Shedding Doubt

"I've been out making some friends and getting materials, one of which I'm sure you'll find surprising"

Grabbing a small bag hanging on his hip he threw it up the pedestal where Belinda sat

"What is this I wonder? It seems so unpleasant yet tantalizing at the same time"

"This is a flesh fruit, a wondrous thing that can produce miracles in the right hands"

"This rotten fruit is? Would it be a gift by any chance?"

She blinked her eyelashes enchantingly to which he surprisingly said yes

"Oh~ I'll gladly accept your advances, I would love to reciprocate them even"

A stream of blood carried her from the high up pedestal, as if she was gracing them with her descent before slithering to him seductively 

"It's too soon to do that when you've yet to eat it and know its true value"

"I plan to, after a little more research"

"No, I insist you try it now"