Pezzo: a composition.

Yang Liu was like an empty sheet of paper flying along with the wind. The paper didn't even have a choice to fly in which direction and could only follow the wind blow. If the wind brought him to the west, then he could only follow. If the wind brought him to the south, he had to follow as well.

But then the wind decided to drop him in a person's hands and the person caught him without a hassle. Yang Liu was like an empty sheet of paper, but when the paper was in a person's hands, then he could only let the person write on him anything the person wanted to write.

Unfortunately, that person wasn't Zhou Yongliang, but he was Yang Dong. Yang Dong had complete control over Yang Liu after the young vampire lost all his memory.

Yang Dong was like a composer with a piece of paper in his hands. He could create a composition on the paper as he wished.