A Sad Dream!

In the West of Rajasthan, Jaisalmer district,

In the living room of the castle, the tall and handsome Prince of Jaisalmer was standing with his eyes locked on a photo frame.

The palace walls were all decorated with many luxurious and priceless decorations. But the elegant figure of the king stood focused in front of an old portrait with his eyes unmoving.

The painting hanging on the wall had a picture of a noble person. He was sitting on a throne with a glimmer in his eyes and a proud smirk on his face. At the left corner of the portrait, 'Raja Chandrabhan Singh,' was written in the Rajasthani language.

He was the late king of Jaisalmer.

The young Prince, standing in a black shirt and white pants, brought his hands forward. He touched the feet of the man sitting on the throne and then waived them at his forehead*.

He said with his icy face, "Dad, rest in peace. I will definitely take your revenge." He declared in a frosty voice, "I will kill those who killed you. I will hurt those who dare hurt you. I won't let anyone off."

"Prince Rudra, the elders are here," Rana, his closest attendant, bowed to him.

Varun left for his place soon, leaving Somya alone to deal with the aftermath of that sudden hug.

"Calm down, calm down," Somya placed her right hand on her left side of the chest and patted it gently in a hope to coax her crazily beating heart, but the answer she got as a reply was, 'ba-dump ba-dump.' Her heart just won't listen to her, and her mind started brewing fantasies against her will.

"Oh, God! Why did you give me such a rebellious heart," she leaned on her bed and complained softly, "I knew he did that only to comfort me, but why am I blushing like this over it?

I can still feel the tingling sensation of his fingers grazing my waist when I try to remember his touch. It was...really nice. Is it because I had stayed single for a long time? Is that's why even a slight intimate gesture is enough to trigger up my girlish personality!?" She whined.

'What comfort!? He was obviously taking advantage Girl!,' Rocky, who was resting in his little bed near her bed, said, "He is a liar. He is not worthy of your pure and innocent feelings."

But the girl hugging her pillow on the bed was ignorant of her dear pet's advice. She was still talking to herself, pouting and frowning in between them. Lost in her thoughts, she soon entered the dreamlands.

Varun was also asleep. From the past few months, his insomnia seems to have reduced highly. Now, he can sleep peacefully for 4 hours every day. Today, he dozed off the moment his head hit the pillow. It usually occurs to him only when he had not slept for a few days, but today even without any lethargy or drug, his sleep came running to him on his own. So, he was in a deep slumber.

But in the middle of the night,

"Haa...," Varun suddenly got up with a gasp. He clearly had woken up from a vision. Even after the AC being at 16 degrees, a layer of precipitation was covering his forehead and palms.

"A nightmare?" He whispered, asking himself. He never had any nightmares in his life, so how come he had one today.

Brushing his cheeks lightly with his thumb, he found some wetness under his eyes. Bringing the hand in front of his eyes, he frowned. It was a tear.

Tears? Did he cry in his dream? No, he can't, even if he wants to. He doesn't know how to weep! Apart from the day of his father's death, he had never cried. No matter how much pain he is in, nothing would come out of his eyes. He can't cry!

Today looking at the little droplet on the tip of his finger, he can't help but ask himself, how bad a dream could be to make him CRY? What was so sad for him to shed tears over?

Suddenly a faint voice resonated in his mind, 'I'll wait for you.'

He tried to find the source of the voice, but it seems to be coming out from nowhere. His eyes landed on the wall clock to check the time, and it was 3 a.m.

In different religions, the hour between 3 a.m. to 4 a.m. is believed to be the time when the veil between the worlds is the thinnest. Spirits and messages from the other side can come through during this time. If a person wakes up at this time, he should try to organize his thoughts, and he would find a message hidden there.

~I just wiped a teardrop from

The corner of my eye

Followed by another

As I began to cry...

I just found a memory in the

Corner of my mind

Of happy times gone past

When you were by my side~