Every detail I see in him.

His pale white skin.

His foreign and childish presence.

His remarks and nonsense questions.

Even his mole at his right shoulder whenever he wears sleeveless and in his left leg whenever he wears shorts. These things are half of the details I know of him.

It makes me question, is it because I'm used to living with him now? Or that I am just bored and just want to look around my apartment, all I see is his laptop, his coffee, and him, typing aggressively.

"I told you to work on the papers already." 

I say to him and he fixes his glasses.

"Ten more minutes and I will do it. I just need to fight this stupid monster." He answers and I sigh.

He's like a kid that needs to pay attention to, he's not even acting on his age.

Boom! Boom!

"I did it!" He exclaims.

"Great, now work on your papers," I said to him and he pouts.