Sharp: a symbol that raises the pitch of the note by a semitone.

["What are you doing?" Huang Jianguo was asleep until a few seconds ago, but now his eyes were wide open.

He was still lying on his bed, and a lady hovering above him with a knife in her right hand.

The lady froze, not expecting that the man would open his eyes when she still didn't get the chance to stab the man right on the chest.

"I... I just don't want to die alone!"

Huang Jianguo stared at the lady coldly before bringing his body to get up from the bed, forcing the lady to shift from her position as well.

"I've told you my secret, but this is what you want to do to me?"

The look in Huang Jianguo was mixed. He was sad, upset, and disappointed as well. He had trusted the lady, to the point that he told the lady about his identity. But to pay for his trust, the lady wanted to kill him instead.