Looking back, I remember the worried expression worn by my old man, as he tries to figure out who had the nerve to set explosives in the proud mansion of the Adelstens.
I can recall him pointing a finger at me, shouting, "don't move a muscle Cory! Don't move a muscle! I will protect you, no matter what it takes!" or so he claimed.
That was pure bull, but I went along with it and stayed on the sofa, a leg rested above the glass-top table. I clicked the button attached in the feet of the furniture that opened a box of canned sodas hidden under the marble tile of the mansion. Quite the advance technology we have in this house, and I take advantage of it whenever I wanted.
My phone started ringing even before a single drop of grape juice could make it down my mouth. "Code 4?" I asked nonchalantly, as I use the back of my palm to wipe away the dews of grapes on my lips.
"Hello~ Hello~ My sweet Corundum! I heard father's plan and I don't like a single bit of it. Go ahead! Be free!" the voice that called need not even introduce herself, since her cheerful yet seductive way of speaking already gave her identity out.
"How are you able to contact me?" I asked Topaz.
I just can't believe that she was allowed to use a telephone from the Frisco Asylum.
A giggle escaped her lips, before she responds with, "the youngest spilled the beans. You know Lady Sniper is also a great hacker." Topaz sounded so proud, I couldn't help but to be amazed myself.
Thanks to the explosive accident, I was able to make it out of the Mansion without any bruises. I was saved. The call ended with Topaz telling me that she loves me and our youngest Laurice, but what followed broke my heart - torn apart in fact.
Screams mixed with laughter and painful noises drowned the telephone line.
"We got her! Be careful, don't step on the landmines!" said the voice of her caretaker.
1.5 END
"It's freeing to lead, right sisters?!"