"Humm hmm hum hum huhmm"
Relaxed humming came from within the vehicle bumbling across rocky grounds, the driver used but a leg to steer it leading to many bumps, some sending the big spiked ride a few meters into the air while others only caused it to skid a bit
No matter big or small though there came a rattle with every bump, armors and weapons flying around in the back causing much noise, YuJu however seemed oblivious to that and merely surveyed the road with a casual look about him
Though sometimes he could be seen clenching his right hand before letting loose, clearly feeling uncomfortable
"I should have taken someone with me to load the stuff back in"
He complained, using his functional right hand to move things from the secret storage back into the car was painful more than it was tiring
"Maybe I should have left all of them inside the vehicle to begin with, not like I could have transported them without it if it got stolen"