
The next day.

Jonas was sleeping on his bed. But he was not having a very peaceful one. His eyes kept twitching from time to time. His mouth quivered as if he was struggling to say something.

He was having a nightmare in today's sleep. In the dream, there was a person, who kept saying things from time to time making himself and the other kids sitting beside him laugh.

Jonas was in the group as he too laughed till the point of having tear from his eyes. He was having shortness in his breath.

The scene changed as the person stood there at a distance of 100m. The children ran alongside Jonas to catch up to the person. But try as they might they couldn't catch up to him, so they tried to shout toward the person.

It was as if their mouths were blocked they tried desperately to say something but they couldn't say it. Jonas was there to trying to scream clutching his neck with his hand in an attempt that he could say a word, at last, the man disappeared saying the word 'Farewell'.

"NO!!" screamed Jonas as he woke up waving his hands in his front. But then it hit him 'it was a dream.

Martha opened the door and kept her pace till she reached Jonas bed with worry written all over her face.

Silvos followed after Martha but he paced calmly. He wouldn't change his expression till something grave happens to his young master.

Jonas was breathing heavily as Martha placed her hand over his forehead. It was burning.

So she took the thermometer placed near the bed, on the table. She checked Jonas temperature, it was in the average range of fever.

"It hasn't come down yet," said Martha with worry over her face.

Jonas was feeling dizzy since he woke up. He understood the fact that he had some sort of illness after Martha had placed the thermometer in his mouth.

"What is happening to me," Jonas said weakly as he got scared. His body was hot, he was feeling weak with the feeling of pain coming from every part of his body.

"Don't worry you will be fine if you take a sleep" said Martha with a reassuring smile making Jonas feel at ease.

After Jonas came wet all over his body from the park she had been keeping an eye by checking on him every half hour to see if he had developed a fever.

Late at night, he had developed a fever so she had prepared some medication and soup for him at that time. She had placed the blanket till his neck. And to relieve him from head pain she had placed a water bag filled with some ice on top of his forehead.

Martha got into the kitchen to warm the soup reaching for some child's fever medicine.

As Martha was preparing the hot broth for Jonas, Silvos was having his own chat.

"You guys never make me worry-free for a second right," said Silvos shaking his head in a left-right manner.

"Hehe" Jonas laughed embarrassingly as he remembers Silvos concern for him last evening in the park.

Silvos could only shrug his shoulders over Jonas reply. He too knew it was not Jonas fault.

'Seriously man, the weather changed in a mere half an hour from its usual cloudiness' it was perplexing for Silvos too.

He had left them because some work had come in Anjos restaurant that required his attention. While he was doing the urgent task, the rain had started. So he had to hurry back to the park where he found the kids that had got wet all over their body.

He had to drop them at their homes because he had some compassion and sympathy for Jonas friends.

Silvos continued to taunt Jonas as Martha was busy in the kitchen. Jonas could only listen to all his lecture. He was feeling weak so he had no desire to argue with Silvos.

Martha returned to the room with a tray in her hand as she got to listen to Silvos ramblings.

"You -- you are bullying an ill kid!!!" She got so angry at Silvos that she almost fumed hot air.

"No no that, I was sayi..." Silvos got scared by his wife and tried to explain to her but was cut off by her.

"Shut up," Martha said shutting Silvos mouth.

"Hahaha" Jonas laughed heartily today for the first time seeing Silvos expression.

Martha fed him soup and gave the fever tablet to him with some warm water.

Jonas drank the soup as some energy entered his body making him somewhat better.

"Now rest well, ok," Martha said with a warm expression.

Jonas got into his blanket.

"You can call me if you need something, I am here" Martha assured Jonas as she changed the water bag with a new one.

Jonas wanted to open his mouth but just nodded to Martha closing his eyes.

She waited near Jonas till he slept.

"You should get medicine for him," said Martha looking toward Silvos who just nodded but didn't speak.

Silvos got into the car towards the pharmacy.

Martha was proficient in various food and drinks but she was skilled in making good medicinal drinks too.

This was Martha's main speciality, she was a half-a-master in the art of magical herb processing.

All the herb remaining in the villa were meant for an adult. The potency of the adult magical herb was quite high and could cause many complications if used on kids.

The adult could absorb the medicinal herb quite efficiently due to the presence of their developed core.

The core acted as a digestion centre taking away all of the magical potency of taken pills or medicinal drinks. Processing those pure ingredients provided the energy required for the whole body to heal.

This was a reason that adults had a greater affinity toward the medicine as compared to the kids.

The kids like that of Jonas age have an undeveloped core. So they can't be given high potency drugs as it could cause serious side effect. Therefore, Martha requested Silvos to bring some herbs with low potency.

Meanwhile, the same story was repeating in his friends' homes. Some of them had a fever while some had the symptom of both cold and fever, while some experienced fever with a loss of appetite.

Tim was the one with a loss of appetite.

They were all experiencing hot bodies.

Some changes were happening to their body due to the addition of an imprint on their soul.