Varun's Feelings For Her!

"What is it?" He asked with a hint of excitement to the icy figure sitting in front of him.

Varun sighed and told him, "I am thinking a lot about her lately."

"Whom?" Rahul blurted out immediately after him.


If Varun had seen the current ecstatic expression of Rahul at this moment, he would have punched his silly brother for imagining nonsense, but he was busy sorting out things in his mind, so he didn't.

"So, what's the problem?" Rahul asked the obvious.

"The problem is... it's unusual. I never lost control of my thoughts in the past, but now if I let my mind loose even for a sec, it would instantly go back to her."

Listening to Varun's innocent confession, Rahul was cheering up inwardly, but he dare not show the expressions on his face. Since the iron is already hot, he should hit the nail now.

"If she is irritating you, then why don't you try not talking to her."

"No," Varun blurted out almost immediately, but then he sensed his mistake and corrected himself, "She isn't that irritating."

A smirk appeared on Rahul's lips, and he questioned, "Oh really! How?"

Varun failed to notice that his usually docile brother had already turned into a cunning news reporter interrogating him with twisted questions. He was busy pouring his thoughts into words.

"In the beginning, I took her to be a nosy girl but later, she turned out to be the pure and innocent girl I had never seen before," Varun's expressions softened. "She is the sunshine for those who know her. Brightening up everyone's spirit is one of her everyday chores. I had seen her many times chirping to the neighborhood aunties and uncles who live alone and have no one to talk with, and trust me they must have already accepted her as their adopted daughter. She has a way to adjust in anyone's life. She is a standard Indian; capable of making space anywhere, anytime, ready to squeeze in anyone's heart all the time." Varun laughed lightly, recalling her ways of approaching him.

Mr. Beauty, Mr. Handsome, Angry Young Man, and what not! She owns her own dictionary of names for everyone!

"Her smile is truly contagious. I, myself, had gotten infected by her many times."

"How would you describe her? Like appearance and nature!?" Rahul tried to trick more words out of him.

And he succeeded.

"She has a naughty nature, and she is truly a certified 'troublemaker' suits her," remembering her eyes shining with mischief paired with a 440 watts smile, Varun can't help the gentle smile which spread on his pink lips.

"But she isn't beautiful, right?" Rahul tried to test his reaction by bad-mouthing his 'troublemaker.' It is rare for the moody CEO Kashyap to open his heart and mouth together, and he isn't a fool to let this rare opportunity slip.

Varun frowned, and before he can realize his mouth had already started retorting Rahul, "If she isn't beautiful enough, then nobody else can be qualified to be beautiful in my eyes. When she stands under the moonlight in her white Kurti, she looks like the second moon on a starry night. The only difference between her and the moon is the moon has spots while she is untainted.

Even when she cries, the tears on her face resemble the morning dew resting on the soft petals of flowers. Her cheekiness is much better than the boldness of other girls. Her charms are deadly in a different way. She is a whole new definition of natural beauty."

Whether it was the effect of the beautiful night or it was because of the dream he had, Varun had been 201% honest with his replies today.

Waking up in the middle of the night only to hear a confession from his brother was worth it for Rahul.

"So, you mean she is cute just like a child?"

"She is beyond cute. Let me even say sexy. She is damn attractive" 'at least to me.'

"From her gorgeous eyes and her pretty smile. To her fashion sense and own sweet style. Everything about her is unforgettably beyond cute," said Varun proudly.

"Oh! So she is that good, then why don't we...introduce her to one of our boys?" Rahul proposed meaningfully.

His words brought exactly the same response he expected from Varun, "Why?"

"Didn't you said she is getting married? Even if her marriage got canceled this time, her parents would soon bring her another groom. So isn't it better to marry her with any of our friends? She would be close to us and away from the scumbags like her ex-fiance this way." Rahul explained, trying hard to control his laughter. With every sentence added, Varun's expressions turned sourer.

Varun knew he was defenseless for his expressions right now, but he didn't care about it. The thought of her marrying someone ignited a flame of fury inside him for no reason.

"No. It's a bad idea," he declared.

"Oh! May I have the honor to know why, my lord?"

"I don't know."

Rahul snapped his fingers at this. "Think about it harder, Varun. Why do you not want her to marry anyone else? Are you keeping her for yourself!" he said with a smirk.


"Hmm, it looks like I got the solution to your problem!"


"Just ask her..." he paused intentionally making Varun more curious, "Ask her,

'Hey Bunny, I was wondering if you had an extra heart because myne just got stolen by you.'"

~I feel this gravitational pull towards you,

Like the universe and all the galaxies had a talk

and they said,

"Yeah, it's time"~