Convincing Aunt Nicole was no problem, As soon ashave told her about me and Alex going back to Nigeria, she agreed!
Nicole ➡ So you want to go back?
Carol➡ Yes mom, I've been here for long now!
Nicole ➡ Ok, if that's what you want, go ahead!
Carol➡ Thanks mom!
Lizzy➡ Hold on, I'm also coming!
Carol➡ What? You can't!
Lizzy ➡ Yes I can, I have the means and I'll be staying over at ur place, except if you won't allow me!
Carol➡ Okay, okay, fine!
Lizzy➡ Thanks cousin!
Nicole ➡ What about Emma?
Mike➡zy➡ Emma's going to Spain tomorrow to see that rock concert so..
Nicole➡ Ok, but you better behave! Don't go around causing trouble!
Lizzy➡ Mom pls, nothing will happen!
Nicole➡ So Caroline when are going to leave?
Carol➡ Tomorrow!
Lizzy➡ Tomorrow? Then I'll have to start getting prepared!
Poor Aunt Nicole, all alone in this big mansion but she didn't seem to mind! I also went and packed my things and by tomorrow, I'll be out of here with Alex.
(Alex P. O. V)
Carol, Lizzy and I came back to Nigeria, my stay in London was wonderful, as we arrived at the Airport, I called mike and Jessy to meet us there, A few minutes later, They both came, Lizzy, Carol and Jessy hugged and were happy to see each other, Mike and I also exchanged some pleasantries.
Mike➡ Bros how Europe?
Alex➡ Fyn oo!
Mike➡ Look at you, you look fresh oo!
Carol➡ Jessy, I'm so happy to see you!
Lizzy➡Dont mind her Jessy, She's been having fun with that Boyfriend of hers!..
Jessy➡ I'm so happy to see you guys, how's Emma?
Lizzy➡ Oh, Emma's fyn, she also sends her regards. *looking at Mike*.
Jessy➡ Carol, I'm so angry at you! You couldn't even call!
Carol➡ Sorry Jessy, I had a few problems along to way to settle so...
Lizzy➡ Say... Who's that guy with Alex?
Jessy➡ Mike? That's his friend!
Carol➡ Lizzy don't start! You just arrived!
Lizzy➡Hubba! Hubba! He looks..... Sexy!
Carol➡ Jessy talk to her,!
Jessy➡ What? She's right, let her be!
Carol➡ I can't believe you two, okay let's get going!
Mike ➡ Alex who's that white lady?
Alex➡ Thats Lizzy! Carol's cousin!
Mike➡ Oboi, see as she hot oo, see package!
Alex➡ Mike, wetin dey worry you! You have a girlfriend!
Mike➡ Pls, keep that issue aside.
Later, we drove to Carol's house! I, Carol and Jessy went into the house, while Lizzy and mike stayed in the car! I couldn't believe it, this two had already fallen for each other already, Jessy gisted Carol about about what happened after she left but she skipped the nightclub incident! While they were busy talking, I decided to go back home and drop my stuff! I went outside the house for mike to drive me home, as soon as I came out, I was bewildered by what I saw!
Mike and Lizzy were already kissing eachother, They were so deep into it, they didn't notice my presence, I coughed and they immediately stopped, Lizzy quickly went back into the house giving mike a wink and the man was just grining ear to ear!
I entered the car and we drove off, I couldn't believe what just happened, I kept looking at Mike's face and love was written all over it! When he saw I was staring at him, He startled!...
Mike➡ Na wetin now? What is it?
Alex➡ Nothing oo, just surprised!
Mike➡ Look it just happened! Ah ah, it just a normal kiss!
Alex➡ Ehn? Normal kiss, see how you grabbed her like she was going to run and the way she kissed you was like the world would end!
Mike➡ Look, I love her okay!
Alex➡ Cheii, love really? At first sight! What about ur girlfriend?
Mike➡ Alex, that stella has changed, Her attitude towards me is disturbing, Always asking for huge amounts of money! She's no longer that lady I knew, whenever I call she refuses to pick, whenever I buy her something, she will grumble! Anything I do for her, she will complain, Bros I'm tire oo, and also Something tells me she's cheating on me but I can't prove that, I love her but she's becoming something else, So I decided to Pack and go!
Alex➡ So you guys are separated?
Mike➡ No but, if things get any worse, I will.
Alex➡ Sorry man!
As we drove to my house, I saw Sandra with a guy on the road, they were standing on the road, looking for a taxi probably, so she's moved on? Well that's good for her, We arrived at my house, the car carol gave me was still packed aside, and it was dusty, I entered my room and dropped my luggage! Finally back at last, everything in my rroom looked small! Mike helped me clean the house, after we were done, He left and I was alone, I sank down on my couch, wondering what was had transpired during my stay in London, Finally Carol is mine, and to make things even better, Sandra is with another guy so no need to feel guilty for hurting her!
Just then a call entered my phone it was Carol!...
Carol➡ Hello baby!. Have you arrived safely?
Alex➡ Hi, sexy Boss, yes I did!
Carol➡ That's good, I miss you already!
Alex➡ Me too, so what's up?
Carol➡ I called my uncle, he was happy to hear we've returned so tomorrow, you and I are going to see my dad, he wants to see us!
Alex➡ Ur dad? What? Are you sure? He still hates me!
Carol➡ Don't worry, you shouldn't be afraid of him, Just come and I insist! Pls
Alex➡ Okay, Boss baby! I will.
Carol➡ Bye, see you tomorrow, love you!
She ended the call and I slumped back to my couch, Of all the times to see us, he wants to see me now?
God pls, I hope he won't do something bad! Or try to break me and Carol up!