The Spy

"How old are you?"

"Hunh?" no one had ever asked me that question before."And another thing-- before Clan Hakorhi was wiped out, did you have any boys you were dreaming of marrying?"

"Rudolph," I gaped, then collected myself, " these are ridiculous questions!"

He shrugged.

"I knew you wouldn't answer me,"


"Forget it, sister. You were saying--?"

But I got no further.

"I sense two strong people in the room," it was Iria, coming from wherever in the world it was that she went off to since dawn. I had not seen much of her after our escapade with the Investigation Bureau Officers who were bent on arresting us the time we had placed a notice out asking any magic users in the capital to meet us at someplace.

"Where have you been?" I asked her. She ignored me, instead putting down her sword and the leopard skin bag she always carried slung across ome shoulder at her back.

"Rudolph. You're a level two mage now, congratulations," she had her back to us, me and Rudolph sitting cross-legged on the floor of the room I shared with my sister.

"Sister Nei here helped me," Rudolph said pointedly.

"I know, of course. Sweetie, you can see that eldest big sister is too busy to train you. I'll let Nei handle the basics. When it comes to swordplay now--"

"Iria," I interrupted, " Rudolph will be coming of age next year,"

"I know, of course. We'll hold a small party in his honor," she still had her back to us, mixing some of my powders in a cup. "Hmm. So many things to plan for. So many things to plan for. So many events all heading towards one spot," she murmured, "say, Nei, have you heard the latest news?"

"I overheard our neighbors Madam Sivan telling her daughter about it," I replied without feeling.

"What is it?" Rudolph was curious.

"Oh, a lot." Iria said carelessly, finally turning around and holding a steaming cup to her lips.

"Hope you got the right ingredients?" I asked worriedly as she took a gulp and looked revolted.

"Yes," she wiped her mouth with the back of his hand, "as per the news-- the crown prince will be getting married-- or rather, selecting a crown princess,"

Rudolph sneered.

"Boring stuff, I guess?"

"Oh, it will be colorful," she leaned against the table, taking another revolting gulp of her steaming drink, she continued in her nonchalant tone, "I have half a mind to send Nei there to--"

"You don't dare," I growled.

"Silly girl-- we need a spy in the palace. You don't get to contradict me being second. And you didn't let me finish being third," she strode over and sat heavily on my bed, which was laid neatly otherwise hers, "who said I'm sending you to contest, silly! At least if you had my looks--" she broke off, "I am sending you to be an attendant of one of the contestants,"

"Not so good, but better," I said, getting up and went to sit by my sister while Rudolph watched us, "so, you have someone in mind?"

"I not only have someone in mind, I've arranged everything," she said casually, "and that, siblings, is where I've been all day. Duke Karlem's recidence,"

"Ohh-- I know the miss," Rudolph said excitedly, "Miss Araharn. Her brother is my best friend,"

"Nice," said Iria, "for that was the excuse I used to enter the manor and arrange everything nicely," she smiled for the first time that evening.

"Is Miss Araharn nice?" I asked my brother.

"I don't know. She's not bad to Axlah, though. He says she's silly about her beauty,"

"She would," murmured Iria, " but there are some people," she tossed her hair over her shoulders as she said this, "who don't need to take a bathe to look pretty," and she pinched my cheeks playfully, "in any case, Nei, serve your mistress well,"


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