Chapter 175

"I know what that vase meant to you." Marco told Ian as they entered the backstage VIP room.

"The vase his family lent to Maharlika?" Emilio Reyes asked as he overheard what Marco had told the younger assistant.

"Yup, one of the most prized possessions of the hotel, it's not even theirs." Marco said with a laugh as he shook his head. "They even boasted about it in a magazine feature. They credited the Lim family, which was nice."

"We got offers from buyers after that." Ian said as he shook his head. "Grandpa didn't want to sell it, neither did my dad. So it stays with the family."

"Would you have sold it?" Camilla asked as she suddenly spoke after listening to their conversation. 

"At the time I was a selfish little brat that thought only of himself, so of course I would have sold it back then." Ian replied confidently.