"Shoot me."

I gripped the gun, still pointing directly at his chest.

This is my dream revenge and there's no way I will miss this chance to kill him.

"My dear Ellis—" I was about to shoot him but all of a sudden, the sound of the gun came towards us, shooting directly at Alexander's head.

I am still standing in front of the lifeless body on the ground.


But I didn't pull the trigger, who... who shot him?

I turned my head to my side and there he is, holding the gun and unexpectedly shooting his brother.

"Ellis." His voice is calm and reassuring.

"W-why did you... he's your bro—" I was cut off by his big arms wrapped against my body.

The feeling that he's giving to me right now is quite familiar.

"I'm glad that you are safe." He says, caressing my head. Making me insanely cry my heart out.

This feeling... the father feeling that I had longed for.

"EL!" That voice.