A Major Misunderstanding

A week passed quickly in a blur for some, yet to Nessa, it crawled as slow as a tortoise. 

The past days at school haven't been exactly easy nor pleasant. Everyone hated her guts, most especially the girls - well, excluding Aimee. 

Her Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms were filled with hate messages. Who cares? After all, it made her one of the most noticed person at school. Screw Damon for that, regardless.

And yes she hasn't apologized to him. She was adamant on Damon receiving it in hell. Nessa was never the type to give up on a competition and he sure fired her up. 

So Damon's private demoness Erica tried every means possible to make her life miserable, Aimee did her best to put a smile on her face. And did she forget to add that Luke wasn't as douche as she thought?

On several occasions where she had been cornered with no means of escape by the male bullies, he had been the one to rescue her. 

But that doesn't mean they were friends. Sure, both of them could now exchange greetings and make small talks yet that was the limit. Gosh, that guy still gave her the creeps with his lascivious gawking and he was not abashed about it.

"You just need to say yes baby girl, and I'll give you the night of your life you'd never forget in a hurry" he would always flirt with her once he got the opportunity.

And yes, she hated to admit it but she was attracted to him a bit, like who wouldn't? 

Luke was tall with this incredible silky brown hair and cerulean blue eyes one could stare at for eternity. Like every other athletic male, his body was properly proportioned and muscled; he was just hot.

Yet Nessa wasn't stupid, there must be a reason why Luke had an interest in her, which was to get into her pants - he wanted a fuck buddy which she wasn't. 

Aimee had told her that he changes girls as quickly as he changes his God damned underpants. None of his relationships survives past twenty four hours - he's done with each girl after the night of passion.

Nessa must have gotten his attention after her famous difference with prince Damon and as awful as this sounds, she was now a local celebrity - thankfully, her mom has not heard  about the news. The woman would not take the bullying as a joke. 

Unfortunately for Luke, Nessa was a romantic. If she were to have a boyfriend, it would be someone who loves her to the bone and not just to share a night with her. So dating Luke was a no-go area.

Currently, Nessa  was headed to the library to get more information on this project she was working on. After getting the textbooks she needed from the bookcases, she occupied the next available seat she could find.

Well, it was good to be hated because you're avoided like a pest. Once she sat down, Nessa realized the girls who sat on the seats earlier stood to their feet and left with disgusts written all over their faces.

"At least take your flowers before leaving, I'm clearly not the recipient nor bin," She said after them but they went their way without looking back.

Nessa took one of the rose bouquets and sniffed out of curiosity. Not bad, she thought. But seriously, the library assistant let them come in with this? That's so unfair! The attendant was so strict with her!

Pushing the flowers to the side of the desk, Nessa resumed her research. But she didn't have to read for long before a certain special voice interrupted her.

"Aw, they're so lovely, thanks for getting me flowers"



She turned around that moment to face the guy that caused the misery she was passing through currently. Speak of a party pooper. What was he doing here? She didn't remember inviting him. 

Since that day they had that quarrel and the cafeteria episode, she hadn't set her eyes on him again and was extremely grateful for that. But now, here he was again spurting nonsense. Why would she get him flowers, was she crazy? That would be the last thing even if he was the only man remaining on earth. 

But why was he staring at her with that odd glint in his eyes? Was there something on her face?

Damon winked at her with a lopsided smile and leaned closer to her discomfort, "I love girls who take the initiative in confessing their feelings to the boy they love"

"Seriously, not again," Nessa mumbled under her breath while making sure to get enough space between them. She didn't want any nonsensical scandal with these students once again. This time, they might as well accuse her of raping their prince. 

She glanced up, glaring at him murderously "How many times do I have to put it in that coconut head of yours that I'm not interested in you?"

With that being said, Nessa was expecting him to leave when Damon declared, "You're funny, and I like that."

Nessa rolled her eyes, like she would fall for that cheesy line, "For God's sake, please leave me the hell alone" she groaned out of frustration, gripping her hair tight.

Damon frowned, "If you don't like me, why did you get flowers for me then?" He asked, pointing to the flowers on the desk.

Nessa really wanted to cry this time, what has she done to deserve this prick in her life? She could punch him in the face but that would upgrade the student's hatred towards her to level two. So she took a deep breath, in and out, hoping to solve this logically without bursting into anger.

"Do you just assume any flower placed on a desk is yours?" She asked through gritted teeth, her patience was dwindling rather quickly.

To her surprise, Damon who leaned on the desk with his jaw propped up, took the seat beside her, making her feel a little overwhelmed by his proximity.

She had to admit Damon was a very, very, handsome guy. If Luke was hot, Damon here was an adonis. But it was not like she was going to tell him that. 

Alluring hazel eyes with blue flecks, he could mesmerize someone with it- if he had the ability. Damon had dark brown hair with an angular jaw and thick eyebrows that was a complete waste on him- Seriously, that's unfair, God! Women need it more!

Damon wore this grey shirt that was snug on him, highlighting his toned body that could only be achieved with lots of workout and selected diets.

"Not if it was placed beside you and you're sitting on my desk" He continued.

But Nessa couldn't help but watch the way Damon's beautifully shaped pink pouty and sensual lips moved, until "my desk " registered in her head.

"Wait, what?Your desk?! How's that possible…." Nessa faltered when she saw Damon point to the spot just beside the flowers, where his name "Damon Clair" was written boldly on it and on several corners of the four-seat surrounding the desk.

Nessa had been so focused on finishing her project, she didn't have the time to spot out these little details. But how could someone own a spot in the school library? Oh, his parents were sponsors, she remembered. Ugh, she got herself into shit, again! 

"I can explain," She started, "The flowers aren't mine, and I didn't know the seats nor desk were yours either."

Damon grinned at her, "I know they're yours, darling. Your pretend game is getting tiring" 

Then he took her hand without warning, saying," You're just feeling shy to express your feelings for me. But don't worry, a lot of girls before you felt that way too "

Nessa rubbed the bridge of her nose with her free hand, how was she going to clear this major misunderstanding with this coconut head. Does this narcissistic bastard assume everyone's in love with him? 

"I'm not feeling shy and please, I need my hand back" she gave him a fake smile while trying to loosen her hand out of his grip. Seriously, where was the library attendant when she needed her?

Again, that narcissistic jerk grasped her other hand too, "No, No, Red. I don't bite, so if you could stay still, I'll-"

"I'm sure you heard the young lady say 'let go,' Damon," someone interrupted us.

Nessa whipped around to see Luke standing in all his glory and, glaring dangerously at Damon with a clenched fist.

Great! Nessa facepalmed mentally.

 Now this idiot was coming to add to her problems. This wasn't going to end well.