"Our team already checked everything."

"That's great, what about Haze? How was he?"

"He surrendered himself to the police and will be sentenced for lifetime imprisonment."

I nodded, "If that's the case, please let me know the details."

"Sure, nice working with you, Griffin." He smiles like nothing happened, but I guessed he's smiling because of the accomplishment that he had last week.

It made him better for revenging his father.

"Likewise, Adrian." I answered and I left his mansion, pulling out my phone and the only message that I received was from Eryx, telling me if the work is doing great.

So I replied, it was done. I can see him every day now.

"Took you a while to come out."

I looked up and see him leaning against the car, waiting for me.

"I didn't expect you to be here waiting."

He pouts, "I asked Adrian if you are already done so... I came."