Can you leave Su Yu ?

"You mean I have to be a pig like you too?"

"Of course that's not what I meant mother." Li Si An tried hard to control herself.

Arguing and fighting are easy. It was easy, Li Si An could make that choice regardless of manners and manners by refuting or throwing a backlash at Madam Su. But having a feud with her in-laws wasn't a good idea.

After all, Li Si An was aware that if Madam Su was a parent, she was a mother figure. As much as possible Li Si An wanted to cherish someone she could still call a mother.

"Don't you like Feipian?" Li Si An pointed at a Sichuan dish on the table. It was a dish with sliced beef and offal covered in a spicy sauce. With scallions and a sprinkling of sesame seeds on top, the hide is appetizing.

Li Si An didn't know what menu Madam Su liked. It was only that she had seen that Madame Su was about to scoop out the fuqi feipian dish before she decided to comment again instead.