Cambiare: to change.

Yang Liu still worked at the convenience store in Tongzhou. Zhou Yongliang had stopped working there, but he didn't follow the lead.

Zhou Yongliang had a financial supporter now, and he could live comfortably in Haidian without needing to work. The situation was different from Yang Liu, who was still trying to be independent. It had been so long for him to be a bother for Hwang Jihyuk and his family, and he tried to support himself little by little.

Yuan Dongping's offer yesterday was quite tempting. He could gain two advantages if he lived together with Zhou Yongliang. First, he could hand back his apartment unit to Hwang Jihyuk, and he could lessen his debt to the older guy that way. Second, he could be with Zhou Yongliang 24/7 if they lived together. Just imagining it made him smile a little.

"Oh! You can smile too, Yang Liu?"