Chapter: 5

His worst fears came true as he looked behind him - his Uncle, Caleb stood behind him.

"Your father's looking for you boy. You better leave now."


"I have something to tell you!"

"I have no time, write to me. I shall meet you later!"

Into thin air, he vanished, taking with Hazelkar's ability to rationalize.

"We must leave! Now!"

He took her by the hand, running, his wings sprouting. "Wait! We don't have the car!"

"We don't have time enough for the car!"

He balanced her in his arms as he descended as fast as his wings could allow. The wind was too much for Auxillium to handle, her consciousness slowly fading out.

"Don't try to be a hero! Cuddle into my arms. They'll protect you!"

Her cheeks flushed pink, but she had no other way. If she would have passed out, there might be a huge chance of her falling out breaking every bone in her body. His warmth surrounded her as he flew down. But an eerie calm surround Hazelkar. His Uncle had seen her. No, it should not matter to him now. He had made that agreement and he must stand by it.

"Hold onto me!" She rolled into a ball as he flee through the tunnel that separated the Netherworlds from Heaven. The winds were so strong that they could have torn her flesh apart from her bones. He flew into the entrance, his wings on fire, the heat emanating into his bones. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he fell over, his breath heavy.

"Hey! Hey are you okay?" Fear gripped her, Hazelkar was barely breathing. "Wake up! Wake up!"

"Hazelkar!" He didn't respond to any of her calls. She looked around hoping to find some help but they were surrounded by thick trees. It was dark, so very dark. The wilderness scared her. They were alone except for the howls. He had landed in the Forest! Fear seeped into her, the realization shaking her belief. There was no way she could survive there. Hazelkar showed no signs of waking up. Fear gripped her. She must do something. She checked his breath - once, twice, thrice. It was the same as before - barely there.

She must take action now. If she must, she would become a Savior. She lunged him on her back, his giant-like hands reached till her knees. He was a whole heads taller than her, his physique like that of a swimmer and ballet dancer combined. She drew his arms across her neck, his legs too long for her to bear. "It's better for them to dangle behind," she thought. She had seen people do this in dramas but in real life it was far more difficult. He surely weighed more than her and her body was not equipped to manhandle such humongous burdens. Now that she had set him on, where would she go?

He needed help, urgently, the smell of burning flesh eminent on his body. She did not understand why did he jump straight into the vortex when he knew of the consequences. The forest was so thick, it was difficult for light to even enter. She squinted her eyes, making on her path. Crackling twigs, rustling of leaves - gave her goosebumps. The forest was a scary place, its inhabitants even more so. She remembered her maids, talking in hushed tones of the horrors the forest held.

"Madame, there are vicious animals out there. They won't hesitate in tearing you apart bone from bone. Do not enter that place, never."

"There are people who have ventured into there to never return. Have you not heard of the howls? They wait everyday for a new prey to enter."

Thinking of the horrible circumstances, though imagination, awoke a stark fear in her heart. She can't believe she was stupid enough to be thinking of running away into this forest on her wedding day. Had his soldiers not have caught her, she would have been someone's meal by now. His presence now was a comfort to her. Even if he was not conscious, his warmth blanketed her in a comfort, something she hadn't felt before.

"Who's there?" She could hear footsteps behind here, growing stronger by the minute. She crossed her arms, protecting her body, "Do not come near me!" fear gripping her - she was going to die now! taking a few steps back, she tried hiding in the bushes. She was going to be torn muscle to bone today and so was he! Why did he have to fly into the Forest!

Relinquishing the feel of the heavy branch in her arm, she held onto Hazelkar with the other. She must either run or face it. Her feet took quick steps, wishing to get away but she was sure she had been travelling in circles - the same hollow oak, the same maple tree. She must save themselves tonight.

The growl was now louder. She hid behind a tree, laying him on the ground and knelt, praying for their survival. "Almighty God! May your grace save us today in this moment of despair! Dear God help us and we shall forever be grateful! The growl now closer, her hands ached with the strain. Fingers interlaced, red, her eyes cried tears. Her lips made out the same words over and over again - Save us God, save us.

The beat of its footsteps could be felt through the earth. It was a large carnivore, probably with dagger teeth. Thinking of the untoward circumstance she was headed towards she sunk her knees to the ground, her branch lying by her side. She had never prayed as much before - even when she was sick, even when she was dying.

She lay her head on Hazelkar's chest - rising and falling ever so slightly. She had failed him and herself. The footsteps now so very eminent, she could fell the warmth of its being. As she prayed for her life, a trickle of water slid down her face. As she looked up, she was aghast with fear. It's eyes wide with anger, with hunger, its teeth shining like swords, its four eyes all set on her and him.

The very life escaped out of her when the animal picked Hazelkar with its paws. Oh no!

"No!" This was no time to be weak! She must be resilient. Swinging around the branch with as much vigor as she could gather, she screamed and shouted. Her lungs burning with fire, but she still went on. Howling and dancing like a madman, hoping to scare it away. She had seen them do it to tigers and cheetahs on the television but she did not know whether it would work on such a ginormous animal.

She blinked in surprise as instead of biting away his bones, the animal set him on his back. Wait? Was she dreaming? Or was it a hallucination? That's when it hit her. She slowly walked towards it, with very careful steps. And her guess work turned out to be true. Under its jowl was a name tag - Celebath, all in italics. Of course it remembered its Master!

"Celebath!" She jumped and waved to get his attention. Signing with her her might with her hands - she pointed towards herself, then to his paws, then his back. "Pick me up Celebath and take us home!"

"Well, instead of all that dancing, you could have told me before." Huh?!?

A dog that spoke!

She grinned a sheepish smile, as he helped her onto his back, but times were pressing. "I am sorry, but can you run to the Palace? Hazelkar is gravely injured."

Celebath fought against the winds, carrying them on his back. To Auxillium, his breath felt weaker than before. "Celebath, run with all your might. Please!"

"Fear not Madame!"

He flew through the forest, Auxillium praying for his life on his back. He had never before seen his Master so gravely injured. His feet strained but he rushed through it all.

"Arrrgh!" He let out a loud growl at the palace gates.

"Celebath! What are you doing here?" Groca ran out, still in his towel. Celebath had never before come to the Palace gates. He detested the maids who looked at him as if he were a part of a circus. "I can not enter the Palace grounds, I apologize." Bending his front legs, he helped Auxillium take Hazelkar off. He was still in his unconscious state. It baffled Auxilium how he had managed to stay alive. The points from where his wings emerged bled furiously, damping her clothes and Celebath's fur. Groca ran as fast as his legs took him when he saw a blood bathed Auxillium standing next to his Master.

Shouting from afar, he ordered, "Open the gates! Let them in!"

"My Master! What happened? Guards!"

"Guards! Come take Master to the dispensary!" But the guards stood frozen on their feet - they had never before seen someone bleeding, someone being their Master, being brought home by the wild dog. The absurdity, fragility and trauma of the situation took hold of their senses.


"Wha.. What happened madame? I.. I do not understand?"

Seeing the looking of panic in his eyes, brought her to tears. Her sentimentality kicked in and like a pitiable bride, her cries filled the air. "Groca, he flew in, with his wings. I do not know why but he did and the vortex, the vortex just..." She broke down, her tears staining Hazelkar's shirt.

"Lord no! Did you say he flew in?"

"Y..yes." Her sobbing made matters no easier. The guards took him on their shoulders, racing. The maids peeked out the windows, aghast. Groca, still in his towel and Auxillium, in her blood bathed blue gown, ran with him. The silence that followed the troop brought a morbid sensation to the Palace. The stench of blood so strong maids were doubling down, puking their guts out. A panic took hold over everyone's senses.

Auxillium ran after him, her tears streaking down her cheeks. She knew the way to the dispensary, she had been there often, even when she was not sick. She mixed and matched the herbs, all for fun and the presiding doctor let her. No one dared offend her. They could have, they knew that their Master's relations were not strong, but they also knew of the consequences of angering him.

The ferocity of their barge took the door off of its hinges. The palace at all times had a doctor, to look after the major and minor injuries that the staff sustained. It was going to be his first time though, looking after his Master.

"Wha..what happened to him?"

"He flew, he flew into the Vortex."

"Dear lord!"

"Please go out now! I will take care of him!" He hurried them out, closing the door after him. From the looks of it, he needed stitches, multiple.

Outside, they stood defeated but together. They sat down on the marble benches by the window - he, in a towel and she, with her dress dripping blood off of the seat. They could hear the doctor inside shouting orders to his nurses.

" did this happen?"

With a speech, punctuated by sobs, she told him, what had happened. The grave look on Groca's face heightened her fears. By then, maids had surrounded the two, offering their two words of comfort.

Breaking the silence, Groca said, "You said his Uncle came to see you?"

"Yes, he said that Hazelkar's Father was looking for him."

"His father, huh?"

"I am sorry I plunged you into this mess of a family. Hazelkar's father, he does not like him. And if Zaireen was there, it means something is up. That son of a bitch can do anything he wishes to attain."

This was the first time she had heard Groca use expletives. "Would he.. he be alright?" Remembering the blood, the scars, brought her to the edge. If he were to die, she could never forgive herself. "He will pull himself together, he had once fought against the Heavenly Order, so this is nothing compared to that, but still, it will take some time to recuperate."

"You should go change your clothes, the stench of blood with run the maids away," he cracked the weakest of smiles. "No, I just want to see the doctor. I don't know what will happen."

Bound by a common tragedy, they sat together till the moon was up in the sky, shining ever so brightly. Celebath was near the edge of the forest, waiting for his Master's news. The two stood to their feet as they heard the doors click, his face surrounded by a warm glow of satisfaction. "I am so sorry the surgery took so long. Master is fine, he just needed a few stitches. It seems that his wings caught on the wind, and got torn only the slightest. I am sorry to have you kept in the dark for so long, he kept hanging onto me, cuddling me into his arms thinking I was Madame. Groca you must know that anesthesia does not have its intended effect on him. Do not worry, he will be awake by tomorrow."

A sigh of relief escaped their lips. He was alright, he was okay.

"Madame, please go and get changed into bed. This has been a tumultuous day."

"Yes, I will but I have something to do."

The guards were surprised to see their Mistress out at night, still wearing that bloodied gown. "Open the gates!" she ordered.

In hushed voices she called out, "Celebath! Celebath!" The heavy footsteps brought a knowing smile to her face. The night had tubersome smells enlightened her night. She crossed her arms against the cold nightly breeze.

Patting Celebath on the paws, she appreciated his help, "I am heavily indebted to you for your help, thank you so much. He's okay now, he'll be awake soon." This was the first time someone had come so close to him without shrieking in fear. "Do not fear me or the Palace, stay here so that I can update you on the happening. I am here for you, I know you're scared, after all he's your Master too." She lay her head against his legs, his head bowed. "Go to sleep now Celebath, you must be tired." Waving him goodbye, she entered the Gates, a warm smile embracing his departure.

Auxillium went to her chamber, changed into her nightgown. It took a lot of scrubbing to take that scent of smell off of her skin. But she couldn't stay still where she was. How was he? Was he okay? Her mind raced with a million questions. Putting a stop to her inquisition, she grabbed her pillow and comforter and walked out.

"You're here too?" Unfortunately, Groca had already occupied the bench by the window. "Madame, I will get off," Groca hurriedly took off his pillow.

"No, it's okay."

She lay her bed by the foot of the bench, the cold from the floor making her shiver.

"You couldn't sleep too?"


They were camping by the Dispensary, waiting for him to wake up.

"Hazelkar! Hazelkar!" Auxillium was woken up by a woman shrieking out her husband's name.