Arriving back at the line of buildings they noticed the mist being riled up once more, conflict occurring at the newly established borders as wraiths gave it their all trying to tear the plants apart
"It hasn't even been half a day why are they attacking like this once more?"
"Must have sensed the line of defense getting slightly weaker, shouldn't be a problem however, as long as we finish up the watchtowers within a day that is"
Taking out a few weirdly bent knives he gave one each to Ellis, Ika, the rest he gave to Zero whom he told to fetch Mia as quickly as possible along with any still sentient thrall in order to help out
"Watch and repeat"
Taking out a similar knife as well as a bone he began carving out some sort of eye, or at least it seemed so until it looked like a fruit? Before turning into a big nose…
Taking their minds for a boggling spin he ended up with, well, weird symbols
"Where do we carve that my Lord?"