"....I see how we're similar"
What he found under the veil was what she found in his double, nothing, no eyes or mouth or any features whatsoever, just a blank face
"So all of you are the same?"
"That is so"
"I find it hard believing your human now"
His doubts were excused, no matter how strange someone's class or skill was it couldn't possibly affect an entire group into becoming something inhuman, the better explanation would be counting them as foreign entities
"We are indeed human, only we gave up the mortal body to live eternally in paradise"
The second 'eternally' came into the context Ephai was no longer interested, taking his seat and gesturing for the fanatic to be on her way
The woman stood there still however, though without a face he guessed she was puzzled by his actions as her head tilted to the side
"If you have no trade to offer then our conversation is a waste of time"