I Prefer Innocence Over Experience!

Somya settled herself on the seat and turned her head towards them, "Just now, who were you talking about?"

"About the one who just left," one of them answered back.

"Him?!" Somya asked, pointing at the back of Varun. "You ain't got anyone else?"

She tsked and continued, "Just like me you girls got fooled by his appearance too. However, what you girls don't know is that he is mentally unstable. When he gets angry he turns bloodthirsty."

Then Somya turned towards the girl who claimed that she would give him his life, "You were saying earlier that you would even give your life to him. There's no need to do that sister, he will take your life away himself when he gets angry."

A girl sitting next to Somya gulped, "You are lying, right?"

"Why would I lie," Somya replied while munching on a piece of French fries placed on the table. "What would I get from lying? Oh, Mahadev, it's not nice for me to say but he has already been married once. That girl, his bride, didn't last even a night in the marriage. 

Alas, he even suffers from fits. He may call you on dinner and kill you by stuffing you with the food. He is that dangerous!"

The third girl asked, "But how could someone die just by eating food?"

Somya replied, "Offo, silly sis! That food would obviously contain poison. He even offers poisoned coffee sometimes. A high-level sadist, I would say!"

She sighs loudly and further says, "You may choose now which one of you wants him. Actually, we are also looking for a bride for him. So tell me if any of you is interested in him."

After hearing such destructive talks of him from Somya, they all stood up, "We don't wanna marry such a crackhead. Let's go girls!" 

Watching them all flee, Somya started chuckling and giggling. At the same time, Varun reached her and asked, "Are you finally gone insane that you are laughing on your own!"

Controlling her laugh, she responded, "Nothing, let's go!"

Varun sighed. "Sometimes I doubt your mental health. Let's move before I go nuts like you," saying he started walking and Somya tailed behind him, still smiling. 

They didn't notice a figure who was watching them intently from the moment they entered the cafe. He had a smile plastered on his face as he had listened to Somya's whole discussion from earlier. 

"Mr. Singh, what do you think about our project?" His client asked him. But he had his mind and eyes on Somya and Varun at the moment. Thinking about them, he said, "Interesting."

"So should I prepare the papers for it, Sir?" His client proposed.

"Yes, you may."

"Thank you and pleasure meeting you, Mr. Singh!" 

"So when are you gonna let me have a look at the affairs of Mr. Dixit," she asked, still curious about the conspiracy behind the annulment of her engagement with Ansh.

"Mr. Dixit? Respect for 'ex', hmm?"

"Okay, let me correct myself. When are you gonna let me have a look at the vulgar affairs of that ugly asshole!" 

"That's more Somyalike!" He said with a look of getting ego-satisfied!

"Would you, now?" 


"Why!!" She whined.

"Because it's not for kids," he deadpanned.

"I am an adult!" She puffed her cheeks in anger.

"From where," he smirked.

She was startled by his remark. 

"You may be an adult from your body and age but the same can't be said about your mind," he said while pointing at her head.

'This guy! How could he say such things without getting embarrassed!' She started feeling embarrassed over nothing.

"Don't glare at me like a wounded lioness. What I meant was that the content of the video is bad for your innocence."

She felt her dignity hurt by his words. After steeling herself again, she crossed her arms over her chest and responded, "Do you really think that I am not experienced enough!"

He bent down to meet her eyes and said with an enchanting smile, "Are you...really experienced?"

Momentarily struck by his deep voice and dark brown eyes, she affirmed, "Yes."

"Then you have lost the chance."

"Hmm?" She asked while deciding exactly where to look. Every corner of his face was a piece of art. From his beautiful eyes to his pale thin lips and his perfect jawline. Looking at his smile from so near, she thought, "Hypnosis! This is Hypnosis!! I can't tear my gaze away from his face!!! The second girl in the cafe was right. I would really give him my life if he asks for it with this smile.'

 " You lost the chance because I prefer innocence over experience," he finished, still grazing her doe-eyes.

~Her angel eyes

Which saw the good 

in many devils~

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