The Proposal

#Alex 🍉

Carol and I visited my parents on the weekends, I didn't tell then we're coming, I wanted it to be a surprise, when we arrived at the house, They were surprised, Carol on her own part did her best to get along with them, My sisters were happy to see Carol, my mom was surprised, she didn't expect to see Carol, my dad wasn't around so waiting wasn't going to be a problem!

Carol and my sisters got along quickly, they talked about lots of things, (Women, they never get tired of gisting) After that, they took her out and showed her around the area and also to show her off to people, My father soon came back and heard of Carol's presence, So before Carol could come back with my sisters, My parents and I had a conversation!

Mrs Wilson ➡ Alex, how did you get her to come?

Alex➡ I talked to her about it and she agreed.

Mr Wilson ➡ So why did you bring her?

Alex➡ Mom, Dad! The reason why I brought her here is to tell you that I want to marry her!

Mrs W➡ marry who?

Alex➡ Carol now!

Mrs. W➡ Alex? Are you sure and besides have you told her?

Alex➡ No, not yet, I just want you to see and approve of her pls I love her!

Mrs. W➡ Really? Does she feel the same way for you?

Alex➡ Mama! She won't have sacrificed alot for me if she didn't!

I told them about my trip to London, and what Carol had done when she was told she wouldn't leave London, I even told them about the meeting with Carol's dad!

Alex➡ Please, I really love her and so does she!

Mrs. W➡ I don't trust her! White people are devious!

Mr. W➡Naomi!

Alex➡ Mama! Try and get along with her, believe me she's different from what you think!

Mrs. W➡ I doubt it.

Alex➡ Pls mama!

Mrs. W➡ Okay, for ur sake and happiness, I will.

Alex➡ Thank you, mama!

Mr. W➡ Alex, are you really sure? Just know that if you ask her and she accepts, there's no turning back, marriage is a big responsibility! Both ur will, will be tested.

Alex➡ Yes, I'm sure.

Mr. W➡ Okay, then you have my blessing and I hope she's ur Mrs right!

Alex➡ Thanks papa!

Carol came back with my sisters, not so long after our conversation, She had taken them to shopping and bought slots of things for them including my parents, when she saw my father, they exchanged pleasantries, Later, my sisters, mom and Carol were busy in the kitchen cooking and I prayed silently that my mom approves of Carol, But as it turns out, Carol got over my mom, they got along well, mom even showed Carol some tips on how to cook well, Finally the meal was served and we all ate, Carol was the one who lead us into prayer before eating, After the meal, she and mom packed the dishes to the kitchen and they spent the entire evening talking! Women.

Later, my mom called me through the verandah, She was already there sitting on the chair, it would seem she wanted to tell me something! I went to her place and sat next to her!

Mrs. W➡ Alex, my son, I'm sorry, I've been wrong about carol! The girl is just wonderful and nice, I thought she was one of those snobby spoiled rich brats, I never knew she was like this, she's totally different.

I'm happy, you've found this lady, I really am, She really loves you, She was telling me in the kitchen all what you've done for her, and I'm proud to have a gentleman as my son!

Alex➡ Thanks mama! So does this mean you approve?

Mrs. W➡ See this boy oo, didn't you hear what I just said?

Alex➡ I was only joking, Thank you, mama!

Mrs. W➡ you're welcome, ehn! Wait....

Alex➡ What is it, mama?

Mrs. W➡ I want to ask you something, Tell me have you slept with her?

Alex➡ What? No, no, mama, I would never do such a.....

Mrs. W➡ Shut up, that's what all men say! And I know when you lie, so tell me have you? Yes or no?

Alex➡ Yes I did, I deflowered her a few weeks ago!

Mrs. W➡ Chei, so she's a virgin? That God, how many times have you....

Alex➡ Kai Mama, this questions are unnecessary! Besides is that the reason why you asked?.

Mrs. W➡ I wanted to make sure my son marries a fresh ripe fruit and Thank God she's not a second hand merchandize!

Alex➡ Mama, that's enough!

Mrs. W➡ Oya, go to ur room!