
The next day

Jonas was whistling sometimes in the proper song tune or sometimes making weird noises.

"Whee whee wheee"

It was morning time, he had changed in his school uniform and was eating his breakfast.

He was happy because he doesn't have to take any more medicinal drink as he was fully fit like a 6-year-old kid.

Martha and Silvos had decided to keep his parent's homecoming a surprise.

He looked eager as a child as he finished his breakfast waiting for the bus.

The bus stopped as he got into the bus sitting with his friends.

"Hi guys" he greeted them.

The five people Rich, Frieda, Tim, Robin, Annie and Leon had taken seats together and were chatting in a somewhat low voice when they heard the greet.

"Did you had Fever too" Tim came directly with his question not caring to greet him.

"How do you know, wait you had fever too," Jonas asked curiously taking a seat beside them.

"Sshh" Robin indicated with a finger covering his mouth.

"You know we talked and found out everyone had a fever" Rich just stated the fact calmly.

"Haha, we all got wet you know," said Jonas stating another fact.

"Why so mysterious," Jonas asked as they were acting like they were hiding a secret.

"You know Howell grandpa" Frieda pointed to a clue related to the crux of the matter.

"He had so cool superpowers, maybe it was related to the pain" Leon was quite excited by the old man's superpowers, so he was looking forward to the test the old man had given.

Jonas and everyone present there had mixed feelings toward him. They were sad by the fact that the grandpa that had watched upon their every game, told them stories was no longer going to be present with them.

"No one will tell us delicious stories again," Tim said as his face was down.

They were pretty excited by the gifts that he had given them. The power had had showed them was phenomenal. Summoning Clouds and Lightening and vanishing on the spot. They had never watched anyone do that.

Even Jonas who sometimes used his parent's power to play had not seen something to that extent.

All kids eyes twinkled by his power.

The last the pain that he bestowed them. They got goosebumps and chill on their back just thinking about the pain they had to experience.

The kid comes calling upon their father and mother name after getting bumped on a wall.

'I will never forget it' the kids thought as their eyes got sharp unknowingly

They held the grudge.

The student near them noticed the glare they had directed unknowingly making them scared. The first student got scared and started crying as more and more followed him.

"What happened," The teacher said as she got toward the back of the bus finding more cries filling in the bus.

Every bus had a guardian in the form of a Teacher that maintained the order of the bus.

Jonas and his friends got scared by the ruckus caused by them.

"How it happened" Jonas started to panic.

"Wha-what , how"Robin said something incomprehensible for him too.

The teacher was reaching to their sit.

They didn't want to face punishment for something they didn't know how the hell happened.

The panic was reaching them. Bounding them with threads upon threads.

They were at their last leg when Jonas got an idea.

So he started crying... with fake tears.

Tim and others too joined him in a timely manner.

The teacher got confused reaching till the last sit of the bus. She couldn't find the culprit, so she joined with the bus conductor in quieting down the kids.

The bus reached the destination as the kids got to their respective classes.

Something happened at that bus that didn't go noticed like the culprits.

Robin was crying... with real tears.



The alarm rang indicating the start of the classes.

Period after period passed with teacher teaching, the kids doing mischievous things and the kids fighting at some point or another.

Nothing much happened till the bell indicating the end of the classes came.

Jonas and his group came out from the main entrance. As the group continued chatting with one and another, laughing and yelling at each other during the conversation. Till Robin's voice sounded.

"I will not come to the park today" Robin continued in his usual low voice.

Jonas was quite surprised by him and asked "Why".

The group had entered the bus.

"Me too, my mom is quite upset by my fever," said Rich.

"Not come, not come," said Leon the most spirited one among the group. He singed.

Frieda, Annie too said their reasons. When Tim chimed in

"I am hungry," Tim said while touching his belly.

"Ok" Jonas as he was feeling low.

Seeing him in a low mood, Tim suggested.

"We can play online game"

Hearing his voice Jonas self finally relaxed. Some others too voiced their opinion. They will be playing with him too.

The kids needed some time to get through their trauma. So they will need a break from their usual routine for a few days.

There was something else that the old man had bestowed them.

'THE LOST CONTINENT' The kids thought at some point or another.

They were looking forward to their first goal. An ambition they could strive for.


The bus stopped as Jonas got down to his destination.

He was thinking about something and going toward the main door of the villa while humming a tune. When he heard a voice.

"Hey champ" Arnas sounded through the door.

"Hi baby," Nasha said in her usual soft voice.

They had gotten around 12:00 clock. They were eagerly waiting for their son to come back from school. They had made their mind to give him a shock.

"Mom, Dad," Jonas said hoarsely as he couldn't say anymore. His voice choked in his throat and his eyes wetted as he ran toward his parents hugging them.

They supported him with each arm hugging toward their respective necks. They ruffled his hair but didn't say anything else.

They let him pour his grievances and sadness. In the form of tears and snot.

After calming down a bit his father said in an annoyed tone.

"Eww, get off your stinky nose" As much he sounded irritated, he was happy.

"Gwaahaha" Jonas laughed as he got into a wrestle with his father.

Nasha smiled but didn't say anything. After fighting his father for a bit he ran toward his mother and hugged her.

"Mom, grawy ~ I ~los - - pai ~ jawaaa" Jonas cried as he tries to till his encounters in the past 2 weeks in a single sentence.

"Ok ok, tell me later, first let's eat the chocolate" Nasha could only divert his attention to the chocolate.

"Yes" he said as his mother wiped his tears.