"I'd like you to meet Cristy, Jess, and Fresto."

I introduced Ellis to them as we visit the coffee shop, he have been bombarding me with questions about the job that I am working at and who I am with, so I decided to tour him around the area and meet my co-workers. And also, Fresto and I talked about what to do and what not to do while Ellis is with me.

"Oh my! You are so cute." Cristy says.

"We've met officially." Jess smiles and takes his hand, "You are really cute, Ellis… your little brother is cute." She mentions to me.

"I know." I whispered which Ellis shyly smiled back at me, then turned his head to them, "Nice meeting you." 

"What do you want to have? You must try our cheesecake! It's on the house." Cristy says.

"Oh, no-no. There's really no need-" I stopped but she insisted and we just accepted it.

"Go ahead and have a seat, I'll ready everything up." She added and I nodded, gave her thanks.