Temporary Truce

The huge building had one entrance that was currently being guarded by scores of weird figures, each one radiating an aura as they stood there awaiting the challengers of this event's participants

'Only around twenty? What are the others dallying around for'

Seeing only a few creatures surrounding the entrance loosely while watching out for each other YuJu couldn't help but laminate their slow reaction, something he wouldn't have minded if not for Anput's likely predicament

'I need to speed things up'

Grabbing one of the last few spatial knives he threw them silently into the guards' formation

All eyes, be it of the still guards or tense participants, darted toward the knife stabbed into dirt as soon as the spatial energy leaked out of it

"Damnit!" "!@$" "Rooar!"

Words in many languages were yelled as well as roars and screeches, every one of the participants knew this energy was no good sign, the explosions from before were a clear indicator of that