Gluttonous Eater

With one leg stretched over the other YuJu was having a leisurely time in his ice bath

'What to do today, making some experiments on the thralls seems like a bad idea, cant fil their numbers as easily with most of our race gone with the mist, no use training my followers since each is walking a path of their own already, no major happenings are near, not with the mist barring anything from occurring anyway'

His busy schedule was freeing up over time, leaving him with little choice but to consider secondary plans

'Can't help it since everything is so peaceful, been a week since the last raid and I have not seen a trace of wraiths all this time, guess I could check out the couple from before? That mean seemed interesting enough to spend a bit of time searching for'

Once he made his mind he got up, ready to dry himself when a sense of danger came over him like a bolt from the sky

'That was….that parasite's direction wasn't it?'