"Can I do something even crazier?" 

I didn't know what to say to him. I just looked at him and I think my throat is already dry from eating these popcorns without water to drink. That is why I quickly stood up and gives him the half-emptied popcorn bowl from the sofa and says, "I-I'm thirsty."

And I slowly walked to the kitchen without being clumsy because the house is dark and the only thing that has light is coming from the screen. 

I open the refrigerator and grab the pitcher, and pour it over the glass. I am so thirsty! Is this the effect he has on me? What is this feeling that I am getting? Looks like something will happen and... no. Don't think like this.

I went back to my seat and gulps again, I looked at the movie and I think it's about to end or something, I don't know but the scene is already having a happy ending.


He calls again.