
#Pussymania 🔞 (Season 2 : Revenge)

Episode 4

Chapter : Family name !

Seeing Jessy, Lizzy and Aunt Nicole made me happy, its been a while since we saw each other and I was glad they all came, it looks like life was treating them good, they came along with a lot of gifts 🎁 for the kids, and us as well.

The house was lively and fun, we talked about a lot of things and made some jokes, Carol enjoyed their company, not for once did she bother to think about work I was glad their presence made her forget about it, Aunt Nicole didn't stick around for long cause she had to go to India but I realised they bought someone else with them, I didn't get the chance to get to know her and Carol didn't bother to talk about her either, she must have forgotten because she was busy exchanging gossips with Jessy and Lizzy .

One Saturday afternoon, I was at home alone with the kids, having fun with them, we were playing hide and seek, it was their favorite game, after that we played horse, Carol introduced that but since she wasn't around to be the horse, I became one.

As we were playing, The visitor or rather Carol's relative came down the stairs, staring at us in an awkward manner.

As the kids saw her, they took their teddy bears and went to sit on the couch.

As she came down, she looked so sexy and attractive , she's like those type of women that like to live in luxury and enjoyment, no Wahala, as I took a good look at her, she reminded me when I first saw Carol, she had this poise that demands attention and respect.


Alex ➡ Hi, I'm Alex, Carol's...


Rebecca ➡ I know who you are, you're Alex Wilson, right?


Alex ➡ Yes, and you must be....


Rebecca ➡ I'm Carol's cousin, Rebecca.


Alex ➡ Cousin? Wow, Carol never told me, its nice to meet you (goes for handshake)


Rebecca ➡ Oh, thank you.... I don't do handshake, my nails might break and I could my skin darkened.


Alex ➡ Okay.....


Rebecca ➡ So Alex , why did you marry my cousin?


Alex ➡ Because I love her.


Rebecca ➡ No, that's what you think but I know there's a real reason why you did.


Alex ➡ What are you trying to say?


Rebecca ➡ Look Alex, men like you don't marry because of love, you're an opportunist.


Alex. ➡ Look, I don't know why you're saying this but I love Carol and that's all that matters, we're bound to each other, we're family.


Rebecca ➡ (laughs) Family? no you're not family, your kids are, but you and that friend of yours, you're just aliens.


Alex ➡ Why are you saying this?


Rebecca ➡ Look, the Alexander and Lovette family are a very well known and one of the most richest families in England, and amongst us we don't marry church rats into our family and also black men.

Our families blood line is linked with the Royalties in England but I was surprised when My aunt Christen married Carol's African dad, and for what, Love? That's silly but the only good thing about their marriage is their families were both rich, but what shocked me, was Carol my own Cousin whom we shared almost everything with was getting married to a black man with no wealthy background, can you imagine? I thought she was joking, but she went on and did it and even gave birth to twins.

You've stained our bloodline, with your African blood, I don't know what Carol see in you, but I honestly think you two are not meant for each other.


Alex ➡ Well, thanks for the history lesson, but nothing you say or do will change anything, Carol and I love each other and that's all that matters. The Lovette family gave me their daughter and I promised to take care of her.


Rebecca ➡ and who do you think are the Lovettes family?


Alex ➡ Carol's dad of course!


Rebecca ➡ (laughs) boy you have no idea do you? Mr. Lovette is not part of the Lovettes family, the Lovettes family is Carol's grandfathers family name while the Alexander family is Carol's grandmother's family name.

Her dad's name happened to be Lovette but he isn't part of the family, it was agreed that if he really wants to marry Christen, he would let his descendants take the Lovette name and he agreed, so you kids won't take your name, their names will be Lovette.


Alex ➡ This is insane, I won't stand here and listen to your trash talk,


Rebecca ➡ Suit yourself chap, there's nothing you can do about it, unless you want your marriage with Carol to end, just be grateful, Aunt Nicole stood up for you, if not you wouldn't have a chance to marry Carol, let alone sleep with her.


She left laughing, at my expense, her words stung my heart like a bee. Was she really serious? Is this all true, why can't my own kids bear my name, what's the fault in that?

I would hate to lose Carol over something like this, not even my kids, my two lovely kids, they sat on the couch watching cartoon network, This was the best thing a man could ever have, a lovely wife and wonderful kids.

I went to my room wondering about this bitch told me, who the fuck does she think she is? God, I wish Aunt Nicole was here, I may not be from a wealthy family but despite that, Aunt Nicole and the rest accepted me as their own, and why should this Rebecca try to come and change everything? As I was deep in thought my mom came in.


Naomi ➡ Alex, are you alright?


Alex ➡ Mama, I'm fine.


Naomi ➡ Are you sure, you don't look like you're okay, Tell me what's bothering you.


Alex ➡ (hisses) Mama, I'm worried, I'm happily settled with Carol but now I'm starting to think this was a mistake!


Naomi ➡ (alarmed) Jesus, why are you saying that? Did she offend you? Don't you love her?


Alex ➡. Mama, I do love her, I would give my life for her, its just that, Her cousin, Rebecca thinks we're not meant to be.


Naomi ➡ Rebecca? That one is pure evil, stay away from her, she's bad news, my son.


Alex ➡ Did she do something to you?


Naomi ➡ She did o, the first day, she came here, she tossed her dirty clothes at me thinking I was a maid, can you imagine?


Alex ➡ What insult is that?


Naomi ➡ My son, I was speechless, thank Goodness that Aunt Nicole was around to talk some sense into her, that Rebecca is trouble, stay away from her.


Alex ➡ Thanks for the warning mama!


Naomi ➡ Please my son, that Carol is an angel, whatever you do don't let her go.


Alex ➡ I know mama, but she's a bit different always working and doesn't have time for me and the kids, I don't care if she doesn't have time for me but the children need her.


Naomi ➡ My son, that's one of the challenges of marriage, have time and talk to her. settle things out, okay?


Alex ➡ Okay, mama, I need to go out.


Naomi ➡ Okay, ehn, your sisters will soon come and visit.


Alex ➡ Really? I look forward to it.


Naomi ➡ Where are my two little oyibos?


Alex ➡ They're watching cartoon at the sitting room.


Mama and her use of words, nobody uses the word * Oyibo * anymore, I took my car keys and drove straight to my father in law's house.


(Mr. Lovette's house)

As I arrived at the house, Mr. Lovette he was entertaining his brother, Uncle Gerald, we exchanged pleasantries as soon as they saw me.


Uncle Gerald ➡ Alex my boy, how are you?


Alex ➡ I'm fine sir! Thank you, it's been a while.


Uncle Gerald ➡ How is your wife and the twins?


Alex ➡ They're in good health sir.


Mr. Lovette ➡ Alex my son, you look well.


Alex ➡ Yes sir, we thank God.


Mr. Lovette ➡ How's my daughter and grandkids, I hope they're fine.


Alex ➡ Yes sir....


Mr. Lovette ➡ What's wrong.... You look upset.


Alex ➡ Yes sir, I came to report to you about Carol's cousin, Rebecca.


Mr. Lovette ➡ Rebecca? What did she do?


I told him everything she said to me, I watched as Mr. Lovette sighed with shame and disappointment. After I was done, he spoke his mind.


Mr. Lovette ➡ Yes my son, its true about what she said.


Alex ➡ But she can't be serious, this are my kids.


Mr. Lovette ➡ Boy, just don't do anything that you'll regret later, these people have the power to do what ever they want. Just be a father and husband to your wife and kids and forget about what that Rebecca told you.


Alex ➡ Okay sir, I'll do as you say, thank you for your time, I have to go.


Mr. Lovette ➡ Okay my son, say hi for Carol and the kids for me.


Mr. Gerald ➡ Good bye, Alex


Alex ➡ Good bye sir.


I drove back home , and decided to do what Mr Lovette said, after all she can't come into my own house and mess up my family, Can she?

Later in the evening, the house was quiet as usual, the kids were watching TV with my mom in the parlor and as for Rebecca I don't know where she is, I was in my room laying on the bed when Carol returned, she dropped her bag and climbed the bed, laying close to me.


Carol ➡ Hi baby, how's your day?


Alex ➡ Its great, how's yours? Did you fire or crush any competition today?


Carol ➡ (laughing) no but I almost fired someone.


Alex ➡ Carol, what did he or she do?


Carol ➡ He was messing around with his job, but I gave him one chance to correct his mistake. Come here, I want to kiss my husband. (Kissing Alex)

Carol mounted on my body and started kissing me, I grabbed her ass and pulled her close to me, our tongue were trying to find a way into each others mouths, my hands reached her breasts fondling them softly, Carol moaned softly, giving more access to her luscious body.

As if she knew something was wrong, Carol stopped kissing me and looked at me straight in the eyes.


Carol ➡ Darling, is something wrong with you?


Alex ➡ Uhm no, I'm fine.


Carol ➡ Well you're not, you don't seem to giving it your all, when we were in the moment. Tell me what's wrong?


Alex ➡ I told you nothing is wrong okay?


Carol ➡ Then don't touch me, until you tell me what's going on in your mind.


Carol moved away from me and sat at the other side of the bed, folding her arms across her bust.

I knew she was not going to allow me to touch her even if the world was going to end, Carol as always was stubborn, i just hope the kids don't inherit her stubbornness, so I decided to tell her what happened.


Alex ➡ Okay, I'll tell you,


Carol ➡ Oh so now you're ready to talk? Okay what's the gist?


Alex ➡ Gist?


Carol ➡ Yeah, are you going to tell me or not?


Alex ➡ Okay, its your cousin Rebecca!


As soon as I mentioned the name, Her eyes popped wide open and she looked at me as if I had said something awful, she came towards me, holding my face.


Carol ➡ Oh no, did she do something awful to you? Did she threaten you?


Alex ➡ Well, in a way yes, she said, I'm not part of your family because I'm black and also not rich, and she said our kids will never inherit my name. She said your family will never accept me as one of their own.


Carol. ➡ Honey, don't mind that bitch, you're my husband and father to my kids, they'll bear your name, Don't let that racist bitch get into your head, that's what she does. Don't listen to what she says, my family will accept you, Aunt Nicole and the others do like you, and I love you, that's all that matters.


Alex ➡ Thanks love, I don't know to do without you by my side.


Carol ➡ That's right, I'm your wife, I'll always support you till death do us apart.


Alex ➡ I love you.


Carol ➡ I love you, a lot more..... Oh I forgot to tell you, there will be a family reunion in London and everyone is invited including us.


Alex ➡ So we'll all be going to london then.


Carol ➡ Yes baby, now enough talk, I have been neglecting you lately and I need to get back in your good graces.


Alex ➡ Come here darling, let me give you a good time.


As we were kissing and enjoying the moment, our kids came into our room, interrupting the moment. They climbed the bed and jumped on us. Little children, Kai.


Carol ➡ Alexander and Alexandra what are you doing here?


Alexandra ➡ Mommy, we want to play horsey horsey.


Alexander ➡ Mommy, daddy what are you both doing?


Alex ➡ We're playing...


Carol ➡ We playing catch the rabbit!


Alexander ➡ I want to do it too.


Alex ➡ Young man, you're too small to play that game. Let's play horsey horsey.


Though we didn't get to have sex, we ended playing with our kids that night, besides nothing is more important than spending quality time with your family.