My Grandpa Hercules (Chapter57 *Haldi tilak*)

(Hey reads,

Finally came to this part, I was waiting for so long!

And wish me luck for all those preboards am about to face!



The conflagration was uncontrolled and supernatural and spread like wildfire, of which the fumes and smoke seem much more vivid from Rajasthan as well even in the murk of wars!

That the drunken were driven in urgency for wiping the flare!

But... They were too late... And like if their earlier presence could have done anything?!

However, once presence could have made so changes... Like it did!

during that time one more thing was getting ready to happen for good- a new sightseer gusted into the bizarre confusion cooling it down!

Guess who could that be?

It was my father, Bhuvnesh, the beholder of the world as his name was pronounced by my great grandfather with whom my father seems very close touch even now after 50 yrs, but at that time, he was a beautiful infant with a marked rare black bulged mole exactly between his eyebrows.

Honestly, That must have burnt many hearts!

Why so?!

"It is very auspicious!" many said as if for our mythology the part of the forehead at the center of the bare region between both eyebrows is specifically for tilak which stands for triumph, success, and good fortune. The tradition of applying Tilaka is being practiced for ages with different kinds of tilak spread throughout the world; some are made by using sandal paste, while others use kumkum, sacred ashes (vibhuti), and most importantly quote-"turmeric"

Being in Uttarakhand, and more specifically Poadhi Garhwal, turmeric is best chosen because of all those all-rounder healing properties of the yellow powder.

And I did say he was turmeric tilak in this little civil war!

Haldi tilak!

Healing all the cracks and burns in some way or others!

That Even the burnt hearts couldn't resist!