Chapter 11

Vanessa's pov

"Mom that's not fair, that was Demi Lovato's song, momma" I whimpered and looked at the person beside me who was smiling after changing the radio.

"You always listen to this, even at home, nessa," My mom just ignored my whine and continued to drive.

"But it was so good mom" I murmured while folding my arms.

At the moment I and my mom are going out, well I don't know where, but today as it's MOM AND DAUGHTER DAY, we are just enjoying ourselves, so thought I should share my legendary music sense with my mom, but SHE JUST CHANGED THE CHANNEL, saying its too loud music, REALLY!

Suddenly Mom stopped that car in front of the Walmart, Getting out of the car with her purse, When I asked her why she's going to Walmart? she replied with only I'll be back in the moment. Why she's going there? I was waiting for mom while staring at the sky, the weather was not so sunny, not too cold, perfect to go out with your loved ones, then i saw my mom coming back with hangs full of bags.

"Open the door and hold this please," I opened the door of the car, and then she passed me the bag, I looked inside of the bags to see fruits and a cake.

"Why fruits and cake?" I asked, Are we going to meet someone? but it was our day, suddenly the jockey started to speak that got my attention, DEMI LOVATO.

"Welcome back to the radio city, today-"

"Mom, can I change the song? please"

" Well our next song is a request from Oliver, it's from our handsome man, and they're called backstreets boys" The radio jockey introduce.

"Ah Backstreets boys, they are my favorite" Mom again ignored me and now was full of excitement. after hearing backstreets boys while turning up the volume.

"You ignored me TWICE" I place the bags properly on my lap, then a piece of slow piano music started to play that made mom's eyes widen with a warm smile on her face.

"It's as long as you love me," Mom started to sing the song with a smile on her face.

"I don't care who you are,

where you're from,

what you did,

As long as you love me" Her voice was lighthearted, filled with love, and the song itself was beautiful.

"It's beautiful right, back in college days, this song was hell popular, it was like an anthem for love, valentine comes this song start playing in malls, proposing anyone sing this song, damn everyone went crazy, so do i" Mom chucked looking at the road, it was like just a song brought her so delightful memories.

"Did anyone sang it for you mom?" After hearing this question, her cheeks were light red, she was trying hard not to smile.

"Your Dad did-" She suddenly began to laugh, I was confused, why was she laughing?

"Why are you laughing Mom?" I looked at her, who was just smiling like a teenage girl.

"You dad jumble up the lyric, The lyric was where you're from, but he sang WHY ARE YOU HERE FOR" Mom was laughing so hard which made me laugh too.

"What? he sang that"

"And that even on valentine's day. oh my god, everyone was looking at me, everyone thought why this guy is asking this girl WHY ARE YOU HERE FOR, I was so flustered but I couldn't stop laughing, thanks to Davis-" suddenly her laughter faded, I could sense she was kind of upset now.

Mom was always strong, even after my father's passing, she remained strong, where everyone was hesitant to bring up any topic about my father, she was always the one to share it first like she loves to talk about him even after him passing away, but after she never used to get upset, she just smile and let it go, but today, after saying that person name, Davis.

"Oh, here we are" My chains of thought were broken by my mom's voice that stated that our destination came.

When I looked in front of me, I was speechless.

"Mom, you didn't" I murmured while looking out, and in front of me was my grandmother's house from my dad's side.

"MOM, we were about to go to the mall, or in a restaurant for good food, you didn't tell me, we were visiting hell" I looked at my mom who was unbuckling her seat belt.

"I would have taken precautions"

"Oh, really may I know what PRECAUTIONS?" Mom stared at me waiting for my reply.

"I would have punctured the car's tire, or maybe jump out of the car"


'But mom-"

"Vanessa behave," Mom told taking out the keys.

"Be nice okay, she's your grandma,'

"But she doesn't like us, mom, she wouldn't be happy seeing us"

"Like, dislike, it doesn't matter baby, at the end of the day we are a family, understand" Mom looked at me while placing her hands on mine, giving it a light squeeze, I looked at her.

"Okay" I nodded my head in yes.

"That's my baby," Mom said and pressed her lips on my forehead.

" I love you"

"I love you too, mom" After that, we both step out of the car, I don't want to go in that house.

We stood in front of the doorway with me holding the cake and mom holding the fruit, She pressed the doorbell, expecting someone to open the door, we heard a voice that was slowly coming near that door, when the door was opened I saw a familiar face of my aunt.

Eva Valencia, or after marriage Eva holly is my father's elder sister and a great friend to my mom, the only person from my dad side that I love to see, but it been ages I have seen her, Well aunt Eva always reminds me of dad, she looks so much like my dad, Black hair that is short, same brownish eyes like me, but her is little lighter than me and has a honey ring, that makes her look more beautiful, well valencia genie are good with eyes, cause I have brown light brown orbit, and that eyelashes, and damn her skin glow like wow, again part of that Genes that fortunately, I got, well Step us all in this sun and we are going to shine.

"Alisa" Aunt Eva spoke, her eyes were glistening with tears, eyes with warmth, arms open for hugs.

"Eva" Both of the ladies hugged the hell out of each other, BEAUTIFUL REUNION.

"Oh Alisa, I missed you so much, I-"

"I missed you too Eva"

"Vanessa" Aunt Eva looked at me before I could approach her, she pulled me in a tight embrace.

"Oh hey, Aunt Eva" I hugged her back, aunt Eva let go of me and looked at me from top to bottom.

"You have grown up so much Venny" OH yeah that sweet name Venny that aunt Eva calls me with, I just scratch my neck cause DAMN VENNY WAS MY CHILDHOOD NAME,

"Eva, who's on the door?"


HELLOOO there,

Well, here I come with another chapter of 18 to 80 for y'all.

I hope you are Loving it, cause I'm loving it to write..

have a good day.
