Chapter 3

I am awaken by my alarm clock at 6 am the next morning. I feel very tired as I had stayed up late playing the Shadow Game and working on my moon project. I groan as I get up and get ready to start my day. I pack up my back pack with all my school books and start to get dressed. I add some extra steps to my morning routine, so I can look nice today. I comb and add gel to my hair, and then spritz some cologne. I head downstairs to see what I can eat for breakfast before the bus comes. I spot a banana and a granola bar and eat those.

I check the time on my phone. 7:00. The bus doesn't come until 7:30 so I decide I have time to play the Shadow Game. I head upstairs to bring my headset back down. I'm on level 3 now, 2 more levels and I will no longer have to be that kid with no friends. As the game starts up I notice that my shadow is starting to develop facial features. I had 2 tasks for level 3.

1: You must give *Shadow* a name. Move here to Name *Shadow*

2. You must input your mobile number to keep in contact with *Shadow*, and get notifications about new updates on The Shadow Game. Move here to enter your number.

I walk over to the designated area to name my shadow. I think since he acts just like me,what better idea than to name him after me. Jonathan Jr. JJ for short. I type "JJ" into the input box and walk back to re-read my next task.

2. You must input your mobile number to keep in contact with *Shadow*, and get notifications about new updates on The Shadow Game. Move here to enter your number.

I walk over to the designated area to put my number in. "302-249-3945". Just then I get a text notification. I slide the headset up and look down at my phone, not checking the time. I see the text message is from an unknown number. But, my phone filters out unknown senders, unless I've had a conversation with that person before. I find that weird so I read the message. "thank you for signing up for shadow game updates. you can use this number to text with your shadow,have a good time!" I was never signed up for Shadow Game messages before so why hadn't my phone filtered this one out? I scroll up through the conversation with that number and I see that this is is the number that texted me yesterday. I find that weird but I assume they got my number from when I put it on my VR console. They were just sending messages as some kind of propaganda for the game. Right?

Just then, my heart sinks as I hear a bus pull away. I check the time and sure enough, it's 7:30. I had missed my bus. That is super weird seeing as I had only been on the game for 10 minutes. I sigh as I grab my book-bag and start walking to school. I head down the street and am disheartened as I remember, today is Tuesday. Which means Blake is walking to school. I stop dead in my tracks as I hear, "Is this who I think it issss." Crap. He saw me. I try to keep walking, maybe if I can pretend I don't hear him, he'll leave me alone. So I continue my walk, but pick up the pace a little. Then I feel something hit the back of my head and I hear laughter. I turn around and see Blake. Then I look down and see a basketball.

"Can you pass my ball back, Johnny boy?" I pick up Blake's Ball and roll it back to him. That should buy me some time because he stands there and waits for the ball to go back to him. I turn around and continue my speed walk. Just 2 more blocks away. I try to walk faster but I feel the ball hit me again. I toss the ball in front of me so he'll have to walk up more to get it. Then I turn and run the other way. This way to school is longer but at least Blake isn't there.

I look up and smile as I had finally made it to school. I walk in and head to the office for a late pass. I start my way to Ms. Faulkner's room. As I'm approaching the room I hear my phone chime with a text notification. The number is saved as JJ, but I hadn't saved any numbers. Maybe my phone did it automatically. I read the message and it says "hello johnathan." Maybe I messed up on the speaking task, because... who talks like that? Just as I was about to respond I see Ms. Faulkner's door swing open and she calls out to me. "Johnathan, you're late. Get in here." I walk into her classroom and take my seat next to Mya.

"What took you so long? I was about to start the model by myself." That's the first thing she says to me. I would've preferred "hi" but I guess that works too. I take open my book bag and reach for my notebook but my headset falls out. I forgot I put it in there when I rushed out this morning. "Oh cool! You got the new Titania 300?!" I look up at Mya and she looks extremely excited. "Uh yea I just got it yesterday for my birthday" I respond. "Can I play?" She asks. "Uhhhh.." I don't know how to answer because we can't play with it in class, it would be taken. I just mention the project again and how we should be working on it.

We head over to the work station and get out clay to start our model of the moon. As we're getting the supplies ready, I muster up the courage to ask her more about herself. How old she is, if she has siblings, any pets. She says shes 13, like me. She's an only child and she has a pit-bull puppy. "Now it's my turn to ask you questions". She declares. She asks me how long I've lived in Delaware, my favorite color, and why I'm so quiet. I tell her that I've lived here my whole life, I don't have one specific favorite color, and that I'm simply just shy. "You should loosen up some more. Don't be so timid all the time." she says. "Yea I guess you're right. But we should start the model now." Just as I finish my sentence, the bell rings signaling that it's time for us to pack up and leave.

This time though, I find enough power to ask Mya for her number. She puts it in my phone and heads out the door.