chapter 13

"Anything" Abel was trying to slide down from his mom's embrace, Eva saw this and put him down, I kneen down so I can have the same height as little Abel.

"Anything you want"

"Will you read for me then?" Abel asked while looking at me with that puppy eyes, how can I say no?

"Of course, I will, but what you want me to read?" I asked while patting his head.


Oh, look like we have another Potterhead in the family.


Vanessa's pov

"So this chapter is also done" I closed the book slowly while placing it on the table beside me and looking at the little figure who was sitting on my lap.

"How was this chapter, Abel?"

"I loved it" Abel began to clap his hands cheerfully.

"Well look like we have another Potterhead in our family" I heard mom's voice who was standing with aunt Eva beside her.

"Aunt Alisa" Abel got off my lap quickly, running towards mom and hugging her legs.

"Did you enjoyed reading with Vanessa?" Mom asked while ruffling Abel's hair which made him giggle.

"Yep I did, she even makes faces and voices,s and what's Potterhead?" Abel's questioned looking at mom with his little finger on his nose, which made me giggle.

"Well, Potterheads are people who love harry potter and his adventure" I explained to the little boy whose face went 'O' after knowing the meaning.

"Then I'm a potter hair too" Abel squeaked in happiness raising his hands in the air.

"Ness, are you a potterhair too?" Abel looked at me, to which I nodded my head.

"Yep I'm"

"Then I'm also a potterhair like Ness" Abel's cuteness was overloaded, OH MY GOD SO CUTE.

"Okay for now you are a potter hair," I said and started to giggle, mom looked at me with a smile on her face.

"Abel, why don't you help me set up the dining table?" Aunt Eva reached out her hands for Abel, who already held his mother's hand, and began to walk into the dining room.

"You enjoying here?" Mom slowly walked towards me, sitting beside me.

"Thanks to Abel I can say I'm"

"I was worried that you won't like it here, that's why I didn't tell you before living from home"

"Tbh when I looked where we are I was ready to run away" After hearing it mom chucked a bit

"well look like you met aunt Eva and Abel before"

"Yeah, I did meet him and Eva, quite a few times,"

"But you never took me with you mom, why?"

"I thought you never wanted to meet your dad's side family after what happened, that's why"

"I didn't want to meet grandma after what she did with you, but not aunt Eva, I like to be with her, I just thought, just like grandma she doesn't wanna meet us too, that's why" I explained, Mom placed her hands on my head to stroke it.

"Aunt Eva loves you so much, she always wanted to take you out and enjoy with you, but she had the same fear as you,"


"She thought you don't wanna meet her too, I dragged her to our house"

"Well, she really did" We heard Aunt Eva who was looking at me and my mom.

"Aunt Eva" I walked towards her and hugged her to which she embraced me back while putting her hands on the back of my head

"Aunt Eva, let's hang out sometimes you, me, and Abel, it will be fun, I wanna spend some time with you" I looked at her and smiled.

Aunt Eva's warm hands were on my cheeks, her eyes were shining with tears, and she looked at me with so much love for me.

"I will love to spend time with you nessa"


"And then your dad was crying-"

"Oh god, Really, M-mom, you-" I couldn't stop laughing, At the moment Aunt Eva was telling me how my mom made a fuss when she was drunk on the prom night and how proposed to my Dad in the drunk state.

"Slow down Eva, you might choke on your food"

"Oh God it was really funny, Your Father was trying hard not to cry, and was trying his best to control her but all she was yelling 'I love you, YOU ARE MY MAN NOW' while doing hand DANCE"

"OHHHH MY WHATTTTT" I couldn't stop laughing, I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING, hand dance in her drunk STATE.

"Oh GOD, After trying to make her stop, he decided to join her "

"EVA comes on, so many memories and you have to tell that embarrassing story" Mom was covering her face with her hand out of embarrassment, and with the other hand she was playing with her food.

"Oh god, Good old days," Aunt Eva said while wiping a tear, taking a little sip of wine from her glass.

"Oh mom Show me that hand dance okay"

" First we have to get her drunk for that, so have some MORE wine Alisa," Aunt Eva said, but rather than she poured herself a little more wine, cause mom's glass was filled already.

"Look like, you are the one who will show ness that hand dance, cause you getting drunk"

"Well at least Nessa will know how cool her aunt it, and yeah I'm not even near drunk"

"Well I can't drink I have to drive back home too"

"Oh come on Alisa, stay the night, Let's have fun and besides Nessa has many stories to hear about"

"OH YEAH, I will love too"

"Nop, I have a meeting tomorrow, maybe some other day"

"Well okay, but stay a little more" Eva requested with her puppy eyes.

"Not that eye, Eva"

"It's working," Aunt Eva's eyes were a little wide now that was kind of scary like she wasn't trying to be cute anymore, it's like more of a threat to stay.

"Now it's not cute, but scary" But then suddenly I remember something, I don't know why suddenly it popped inside of my head.

"Well ladies, my stomach is full, thank you for special lunch, my cool aunt"

"Always, sweetheart"

"Btw, Mom, can I go outside a bit just to look around," I asked mom who looked at me with a confused look.

"Why you wanna Go out suddenly?" Mom questioned, how should i tell mom, she wont let me.

"I want to go someplace"

"Someplace, where?"

"Oh come, Alisa, let her go, she maybe wanna refresh memories too like us"

"Yes mom, I have some memories to refresh also" I stood up and quickly walked out of the dining room so mom won't ask me more questions, I took my jacket and step out of the house, I wanted to go there, before leaving from here, I really wanted to go there.


HELOOOOOO there here comes another chapter of 18 to 80

I hope you like it.

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hehe, Have a good day.