A Quick Return

Among a clearing of broken trees and withered patches of yellow grass were critters of many sizes, their long slim legs cluttering against the metal constructs half buried in sand, sand that didn't really belong to the once lush forest

While the small things were exploring the new found ruins there came a roaring sound from the sky, its deep bellows sending small gusts of wind even from far above

The small critters didnt need to even see what the creature was and took shelter under whatever could hide them

Expecting the disaster to pass overhead they were suprised when the shiny beast actually came down toward their location scattering every one of them into the surrounding forest

The cyan beast didnt bother with these creatures and swirled around the area, probing fir any danger before it landed on the ruins, resting on the sand

From within the back of the creature emerged three figures looking around at the mess they themselves caused

"Why are we back here Master?"