Chapter 184

"Are you sure this is my brother we are talking about?" Karina Lim asked as she looked at her brother.

"Karina is right, Ian isn't the type to let go of grudges, nor is he the type to go easy on them." Sam added as she joined her sister's side.

"I may be vengeful but I'm not stupid." Ian said as he rolled his eyes at his younger sisters. "Why is it so difficult for both of you to think I would do that?"

"Not that it's difficult in any sense Ian, it's just out of character. Different, but not bad different." Sam pointed out.

"Your brother did do that, Sam." Emilio Reyes said over the phone. "I didn't want to, but before we could think of something else to offer the Juans your brother had already agreed on our behalf."

"Is he allowed to do that?" Constance Lim asked her friend over the phone.