Two year passed..

Two years passed

The imprint the old man gave the kids showed no response except enhancing their regeneration abilities.

Their food digested fast, they had strong stamina recovery capability compared to before.

Jonas spent his entire two years schooling, doing mischievous things from time to time and playing with his friends.

The treehouse his mother had made for him has become a base for him to play or try new games. His friends would visit him at the treehouse once a month.

There was once a time when those kids were playing indoor games and Nasha and Arnas had decided to prank them.

Nasha vitality flowed throughout the backyard as creepy looking vines and monster flowers started forming, making the whole backyard gloomy. Arnas powers too flowed throughout the backyard covering it whole with mist.

The kids got scared shitless as they got to meet with those scary-looking shadows throughout the mist. Sometimes touching those monster flowers or sometimes getting their foot on a living vine.

Jonas had told them that this might be his parent's prank to test their courage. They somehow got out from the backyard as Arnas and Nasha were guiding those kids from time to time.

It was the start of the hellish episode in those kid's life.


But something was there, scary than those creepy vines, that made Jonas life hell.

Arnas Training Regiment.

Due to him being in his development stage His father had made simple exercises for him.

In the first year






At first, he was pretty excited about it. He thought he had found his road to greatness.

But repeating the same exercises over and over again during those two years till he couldn't lift a single finger has taught him something.

It was never easy. Even the simple exercises he had gone over countless times had been hard for him.

The second-year passed by as Arnas has adjusted his training regiment.

His whole exercises went two-fold.






He never got his break. His mom who always showed him gentleness finally showed her other cold and ferocious side. Whenever he tried to seek her shelter to escape his father's training, punishment arrived for him.

"If you try to neglect the exercises, your chocolates would be on hold on for a week" His mother always said.

His whole world crumbled when he tried to neglect it and didn't get the chocolates in the whole week.

There were other punishments too, that he got rewarded with throughout the year.

He got the idea, that this time his parent was dead serious about his training.

It was not only his body and mind that has experienced their chances in the passing two years.

He had developed various fun skills during those two years.

His mother would leave various tendrils hanging from the various trees that have developed in those recent years.

Jonas would always try to hop on them from one point to another.

At first, it was dead hard. He couldn't balance on even the tendril that he his body would be hanging on.

He would slip and fall from different heights ranging from 2m to 10metres. But he never got hurt, his mom always supported him sometimes saving him by weaving net from those tendrils or sometimes leaving safety measures by growing a type of sponge grass that would absorb his impacts when he falls on the ground.

But as time passed he got proficient in it. He could hop from one to another surprising many creatures he met in the process.

His father had taught him ice skating. Arnas would always use his powers to freeze a part of Pearl lake. And leave Jonas on his own to practice and stand on the ice with shoes specially designed for cold areas.

It would have been an easy skill to develop but there was a twist to it that made it even harder than hopping and running in between the trees.

The layer of ice Arnas has frozen was extremely thin. Whenever Jonas would try to put a little pressure on his hand or his foot, the area around him would crack and he would get himself wet.

But unlike his mother, he didn't have any safety measures to save him from getting wet again and again.

His balance on the thin ice layer improved again till he could run on it.

While he was experiencing his hell throughout those two years, his friends were not spared. They all had parents that would always seek betterment for their kids. So they too had to experience their hell in those two years.

But unlike Jonas whose training could be described as a part of hell. Theirs were comparable to heaven.

His best friends Rich and Fried noticed the difference between themselves and Jonas since their first month.

Those two didn't want to get far away from him, so the duo decided to meet Arnas and Nasha.

Arnas and Nasha had told them about the importance of a mentor in one's training, telling those two kids about the exercises that Jonas had gone through the entire month.


POV That Moment

"How could he do these exercise" Rich yelled looking toward Arnas.

"How can he do these" Frieda didn't believe it.

"I know kids you are sceptical, how about I show you guys," Said Arnas while smiling towards the duo.

Arnas and Nasha each hold a kid and took them toward the backyard where Jonas was training. They kept a distance so that The four could see Jonas but Jonas can't see them.

15, 16... Jonas was doing his squats. His whole body was covered in sweat. He panted hard while he counted those numbers.

The two kids watched the cold hard truth with their own eyes as he finished his squats to move toward the small pond his father had dug for him.

He rested for 5 minutes. After getting proper rest he submerged his whole body in the pond as he counted silently in his mind.

"What is he doing," Rich asked as Jonas didn't come out from the pond.

"He is holding his breath," Nasha said while smiling gently toward the duo.

2 minutes passed as Jonas came to the surface. He opened his mouth as he gasped for oxygen. He couldn't lift a single finger as he rested on the grass. His chest heaved heavily from time to time as he falls asleep.

"It's too cruel," said Frieda as she watched toward Jonas parents with a tear in her eyes.

"How c~can he do this" Rich said as his whole body trembled.

"Child, you don't know the word cruel yet," said Nasha as she understood Frieda mentality.

The word 'cruel' as monsters devoured innocent humans. The humans murders other innocent humans or beast for his own greed. Nasha knew the true meaning but didn't say it to those kids.

"He will get past you guys, in a few months," Nasha said.

"If you want to be better than that kid, you have to go through all this daily," said Arnas as he pointed toward the sleeping Jonas.

"If you want to do this, ask for someone as your mentor or you can ask us to guide you from time to time," said Nasha as she guided those kids toward their home.

Arnas and Nasha watched as Silvos volunteered to drop them safely at their home.

It was an act. An act to motivate those two kids so that they wouldn't feel ashamed or discouraged when they watch the better Jonas after a few years.

Jonas too was a part of the act he didn't know. His parents had bribed him with chocolates if he could complete today's training by himself.


POV Present

There was a month remaining to Jonas awakening.