Chapter 8

The cycle that Alex planned went on for a few days until Croagunk was finally at level 14 which, from that they gained

alot of food in the process.

Alex was feeling confident and so he decided they were going to try and defeat the Joltiks, remembering that they were all at level 11.

But he wasn't too confident however since they, along with Croagunk could have also level'd up.

But he still decided to try since he was running out of Oran berries and he wanted to save the other berries in case of an emergency.

When they arrived they hid behind a bush hoping to not be spotted, Alex checked there levels and he was right,

they were all level thirteen except the one with the compound eye ability, he was at level 15.

Alex, seeing that they were in a group waited for them to spilt up.

They waited for almost one hour but the joltiks didn't move from the spot, feeling bored and frustrated Alex had to come up with a new plan.

He thought about it until he came up with a plan the plan was dangerous however, one mistake and someone could get hurt.

His plan involved Croagunk so he asked him if he was ok with it.

without much thought Croagunk said yes trusting his trainer.

He thought about again for a few minutes, not wanting Croagunk to get hurt he looked back at all the stats of joltik and he saw one key thing in it, the only electric type move that they knew was electro web, and a Pokemon would have to touch the web to actually get hurt.

So Alex told Croagunk what to do, he nodded and the plan went into action.

Croagunk went towards the Joltiks, they turned to look at him but didn't mind, seeing that it was a fellow Pokemon, they would be peaceful, but if he touched none of there berries they would not tolerate it.

Croagunk walked closer and closer to one of the berry trees, the Joltiks all turned to look at him, wanting to know what was going to do, they thought surely he won't try to take the berries, there was 1 of him and 9 of them.

When Croagunk was in front of one of the trees he stared at it, the Joltiks were all one edge preparing to attack.

Croagunk then jumped onto one of the tree and started ripping the tree apart, enraged all the Joltiks screeched and ran towards Croagunk, Croagunk seeing this also ran as fast as him possibly could, and since they were training most of the time was really fast, but he didn't run too fast, wanting to make the Joltiks follow him.

Acting quickly, Alex quickly ran over to the trees and started picking them as fast as he possibly could.

He also fond some 4 Pokeballs in one of the trees, he was surprised but took them too.

After his pockets were full he speedily ran away.

Meanwhile with Croagunk

Croagunk was going to the direction that Alex told him to, The Lake.

He was not sure why, but he did as he was told.

When he arrived he quickly jumped in the lake.

The Joltiks, still enraged also followed.

Croagunk swam away from the group, now seeing what Alex ment.

The Joltiks could not swim very well, most of them could not swim.

The level 15 Joltik however could swim, albeit barely.

Seeing this Croagunk was confident so he charged in for an attack.

The Joltik was too focused on swimming that he didn't see Croagunk coming his way, his friends tried to warn him but he it didn't hear it on time.

Croagunk hit Joltik with his bullet punch his strongest attack.

Joltik was damaged but not fainted, however Joltik could not counter attack, so Croagunk had continuously fired off bullet punches at Joltik.

Until finally the Joltik fainted, the rest of the Joltiks, seeing their leader fainted got scared and ran away.

Croagunk however did not kill Joltik as Alex told him not too.

Alex later came to the lake to see Croagunk with a fainted Joltik by its side.

Alex then caught the Joltik.

Croagunk looked at Alex questioning but Alex just smiled.

He and Croagunk then walked back to the cave.