The Alliance

"Was it really okay to trust them with the seed Master?"

Mia asked out of worry, unusual of her but a concern warned by the lack of trust for these holier than though elves

"We will just have to see"

YuJu did not seem concerned yet he did not assure her of their credibility

"But Father, what if they run away with it or even destroy it?"

"Running away with it under our watch would be quite the feat, destroying it? An impossible one, even I cannot destroy it with my current capabilities"

So he said, but then cupped his hand under his chin as he recalled a certain skill

"Hmm, maybe I could actually..."

While thinking of the feasibility of this idea and keeping an eye on the elven settlement time passed quickly

"They have been rather quiet for the past day, should I give them a reminder that time is of the essence?"

"No Mia, half a day more and we storm in to kill them all, I wouldn't want them to do it with shaky beliefs"