settling down properly, she turned to see what others are doing. What greeted her sight was stares from everyone. They were gazing at her as if she was a new animal in their zoo.

There was an awkward silence in the air, at least for Somya there was. She cleared her throat and withdrew her eyes to look at the documents in her hand. She understood that all the employees here are silence-lovers, opposite to her. Thank God she is here only for two days otherwise, such a gloomy-serious environment will cause her depression! She better hurry up and finish the work to leave quickly.

On the other hand, Varun was sitting on his leather chair with his hand massaging his aching temples. He just received a call from his mother, telling him that she selected few girls for him and wants him to meet them.

Once in a while, his mother's desperation to find him a wife triggers up, and he knew that. It mostly happens either during festival seasons or family get-togethers.

But this time, without any prior warning, without any way to escape, she directly attacked him by seizing the chance when he is Mumbai to search for girls. He doesn't know how to deal with them anymore.

In the past, all the girls his family selected for him were filled with talents, but none of them piqued his interests, so he rejected them all. He has no intentions of marrying that early. All the elders of his family let him off considering him a child but now he is already 27 and had run out of excuses for avoiding marriage proposals.

He already had many tensions in his life, and he doesn't want to add one more stress called wife. But opposite to his thoughts, his mother was eagerly waiting for her daughter-in-law, and he can't dare to break her dream directly by telling her his plans.

He was on his way to pick Somya up from her office when his mother called him again. She asked him to go on a date with a girl today who is on top of her 'daughter-in-law-candidate list'.

He felt a mountain of worries coming to him with this blind date. He can't even lie to his mom that he is busy and can't meet her as her mom can easily confirm the facts by asking any of his employees.

Mom is the ultimate boss in his house as well. Every Indian mother is!

When Somya entered his car, she found him frowning and glaring at his phone as if his phone owe him a million.

"What's up, Beauty! Did a punk tried to hit on you?" she teasingly said, elbowing him.

Varun knew she would chirp more than a sparrow if he doesn't stop her, so he just said two words in his stern voice, "S.h.u.t u.p."

In the driver's seat, Avi can tell that his boss is furious. Varun's dark face is enough to make anyone stay few meters away from him.

But Somya is a magnet for trouble. That's why Varun had labeled her as 'Hooligan.' If she doesn't seek trouble, then she would be letting him down. So she asked excitedly,

"What is it? What's bothering you? Tell me! I am good at finding solutions. My friends come to ask me to resolve their problems every time. Come on! Spill the beans now!"

Varun turned to look at her. But when his cold gaze met her glowing eyes, he forgets about scolding her. What a happy-go-lucky troublemaker she is! He sighed and finally told her what is bothering him. If he doesn't tell her now, then he might be having one more person to bother him.

"My mom wants me to get married, but I don't want to. She even arranged a date for me today in Mumbai, and I don't know how to avoid it."

"That's it? You were having such a big frown on your god-gifted face only because of this petty issue," she exclaimed while putting her elbow on his shoulder.

She continued, "It's the same story of every house, buddy. And you are lucky to meet someone like me who has a Ph.D. degree in escaping this trouble.

I had experienced endless nagging from my mom for the same issue before settling for this engineer future-husband of mine. So, don't worry! I will save you from this." She patted her chest to show her determination.

"How?" Varun asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Lemme think!... Umm, If your mom heard a rumor about you having an affair, then who will she believe, you or the rumor?"

"Of course me, unless she found a shred of solid evidence supporting the rumor." His mom was indeed a smart woman. She had worked with his dad enough to know whom to trust.

Somya's brain started plotting something. She bit her forefinger while concentrating. It's a habit she does when she is focusing on something. Her little gesture bought Varun's interest towards her luscious plump pink lips. She was biting and tracing her lower lip with her tongue, making them look more delicious.

"Yes, I got it!" Somya's enthusiastic child-like voice snapped Varun out of his slumber. 'What the hell was I thinking,' he immediately scolded himself for behaving like a pervert.

"Hmm?" he replied.

She giggled while biting her lower lip. Her expressions were telling Varun that she is up to no good.

~Have you ever met a person

who at first glance

you're not attracted to

but then you talk

and with every word

every smile

every laugh

they become more beautiful

until you can't believe

there was a moment

you didn't think they were~