My grandpa Hercules (chapter 84th *Beep beep*)

(Hey readers,

I can't convey how is it today?!

That I feel so overwhelmed by my words and thought that finally with the largest chapter release, the book 'my grandpa Hercules' has come to an end...

Although this moment could have been here very earlier yet everything comes at on right time, isn't it?!

So, now Your author, Thedarkhattie is finally signing out,

Hope to see you again!

Soon, I guess but this journey that we started 13 months before has finally come to an end which never would have happened without your love and support- especially, to Neeraj, you have been more than my best friend who support me through the darkest time of my life that I ever expected to find without you the slope of success might have already gone to negative but still we tried to be not best yet an equilibrium,

Thank you, Anam Cara, for everything!

And also have many friends like V, not bts my friend violet who has been a sweetheart, and others who dedicate every day to tolerating me!

I hope that I will surely see you all sooner or later!

But for the meantime let's rest and give an examination out of distraction and valentine's weak!



If it wasn't for Hercules, shanu wouldn't have stayed same-to feeling of normal that he crave, although his body is in adolescence his brain is juvenile, that had brought a kind of inferiority complex in that poor child

and yet his silence broke rapidly when knowing that the words which are not so clear through his twisted tongue, only someone with great understanding may have known,

And that great understanding was of Hercules which let shanu live, laugh when his little brother, the brother from the same mother but almost 5 years younger the brother- the big boss of the "chapadi gang", would sometime tease him that he just stay in himself like a lame person walking the ground out of leisure!

Talking with himself out in a dark empty void,

But Hercules filled that gap by taking a step to understand him, knowing him-treating him like a Tiny fragile flower, whose petals were always ready to fall off but he handled him softly with inspiration and care...

That drew a difference!

A line of difference was never appreciated!

, like he always did for every grandchild of his- almost 9 of us with utmost care and affection, as when he used to walk beside me to my school and from school and played a majority time with us, yet no one has readily seen any possible outcome to their sphere yet only we knew that has been a thread of pearl, and the thread was mended by Hercules which always makes us stick to each other even if he was considered cruel once by his children but his children still loves him the best, even if he considerably did wrong decisions as his little princess who was married after a lot of efforts to an ultra egoistic man, for which his daughter do blamed him but on the controversy, even if she blamed him still she loved him madly...that when he took his last breath she was right next to him, screaming-

"Don't go, papa. Don't go!"

And I am truly jealous of her, that I wasn't there to hold his hand for last-like I once did- and told him gently-

"Believe me, You will get through this..."

But unfortunately for me, I was 1 hr thirty minutes late, and not even in a single thought I was expecting him to leave so unexpectedly although everyone in the family knew of his deteriorating medical condition due to those Not every decision was seemingly right not everything was wrong!

Of a very old mistake, he caught pneumonia once which he left untreated and his smoking habit make the habitat of streptococcus pneumonia thrive, making the condition worsen with his habit of not making other people suffer in his grieving- and suffering everything in silence. Which always burnt a hole through my heart!

Yet, he still stood on his feet even sent the doctor's mind-boggling for a while because such an incurable condition would have knocked him a long time ago but still stood...yet death's an inevitable truth, I once read from buddha, however, I can not accept that reality!

Cause even when I reach late to him, everyone was crying-but to me, he seems to be quietly asleep with his mouth dogged open like he always does- and frankly, I expected him to jump up from his position looking at me with a smiling face saying- " Guddu, You have come..."

And I did reply- " Finally, I have come..."

But you are gone...

But what was his goal?!

Only to make his children could face the world and fly in the sky with their identities-well renowned and faces of society,

Both daughters were teachers one boy was an advocate and teacher of law the other has been an event manager...

And yeah, he indeed completed that goal... But, he promised to be with me and he must keep it!

That eats me that even,

I couldn't accept the eternal truth that even,

I tried to resurge him with every knowledge I held as if Cpr, out of failed attempt not even a drop of heartsickness didn't fall from my eyes, and seemingly was talking to him as if trying to boast him-

"Dadu, you know my class... They are so freakish you know it, don't you?! I told you remember?!

Of that weird boy, Sagar! Yeah, that guy today also tricked me... "

until the ambulance came and took him to the emergency, while he was loaded on a stretcher without motion-

At that one moment, I felt that fear!

The fear which I was neglecting for so long!

And finally, a tear fell...and an ache burst inside me, and everything fell silent only the sound *beep beep* of his oxygen supplying machine echoed..... "

Silently, I walk back to my seat and sat in the deep quietness of the never stop chattering class which seem to be wordless and struck now, and abruptly, the bell rang for the next period,

And the inactive body of our teacher seems to move a bit as a response, as he detaches himself from the wall, and settles his spectacles over his nose with a hush-

"The time doesn't cease for the universe, itself...What are we even talking of humans... "

" grandpa Hercules... " I rose my heavy chin up looking at him with an utter newness and flame that filled my soul.