
Journeying back toward the human world the three were a bit more careful than when YuJu was alone, mainly due to the sightings of a Gardelos in the desert, something they weren't sure of taking on just yet

This, along with the lack of a vehicle, caused them to take a couple of days to get to the cliff area

"Should I carry Anput and climb down?"

Ellis offered

"No, she will carry us"

The reply confused as to how that would come about, that is until sand lifted the three off the ground, sliding past the edge and descending downward while leveraging the wall for a steady speed

With the obstacle easily passed they proceeded through the burnt forest and into human lands after what felt like years to Ellis

"....It's all just..gone"

She wasn't expecting a bustling scene where humans roamed about freely, but this desolate land was far from what she pictured, it was almost a wasteland at this point