Chapter 67 Heroes (Part 1)

The skies were blue, the sun is bright and the birds were sweetly singing in the trees. The breeze is cold but comforting and added to make a scene that signifies a peaceful day. However, not everybody could enjoy the beauty as the empire is currently in turmoil.

Marqius Winston together with other nobles continued their meeting which was left yesterday and discussed the dire situation.

"This humble servant will give suggestion and that is to borrow the military power from the Garwin Kingdom, Your Majesty."

Count Mayer confidently spoke his words with eyes brimming with passion. However, everyone know that those were just empty words.

The Count was such a person unworthy of being called and have a chance to speak with other nobles, however with the current situation, everybody's thoughts matters.

"Yes. That's the scenario we are expecting to have. However, we may not be able to handle the condition they may impose."


Some aristocrat voiced their agreement.

The Garwin Kingdom is a kingdom with strong military power because of their innate physical strength. They were also very capable in strategy and even women were good in hand in hand combat. They were the best way the Dominique Empire could have a stable support, though given their physical strength, they were greedy when one had owed something to them.

Yet, with the current situation it is the only bait they could bite to wring out of the situation. It is said that it is only a matter of time until the Duke's and the Crown Prince's force will break down.

The emperor pretended to worry and think of the best solution. Amidst this, Count Mayer stood up and opened his slippery mouth.

"Worry not, Your Majesty. This humble servant can guarantee that we will win this fight."

"How so, Count?"

The Emperor implored while he rest his chin in his clasped hands.

"We have His Highness, Crown Prince Phillipsburg in the front lines fighting against the fluctuating number of monsters in the western area of Brooklyn mountains. Who can go against one of the powerful figure of the empire? He even had the glorious power of the dragon the royals have. Likewise, we have the Duke of Alastair dealing with the rebels. Who can bring down the Duke with such 'underworldly' blood and abilities?"

The Count said with gestures and exaggeration.

He may seem to praise the two, but what he meant were hidden between the lines. He dared mock the royal Prince and the Black Duke of the empire while masking it in praises, what more--- in front of every noble and the emperor itself!


However, the emperor doesn't seem to mind and only wanted to get the answer right away. Hence, the Count answered.

"They were the heroes who always bring honor and victory in every battle they take. Why would we worry if we have them."

Indeed why should they worry? If they die, then they die. It's a normal cycle of life. We live, then we die.

In this case actually, it is meant in harsher terms. This battle would be the best way to eradicate the two hero figures of the empire, which should have died since they were seven, but didn't. It's a good opportunity to wash off evil in guise of presenting themselves for the glory of empire. They will just get other people to replace them and be the shield for their sake.



Nobody spoke, nobody dared to interject and nobody seem to mind what he said. Like how the words the Count had previously spouted was just like a light breeze passing for a while, they moved to the next subject.

"Alright. Let's follow Duke Gerrain's advice. I do hope that everyone will cooperate as this is for the future of our Empire. I leave the preparations and the management of people to you Duke. Moreover, I am please with your presence. Have a good day."

The emperor left the task to other people but everyone know that it will happen.

The meeting seem to be just an empty place to spend time and convene just to follow the procedure the ancestors did.

As days passed, the way the empire was ruled changed exponentially. The aristocrats involved couldn't help but rely on themselves as the emperor's rule declines as days passed.

"Maybe he's approaching the age where he needed to vacate the position," was the common thought among these people.

Because of the recent problems in the north east and the west, the military training grounds were now being used more regularly from dawn till night as they followed Duke Gerrain's advice from the previous meeting.


Clash! Cling! Pwoosh!

Sounds of clashing of swords and heavy breathing could be heard at the center of the training grounds. May it be in the imperial palace grounds or the aristocratic training grounds of their knights, these sound will prove the situation.

Almost every family knights were mobilized and started to practice and train strenuously to overcome the challenges that may arise when they were deployed to the areas their master chose them to go to.

The Imperial Elite knights were of no exception. They train arduously to provide support for the Crown Prince, likewise the well-known Black Knights of the Alastair duchy were already prepared, as always. But by the grand order, they were forced to practice some more.

Every noble family were preparing their knights for their voluntary deployment, if not forced by a noble to become a meat shield in the savage war.

However, there will always be people who aren't involved but would casually make snide comments and discuss the topic as a hot main course just to pass time. May it be an aristocrat who were not directly involved or a commoner who just wanted to know about the issue.

These people were currently divided into two, and those who can't afford to make a guess on how big the problem is, just run their mouth wild while knowing nothing. These two were the believers and the others are the gamblers.

The people believed that the hero figures of the empire, which is the Duke of Alastair and the Crown Prince Phillipsburg, are omnipotent beings and can easily handle the situation. Thus, they never cared if they will live or die as long as they did their best for the honor of the empire.

"Place your bets here if you believe that the Crown Prince will win against the monsters in the west before the Duke will win against the rebels."

"Then place your bets here if you believe otherwise."

"That's too boring. For me, I'll place bets that the disposable prince will die first before the duke."

"Well, I will place my bets for the crown prince with the blood of the dragons over the duke who is cursed."

"People are getting silly."

Of course, there are people who doesn't really mind of the outcome of the fight as they were not involved. They will sit in a corner while playing their bets on who will win the fight and who will die. The bets went on, may it be a commoner or an aristocrat, young or old--- they took their part and made the plight of others as their entertainment.

But nobody could stop them, as the two have quite a unique background.

The two heroes who fought the battle since they were seven, who brought back glory and victory everytime they went to fight, were treated as beings with a purpose to put themselves on line for the Empire and the people. Nobody actually praises the two wholeheartedly as the Duke was considered a demonic being and the other, the Prince is considered a replaceable royal.

It is a bitter scene as the two of them have to take every battle and always bring home glory but were still regarded as useless due to their backgrounds.

It is laughable that the two who were the ones who always protects them were not given enough and just credit for their sacrifices. But who to blame? It is the people? Is it the empire? Is it the Duke or the Crown Prince himself? No. However, the people just wanted to believe what they wanted and go with how the others think despite everything.

They even assumed that the convention were just a political talk for personal interest and a way to extort money from the citizens. But of course, they were correct on that part, it cannot be covered up that someone is likely to take advantage of the situation and make their bellies full.


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