
Two hours after the fight with the lizards a hill of bodies could be seen next to the scene of the battle, dead bodies belonging to lizardmen, beasts, and a few mice men that happened to come across the two who were stacking these bodies

A little distance away another body was being dragged across the floor, both Ellis and YuJu were pulling at it using the rope the lizard men hung on it, they brought it all the way to the pile where they dumped it on them, causing a few bodies to be crushed under its weight

"That's all the intact bodies Master, shall I go bring the harvested materials?"

"No need, they won't be useful"

Walking toward the pile he took one gem out of his pocket, then jumped on the biggest body, shoving the gem in that body before jumping back down

"Now we wait"

Carrying Anput the two headed toward the rocky area on one of the sides of the road, hiding behind a few large rocks