Chapter 92

Camilla and Ian watched as Seth's expression went from bad to worse. It seemed that whoever he was on the phone with did not have any good news for him.

They tried their best not to listen, but they could hear Seth cursing at the person he was speaking to.

"Fucking, stupid." Seth hissed. "Doesn't he know what trouble he has gotten us into for intervening?" 

Ian and Camilla looked at each other.

"Do you think it could have something to do with the Juan family?" Camilla asked Ian.

"It's possible." Ian said with a nod as he watched Seth's expression. "Whoever is at the other end of that call must be wetting himself by now. Seth looks royally pissed." 

"If someone in his family decided to help Manuel or his sister, then we can just arrange things between us." Camilla suggested. "I just hope we aren't too late."