Desire Within

'This was an unexpected level of failure'

With blood still dripping down the side of his face YuJu thought

'Even though the blood was incompatible the reaction was too volatile'

Earlier he used his skill to evolve the well rested thrall that was fed with boar blood only for her to pop open like a balloon

At the time YuJu and Mia were caught unprepared having not at all foreseen this happening which allowed the blood to smear both 

'It just goes to show how forceful this power can be'

Looking at his hand he couldn't help but wonder of all the possibilities that were before him, unlike before when he was limited to a few servants treading delicately through the path of evolution, now he could freely experiment with replaceable subjects, gaining a strong following while he was at it

'This is too much power in one class, if curiosity didn't lead me to produce a blood bond with Mia then all this wouldn't have been possible'