
"Huaa, I'm hungry"

"You sound like your sleepy"

"Just bored"

In the nasty abode of one of Genus Insania's members two big birds were going through their daily routine

"Want to go out and get something to eat?"

"You heard the boss, we ain't allowed to get out of our floor for some bloody reason"

"Bah they always say that"

Unsatisfied one of the two flapped off the nest and rummaged through the remains of their last meal

"Stop picking bones already, we went through them like fifty times already"

"Get me some food or shu up and let me choke on these ribs to death"

"Suit yourself"

Quarreling like the couple they were the two ignored each other for a bit, tat least the one sitting did before he came up with an idea

"How about we cash a favor in with Laby? SHe out to have something laying around to eat"

The quickly thought up idea didn't get a reply