5. How To Make Someone Treat You


Trapped in a basement can be the worst possible clichéd up horror movie ideas. But since clichés are loved, I'm stuck in one.... Jane had come looking for me but said she spotted something. Maybe a ghost, hahaa. Damn, I'm scared. Ashley, save me from this mess! I had seen blood and couldn't contain my excitement of having run into a bloody case but I ran away not to get called as a weirdo. Fears are applicable only if you're alone. My opinion, though.

Ah, only if Tomoe or Sebastian would rescue this damsel in distress. Ahhh. Anyway, my flashback continues here... After running off to a nearby latrine, I had spotted a man going inside it very secretly. I should seriously get over my mania of writing and watching anime. I had thought the man was suspicious hence I sprayed water over him. Oops, wrong guy; I thought. If muttering a sorry, solved fights, then conflicts between nations would've been resolved with a mere word. Sadly enough, that was not it. I was made to dry the man's coat by the drier in the washroom and he didn't leave until he got it dried completely not leaving even a speck of a water trace. And that Linda... why did she just leave like that with Jane, abandoning me. And I got lost while playing with the lollypop-giver.

My hands ached like they were sprayed with acid. Ah, that Hitler of a man...! There was an hour's black out and I screamed for my life all through the passages and that's when Henry caught my resonance I suppose and followed it. But he got lost, ultimately. Poor kid. Even he gets lost in a place he has lived in for so long. I had explored the dark passageways of BPRO and reached the basement and upon hearing eerie sounds, I shut the door. Tightly jammed it as well. And when Al had maybe come looking for me ~Aw~ , he tried breaking this suspicious door open but I guess I was strong enough even for him to break it down.

No. No. No. He said he was annoyed by me and that I should rot here forever, and left. That bad bad very bad boy!

Alright. This guy's not gonna help me get outta here, is he? My good luck charm, Kevin Eleven, come out! Just kidding. Strike off the Eleven. I rummaged through my backpack and pulled out a neatly printed picture of the crush in question. Yep, I crush on him. Why? 'Cause... he's kind esp. to me.

I caressed the picture, hoping the magic of Aladin would work and a genie pops out. I grinned. No outcome. I puffed my lips. Whatever, maybe Tomoe is my husbando and good-luck charm. I took my phone out and tapped for the hottie's picture. Yep, there it was. Ah... internal peace. I squealed. I heard a clank, just then. Ok, Genie's grand appearance. Three wishes I should make. First, Tomoe should come to life and be mine... no, Kevin too... no, but Tomoe...

Alright, alright. I'll have to choose the 2-d over 4-d since that is justice for me. Yes.

Diversion aside. Was that a ghost, again? I can ready my heart for intimacy with Tomoe but not a ghost. Wait, maybe its viceversa. So, rationally I'm ready, am I not?

Marigold crouches as she searches for the magical being. She knows its there. Right here. Right? Hopefully, yes. Gulping, the heroine leaps into action to pounce on the fake-genie. C'mon, don't tell me I fooled you. Obviously its fake, duh.

The grey eyes glowed at me.

Maybe its not fake, afterall. Sorry. Save me, Princey! Else you'll have to come to me after a 100 years to kiss me to life but by that time, I'll be so old and you'll probably say, Ew and leave.

I bowed before the metal statue, asking for forgiveness of my sinful behavior, "Don't haunt me, please! Also, no exchange of souls either. I don't like love stories but want to be in one...I've to live, o' demon!"

"Stop your drama, drama queen. You knew I was here and still you acted like that..."

Jane appeared from behind the statue and I smiled mischievously, "Hell yeah! So, you are cool huh. Al is so awesome! I didn't know he'd have called Linda over for just an interrogation and they'd not even come to know of it. But Samantha was so sweet. She even gave me her lollipop and it was really yummy, I feel bad she doesn't know anything. And, Linda... she had all those evidential info. So like, Al was maybe spoon-fed?"

"Uh huh... Linda didn't believe me at first. She did mention Simon being a total nutcase but she never thought Sylvia could get murdered for that. Although I feel a little bad about not making the little girl know what the problem was about since she ought to know who killed her Aunt. But it'll be probably be when she gains sense. And, you naïve girl, that lollipop was for an object of endorsing friendship with you. That Samantha is clever. She wanted to know everything hence she befriended the most idiotic person there who could give her information she needed," Jane sighed, trying not to smile as I twisted my mouth. She opened the door which led out and we walked out, "And, Marigold, Al wasn't spoon-fed. It was Jack's plan to hack these people's minds. And, bingo! That happened...!"


Ashley ran to me, choking me, "Idiot girl! I was dead worried about you!"

"So, are you a zombie now?" I blinked, cuddling Ash even tighter. Love kills, I too should kill someone.

"Why are you always about zombies and what not... So, tell me the tales of my brave little soldier. Did you fight off those dead people or got freakishly excited at the sight of blood since it intrigued you?" Ashley raised an eye and kept raising it, as if nudging me to whistle at my crush.

"Yes, mommy. You know what happened...! I was there playing hide and seek with Sam or Samantha and then...!" I squeaked but Jane broke in. Ugh, don't you dare interrupt my flow of excitement else I'll forget what I've to say.

Marigold, the poor victim looked from one person to another. They were talking about some matters regarding school and happenings and societal matters. Uninteresting... just talk about something spooky... I dunno. I wanted some fun in life... something purely funny. Like this girl here- Ashley.

I sighed. Tomorrow is a Monday and a school day. And today is Halloween, right? Or tomorrow? I gawked at Ashley's hair and sniffed it. Fragrant. Too much fragrance. She eyed me narrowly. Hmm, so yes tomorrow is a Monday and Halloween too, "Yah-hooooo!" I screamed in the passageway as a few people entered from the back door, maybe office-workers, and looked at the strange hopping kangaroo in the passageway. Ash glowered at me as I quietened down.

My Sunday was wasted in solving a case. Poor Marigold, she has to face so much.

I turned to leave this boring conversation, just then Ashley called me, "Marigold, talk to Kevin. He just called me while I was hunting for you. He's snuck out of my mom's eye and come to say bye to you along with his friends in the Central Park. Quick, go," Ashley dropped the nuclear bomb at me as I dramatically dropped my bag and the stuff inside it scattered but then I quickly snuffed it all into the dump-bag.

"I-I-I-I- I'm gonna dash-! Bye-!" I squealed and turned to go but Ash pulled me back.

"Silly girl, are you gonna go without any make-up? C'mon, you're gonna be 15 soon. Learn to humanize." Ash grabbed my face and started painting it, probably. Ugh, make-up is too hard to maintain. Its time-consuming too. Useless to put any on. I kept stabbing my feet on the floor as Ash hit my shoulder to keep me still. Jane giggled, "You've such a motherly friend..."

Yeah, yeah. She even brushes my hair...

I recovered from my fantasies and grinned from ear-to-ear letting out my usual prolonged unuttered squeak. Now, I know why I'm famous for being called a rat. As I hurriedly scurried to the lovers spot, Ash called out, "Don't go alone! Tell someone to accompany you! Carry a pepperspray!"

"Yeah, sweetie! Ask Jack to accompany you. Don't get lost! Carry your phone!" Jane shouted, as I sighed, ignoring the usual remarks I receive when I go out just the speaker here was different.

"Call me after you reach!" Ash continued but I rushed off faster than ever. Jack was smoking out in the open. Perfect! I screeched to a halt. I was an amazing Formula1 car just now.

Jack gagged a bit of smoke, "Marigold, What the hell-?" he paused, recovering, "Why were you running like a race car?"

See, told you. "Drop me, Jack!" I held his sleeve tight.

"Sorry I'm not into murder." Jack blew inside the tiny cigarette.

"No, not from the terrace," he raised a brow, "At the Central Park. Kevin's waiting for me, there. Please...! I'll give you something in return..." I begged, quickly trying to search for bribe items.

"Yeah, gimme something huge and precious. Something worthy." Jack peeked inside my bag as I hid it from him. What if he'll see what I've and ask for them?

"Here," I gave him a colorful dum dum sucker as he stared at it. Worth it, right? Hopefully..., "Now please come with me!"

"A sucker for you 'cause you suck, eh?" Al appeared from the entrance. Wow, he's just everywhere, isn't he? Or is he just nosy? I'll forgive him for his cute looks, though.

"Hey there, hi. I've had a chat with Erwin and he said he'll come to meet you soon. His boarding house will release him shortly, haha." Jack laughed dully as Al came to us and grabbed the sucker from Jack.

"We'll share, ok?" Wait, isn't that unfairly cute? "Also, I've no interest in talking to him or meeting up. Tell him I'm busy either with my exams or Halloween or BPRO stuff." Al said, as he unwrapped the dum dum sucker but I kindly offered him another he refused but took it.

"C'mon, he's your cousin." Jack insisted as I tugged on him beckoning him to quickly finish talking. I am getting late!

"Cousin? You mean, foster-cousin? Nah. That's probably me. I don't belong in your family, Jack. Neither those long-distance relatives of yours have any sort of connection with me. I'm not a loner. Hell, no. But I prefer privacy." Al ended his speech and I applauded, impatiently scratching Jack's sleeve.

Al looked at me. I looked at him. Jack looked at us. Rick looked at us. Wait, where did he come from? Nevermind that. I can't tolerate another character's appearance and have his screen time, as well.

"Jack nii-sama! Pl-please lets move now..." I propped my favourite cat-eared hairband on my head.

"W-w-w-what-! You called him as big bro?! You too watch anime? Omg!" Rick fanboyed, approaching me.

"What, you too?! Omigosh. Do you know Narut-?" I screamed as Jack held my arm.

"Do you want me to drop you off or not?"

I recollected, nodding. "But, wait... I'll have to be blessed first by someone..." I looked at Al who twitched a bit, trying to escape but I grinned. You're my prey, Al.

I went to him and he, unwillingly pressed his hand to my head. Yes, the gloved hand, "What shall I say as blessings? Bless you, child?" He asked, quickly putting his hands into his pockets as Rick absent-mindedly stroked hand, staring at me. Ok, confirmed. I look pretty. Yes!

"Yes, that'd do. Thanks!" I grinned widely as Rick patted me even though he had no idea what was going on. Wait, then did Al know? Telepathy, yeah? Of course he'd. Badass psychic, huh. Must be cool to show-off.

I hopped from the stairs to the ground and happily sat behind Jack on the motorbike. Wow, I love motorbike rides.

"Hold on to me real tight. I'm gonna be fast." Jack warned. But if I hold tight, won't his shoulders hurt? 

"No, I'll hug myself. It'll hurt you if I hold..." I began as Jack turned just to shoot a glare at me.

"Are you Hulk? If not, hold tight, kid."

I nodded sheepishly as we took off and I blew the two boys a flying kiss. Rick waved at me and as expected Al didn't. Maybe he said, go away. 

The night had turned spooky. Maybe grim reapers come out at this time to reap souls and those who aren't reaped will be haunting humans? I gulped. Marigold's imaginations run wild and so do the windy noises right now. Girl, hold on tight. Not on to Jack, you'll crush his shoulder but onto reality.

The bike came to a halt. I got down and Jack smiled at me. I pointed at the group of guys in the corner of the dark place as we entered the Central Park, bought the tickets and walked on. Jack said he'd wait for me near the bushy area. He asked me to call him if anything goes wrong or if I need him. That was so sweet. Isn't he just like a brother or maybe an uncle? I nodded and went off.

I slithered quietly to scare Kevin. He was laughing with Daniel and Allen the singer. I took a deep breath and inched closer, not making a sound. Wait, can I eavesdrop a bit? Its not bad if people are talking good, right? Heehee. Marigold, don't. Don't.

Hell if I care. I don't. Whatever. I strained my ears, making sure I camouflaged my presence well in the bushes there. Hopefully, no bugs would get on to me.

"...she poured it all over me!" Daniel guffawed, thumping Kevin who rubbed a tear.

"Hey, when's she gonna come? Dude, you called her and she's taking her lovely time to come..." Daniel trailed off. You, bastard. I'm here but wait, I'll come and hit you after this session.

"No, she'll come. She's crazy about Kevin." Allen said, nudging Kevin who laughed, combing back his brunette sleak hair.

Heehee. Yes, I am, thanks Allen. But, wait how does he know? We're not a co-ed school neither the girls are bad enough to spread rumors, at least not my acquaintances. Is he a psychic too?

"C'mon. You guys always kid around uselessly. She just looks up at me. She's doesn't have a crush on me..., no." Kevin spewed shit just now. What? How can you say that, fool?

"Then what about you? What do you think of her?" Allen poured golden words in front of the guy. Love you, Al. No, no, Allen.

"She's cute. She's pretty, alright. She's average in studies," he cackled and I raised an eyebrow. I know that. I prefer not to study, yes. "And she's overall good. But, she's really immature, childish, girl-living-in-dreams and really naïve. Though that sometimes counts as adorable but these traits are what which don't make me interested in her. It's not that I don't like her. I do. I just don't like her as a romantic interest, that's it." Kevin said, as Allen kept drawing nail-designs on his nails.

Wow, so you don't like me at all? Just 'cause I'm childish? I'm naïve? An idiot? Haha, great joke. Funny, isn't it? I came here all too excited to bid a bye to my crush who rejected me even before I could confess.

"But, you were extremely kind to her and all those acts... I thought, maybe you liked her. You know, when we had get-togethers and Ash called her over, you were delighted too." Allen reasoned, shrugging the leaves that fell on his shoulder.

"Uh, that was to make my sister happy. Even though I hate that gorilla, I knew she'll be happy if I showed I was interested in talking to her bestie etc." Kevin said as Daniel fell on his shoulder, yawning.

"Man, your love story bores me..."

Oh, so that was it. Uh huh. Well, I wasn't interested to the core for you, anyway.

I came out of the bush, dusting off the leaves, "Hey, Kevin. Hi. Could you get these leaves off me please? I fell down and...see," I shrugged as Kevin shot up and with a tinge of gauche, helped me out of the mess. Isn't it weird? You messed my mind and now got me out of this mess? Ironically true, though.

"So...?" he began, trailing off looking at Allen who put his pony under his hoodie and dragged Daniel away, along with him.

"How's this?"


"This hair band..."

"Oh, cute as always."

"So, you are going to Ohio for Halloween participation instead of spending time with your family?"

"But I'm going with them and you live with your Aunt, right? So.."

"I'm talking about Ashley. Are you kidding, c'mon. I've a family of my own. Why would I want to spend time with you guys during Halloween? I'd love to but you and I are busybees." I said, fidgeting and smiling.

"Do you wanna say something to me?" Kevin asked, stroking his chin.

"Huh? No. oh yes, bub-bye. Have a nice time performing. I hope you get fans." I cheered on as he laughed away the 15 minutes that we talked.

As we bid the final bye, he enclosed me in a hug and I had to tip-toe to reach his shoulders. He was tall for a 15 yr old. Or I was short for a fourteen year old.

I rushed over to the sleepy Jack who got up abruptly asking if everything was ok. I laughed at his sleepyhead. I nodded and said I bid him a farewell and all went well. As we were on our way back to the BPRO, I remembered all those topics we talked about. Everything. I forgot how Kevin's face looked when he said stuff to me. That, Why couldn't I remember?

Ten pm. I should go to sleep, now. Well, usually I go real late to sleep but now I'm genuinely giddy from sleep. Jack went back to his room as Jane helped him walk. She winked at me, probably thinking something 'good' happened. Like what, hug? Well sorry if I don't get it. I'm just immature.

Ash came from the bathroom as I changed into a night suit, "Whoa, gurl. You scared me. So, what did my brother say? He didn't meet me, I had stuff to discuss with Jane so I said you'd love to meet him. And he gladly asked me to send you." She stroked me as she sat on the bed, next to me.

Jane had given us another room which got cleaned just today.

Uh huh... so he came here to meet his sister not me, "Hey, tommorrow's Halloween. We'll get to dress up as witches, finally! But now I'm thinking if I should be a banshee. What about you?" I stood up, jumping with excitement.

"Oh... yeah. Hey, there...there... had Allen come, as well?" Ash probed, buttoning up her shirt rather shakily.

"Hmm? Oh yes. He had tied his hair into a pony, too! He was so looking like an anime dude! But I still prefer the real deal." I threw my clothes on the floor and sprawled on the bed.

"Hey! Who's gonna clean up? I'm not!" Ash puffed and went to sleep, switching off the lights.

I sighed. So, Ash too knew Kevin doesn't like me, huh? Well, I know it 'cause she reacted rather normally. She didn't ask...

Ah, I think it was normal too. Because if I wouldn't have eavesdropped, I wouldn't have found out about it and would have still ran after him like a maniac so it's all for the good, isn't it? But I hate it. I should cry, shouldn't I? Cause if I don't, I'll feel weird later. Ok, little bit is fine. Only a little bit.

With that I let out all of it, I had locked and then peacefully dozed off.

Uneasily, I toss and twist in bed. The sheets I pulled to my face, make me feel hot. I kick them away. I hear Ash snoring and a cat purring. Wait, a cat? My eyes vibrate as I try to sleep but the purring seeps closer to my ears. I gather courage and shoot up in my bed. I look around. Nothing there. Only two closets, a dressing-table and a window with curtains. I look at the door. It is open and something just ran out. The cat? I grab my specs and dash outside to follow it. I pause. There is no cat. Then there's something running down in the Main Hall. The same cat of Miss Olivia. The dead one? I run downstairs. The Main door is open. I rush out and follow it without looking anywhere. In the silent roads when it's pouring. The cat purrs again, pausing in an alleyway. I walk slower to see what she saw. It's a woman in white. I can't make out her face. Maybe my vision is bad. She's glowing. Some psychic?

I turn back to look at the cat's reaction but she's not there and neither is the woman. And I'm standing before my school and it starts pouring heavily. I look around then enter the building. Why did I do that? I didn't want to. My dress is all wet and water drips. I can hear the sound of it, too. I peek into the classes. There are students, in costumes. Wait, I'm without a costume? And it's already daytime? I go to my class and enter it. Everyone is enjoying their trick or treat and playing pranks. I look around for Ash. Maybe she's here, too? Girls push each other and I fall, accidentally. They say 'sorry' and play away. I fell in fake blood. I've to wash it off. I turn to go.

"Hey, that costume suits you. You love cats, don't you?"

A girl speaks to me as I look at my shirt. It has all cats. I panic. I breathe hard. I rush, tripping, falling and getting up. I run to the bathroom. I don't have a shirt like that.

I pant as I wash my face and clean the fake blood away. I look into the mirror. Is my hair always this short? I clean my glasses and look again. Why is it still unclear? I take my specs off. I gasp. Who...who is this? Who's this girl I've become? I pant hard. The cat appears, stroking my feet. The lights blink and the purring increases. I'm pulled. Pulled with such a great force, I can't make out anything. Where am I being taken to? How? Who's pulling me? My screams are louder than the purring sounds. I land into something with a thud. Huffing, I desperately look for a way to escape from this darkness.

Where am I? I can't breathe. The air around me is suffocating me. Slowly I realize I'm inside a bag and someone's carrying it. A cat purrs as my breath fades. I try to reach out...for what? My hand is held by cold hands.

"Hey! Hey! Marigold! Wake up! Why are you screaming?" Ash looms into my vision as I sit bolt upright.

I pant. It was a fricking nightmare! Scared me to death. Do all nightmares seem so real? Was it some sorta prediction? Or just me deluding?

"Ash!" I breathe and drop my head with a sigh.

"You had your face covered. I told you so many times, not to sleep with sheets till your head. You look like a dead body. I know you do it to avoid ghosts 'cause they won't enter the holy territory of a person looking like a dead but you scare me. You were panting for breath and must be cause you watched a horror movie. Geez, get up and change into a proper costume. Rick's gonna be a clown in his school and I better be something scarier." Ash lectured early in the morning as I lazily got up, yawning. I really wanted to go back to sleep but I was too excited for the following day. I also wanted to narrate the scary dream to Ash but that scaredy cat would be triple times more scared than I was. Oh, but I got a good idea for my novel so it's fine to have nightmares once in a while.

"You already are scary. You don't need to work on it." Rick snickered, entering our room in his clown outlook. Hmm, ok. Good choice. Actually, creepily awesome. Ash stuck out her tongue at him. He copied her.

What should I become? Banshee? Hmm. Ok. Just have to open my hair and put excessive cream on my face and hands, enough to make me look like I'm a zombie who was once a banshee or vice versa. I high-fived Rick and went to the bathroom to refresh myself as Rick kept going on about what all anime we should watch together. I chose to ignore him since it seemed so funny that a clown is trying so hard to make things fun.

As I dabbed the face cream on my face, I thought about the dream I had. Or a nightmare? Whatever. That dream seemed too real. But c'mon it can't be real. I can somehow believe psychics and ghosts are real but me dreaming about something and it happening it in real is just too...no-no.

"Ta-da! How do I look?" I presented myself before Rick and Ash after about 15 minutes of working hard.

"You always are the first to get ready when it concerns make-up. And I always have to help you with it. I love to but you are annoying, gurl. Do it properly." Ash commented, still greasing her short brown hair with oil and some hair dye.

"No. I look good."

"That's the point. You shouldn't look good." Ash moaned as she pulled at a hair strand and Rick cackled like it was the funniest thing in the world.

There was a hustle-bustle in the corridors. Oh? So, it's a work day and I'd get to see life-size psychics working in the BPRO. Just then mischief tickled at the back of my head. I grinned evilly. And Rick asked me the reason why. I asked him to accompany me.

I stood in the passage, unmoving. Rick bent to pretend to fix a photograph hung on the wall. Two women with files in hands and giggling, came. One drew her breath in shock.

"Is-Is that a spirit?"

The younger woman wheezed, hiding behind the older one.

"Huh? Hi, ladies! What are you talking about? Spirit? Where?" Rick asked, looking around him in his clown outfit. His smile seeming creepier than before.

The older woman said rather confidently, "It should probably be exorcised. You aren't able to see it...we are."

"Really?" I asked breathily, twisting my head like a zombie.

"Yes..." They answered then looked at one another and breathed, "Boy, leave...I'm gonna try to...exorcise..."

"You don't exorcise humans, miss Rose and Mrs. Lottie." Al said, making Rick jump out of his skin as he sighed, touching Al to confirm he's real.

"Holy Heavens! Don't scare me like that."

"Then don't scare others."

I burst out laughing. The ladies sighed and the one called Mrs. Lottie glared at me then broke into a smile, patting me sweetly.

"Yeah, it's Halloween...enjoy but don't get yourselves in trouble, kids. My daughter is lonely here in the BPRO since she assists me most of the time and has hardly any time for her university work."

Mrs. Lottie said as she tucked her platinum blonde hair inside her messy bun. Miss Rose nodded at us and tried to drag her mom away.

"Uh, why don't you join us?" Rick suggested, trying hard to properly fix his red nose as the paint blotched a little. Al grabbed the fake red-ball or nose from him and threw it in a dustbin as Rick dropped his jaw as Mrs. Lottie hung the picture frame on the wall in a suitable angle.

"You Asshole prick..! I made it with my hard work! Urgh. Why did you throw it?!"

I peeked into the dustbin and saw Rick's red nose along with other wastes like coke cans and plastic gloves. Is this a hospital?  A headphone cover and some disposables and papers. A real mess. Dustbin, c'mon. What else do you expect? 

"You look funny. Inspire yourself from Pennywise...just paint your nose. It'll feel more natural and real, dumbass."

Al rumbled, rubbing his lower lip and I noticed he was in his night suit. Seriously, did he forget today's Halloween?

"Hey, Demon-king. What are you gonna become?" I asked, tucking my hair behind my ears as few strands still fell over my eyes.

"Successful, for sure." He replied, examining mine and Rick's costume.

"Alright, Rose will meet up with you guys in afternoon. Okay? This girl can't decide for herself..." Mrs. Lottie said and Rose nodded a bit nervously. Maybe 'cause she was embarrassed of being indecisive.

The duo smiled and left. I sighed. Man, Rose...I relate. I can be quite indecisive too.

"So..., cool ain't it? Bet you're out of ideas and still couldn't come up with what you wanna be..." Rick smirked rubbing his red nose.

"I'm sleepy and it's a choice to attend school or not. I'm not gonna go. It'll be boring anyway. I can sleep cozily in my bed-" Al yawned as I held his arm and beckoned Rick to follow me. Well, he didn't need to be told. He'd carry Al in his arms if I didn't hold his arm, haha. Well, that's my speculation and fantasy. They are cats and dogs when it comes to compatibility. But Al would probably be heavier for him to carry.

"Where am I being taken without my permission?" Al asked dully, like he was so badass he could fly off anytime soon, if he wanted to.

"You'll go. Jack will be disappointed if you don't." I reasoned as we made him sit before Jane's dressing-table.

"I won't go even if you bribe me to." He stressed, making a grumpy face as Rick bent to observe his face as Al narrowed his eyes at him and pulled back. Probably freaked out by the intimidating Pennywise look.

"What scares you...? I mean, I'm sure you're the bravest guy on earth but just so you know even Superman has Kryptonite as his weakness..." I trailed off, browsing on my phone the scariest creatures he can become.

"Demonic Macaw, stop droning on near my ears. I need peace." Al said, as I plugged his ears with earphones and played my favourite Japanese song.

Rick delved through Jane's personal kit. She's gonna strangulate him, "Got it! How about what he is...? Like, as in.. in personality...to which he closely resembles to...? The demon king?" I danced my brows up and down at Rick.

He flashed a thumbs up and continued to hunt for heaven knows what, throwing things he didn't find necessary or useful like a cartoon character. I grabbed a white coat and put it across Al's chest. I had to act like a pro. Well, for now... a hair-stylist. I tied my hair up into a pony. My hands already hurt just from that but dressing someone up was just...wow? Yes.

"This is such a boring song," Al commented as he swayed his head a little, totally enjoying it.

"Hey, Rick...he's what you call a tsundere as..." I hinted, whispering as I bent to pick up the brush that had fell from my hand.

"Oh, a person who is initially cold and sometimes even hostile before gradually showing a warmer, friendlier side over time. Japanese term, right? I know!" Rick squeaked as he arranged the cosmetics on the dressing-table.

"Are you kidding me? I'm not gonna wear any make-up. Not over my dead body." Al glared, trying to break away from us and from the chair.

"Buddy, you aren't even dead," Rick pushed him as we firmly tied him to the chair. Ah, I feel so powerful. We can be partners-in-crime.

Marigold has fallen so low. She kidnaps and torture people. Now, Alfred's life lies in her hands. Marigold found herself snorting evilly as she brushed Al's hair.

Rick looked outside. Was he may be expecting Ash? But she still was applying colors to her face. She won't assist us with this. Not a chance. She wants to kill Al. Well, not exactly but she doesn't really like guys... Ok, this is getting weirder.

Al sighed and tried to sleep. Lazybones. Rick produced plastic horns from his bag. What else does he have there? I'm curious. Something worth staring at? Ugh, this curiosity will kill me. As Rick did the final touch to Al's hair, I kept passing to him stuff that you apply on hair for a cooler outlook. Like gel, maybe?

I added colors to his face for the scary look. Yup, some red here and there and a tinge of black and purple. But those strikingly green eyes added beauty instead of the grisly appearance. I scratched my head. What should be done to make this person scary? Maybe add lenses? Contacts? Yes. But I don't have any. Ash does, but she'll slap me if I took it from her esp. for Al.

"Hey, You had gone to meet some weirdo Kenny right? Yesterday?" Rick broke into my course of thoughts and the river changed its' course.

"Uh, yeah...," Though the name isn't Kenny. It's Kevin. I won't correct him, though.

"So... why did he call you late at night? He has a crush on you or what?" Rick chortled as those heavy words weighed a lot upon me than he could think.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny," I made a sarcastic remark, trying to turn my attention to Al. His eyebrows. They needed a bit of... highlight? Yes...

"Is it really?" Al opened his eyes and penetrated into my mind. My eyes wouldn't blink. Has he hypnotized me? Is he reading my thoughts? Am I caught in his spell? "Ow! Don't pull!" Al cried as I breathed into comfort. No, he wouldn't do that. He shouldn't do that. He didn't, right? Read my thoughts, did he? But, can he?

I shifted to another corner of the room, dusting the costume Al was supposed to wear, Rick borrowed from... Matt, maybe?

Rick leaned in closer to Al and he closed his eyes. Wait, wait, wait. What's happening? Are they gonna, y'know, maybe...ki-

"It smudged!"

What? Huh?

"S-S-Sorry! I'll wipe it off now! Stay still else the mascara will splotch and it dries fast, too! Hold still!" Rick cried out, throwing the mascara aside and wiping off the black stain on Al's face, near the eyes.

Holy Crap-! This was bliss. Gosh, they're such a ship-worthy platonic duo! Alright, I've found a new side to me. I'm gonna be so into shipping these two, now. Ha. Ha. Kevin, that wasn't love, dude. This is.

Marigold started laughing, hysterically. The new duo stared at the loon. Al shrugged as Rick patted the loon to overcome the shock of Kenny. Little did they know she was plotting their lives. Their fate now rested in her hands.

"Macaw, I forgot to say Ashley was calling you...about half-an-hour ago..." Al said innocently looking at me. But I knew how much of diabolism is concentrated in this single individual.

"You low-key sadist, huh?" Rick remarked as he aggressively hugged Al, "I learned from Jane. You are touch-starved. Jack was too saying you long for love and warmth. Henry said it'd be best if you received some skinship since you like it but never say it cause you're just too shy." Rick stated as Al got up, casually brushing off the weakling as I bit my nails, stressfully, thinking if I go now Ash will chop my neck off.

Al looked at me and then at Rick, "What, won't you two get out? I've to change into the costume. I wanna see if fake ghosts can scare me."

"What, me too? Can't I just stay with you?" Rick woefully looked at Al. Ok, this is an iconic duo, I feel.

"You're just scared. Scared of those bullies. And you're licking up to me so that we become best of friends and I bash their heads for you. Tonight is Halloween and the time when you're prone to their attacks more than ever. You aren't being kind for free." Al smirked before shutting the door on our faces.

Ok, so... my ship sank? I probably shouldn't worry about that now...

I stole a glance at Rick. He was...thinking too hard. So, Al was right? He uses telepathy too much, doesn't he? Or is it that he's just too accurate at guessing? Speculations, he said it once. If he's a pro in solving cases..., then isn't daily life a piece of cake for him? The aloof guy who just likes privacy maybe cause he already know people are meaner and no one is genuine. That... was sad. But even if one knows the circumstances of the truth, they must face it and act how they wish to. If people really do treasure you, they'll stay no matter what.

I can't understand that. I've so many I love. Does Al too? Rick too must...

"How's the look?" Al asked, appearing at the door with the stiff cape, hung on his shoulders.

"Cool. But what's with the gloves? They don't go with the look. Take them off..." Rick said, as I smiled at him. He looked funny as a clown, more than scary.

"No, I'll have them on and don't touch me," Al insisted but Rick grasped his hand and forcibly tried to pull them out, "I said, DON'T TOUCH ME!" Al bellowed, slapping away Rick's hand and it slightly grazed his forehead reopening the minor gash behind. His gloves were made of metallic nails or what?

Rick pushed Al, "Who'd even want to befriend people like you, Mr. touch-me-not." He angrily stamped as Al, clutching his hand stormed away. What, was he injured?

Jane and Ash came rushing along with few other psychics in suits. Rick looked away, "Jane," He scratched his forehead, "One day, as per the promise, I stayed here. My mom's gonna worry if I don't return fast. And Martha would add fuel to fire."

Rick scarpered out of the way as I stood, blankly. What just happened?

I walked to my class as Ash trudged behind.

When we went to our school, in a public transport since I didn't know how to ride a bicycle..., we saw the scary Halloween outfits and girls being all scary but all of this wasn't scary enough to call it a Halloween. Ava popped up from behind me and I pushed her away, instinctively.

"You-! I just tried to prank you, idiot girl."

She protested, dusting her mummy costume. Atta girl! She looks so perf! I high-fived her, pushing my free-flowing hair behind my shoulders.

Ava's red hair were so looking great with her outfit. She leaned into me, her grey eyes looking for a flaw in me so that she could use her friendly charms to groom me.

"Where's Emma?" Ash questioned, tip-toeing in the sea of girls rushing about in the corridors.

"Ah, she'll be here in a jiffy... Stay still, Goldy." Ava scolded as she tried to fix my hair. She wasn't tall but taller than me by a few inches, maybe two.

"This costume is called Angel Of Death. I'm a banshee. Can you tell?" I excitingly asked, trying to not move from my place and to avoid Ava's fury.

"Yesss. It'ssss sssoo good." Emma hissed into my ear from behind. I shivered and drew my breath, surprised.

"Hey!" Ash high-fived Emma as she loomed into my view.

"Hi. You look great, Ashley."

"You aren't even a serpent, why hiss?" Ava piped, painting my face with heaven knows what.

"I'm a warrior. A snake warrior who became a human." Emma hissed, again and I had to tilt my head 45 degrees to look up at her.

"Stephanie and Sophia are gonna become Queen Of Hearts and Mad Hatter. Those twins are gonna rock it, man."

Ella said, creeping in like a zombie and scaring the hell outta me and Ash.

"Hey guys, I'm a zombie teacher! Whoa, you guys look cool too!" She adjusted her round glasses on her crooked darkened nose and fixed it on her dark circled eyes.

" 'Too'? You mean you are the only coolest one amongst us? Haha." Ava laughed, finally letting go of me.

I sighed and adjusted my white long gown with strips that I attached to make it look old and worn out for ages.

"Ok! Let's go back to our classes! We are gonna have a bash in the evening anyway with all girls and guys from our school. I dunno if our teachers are gonna come as well but it'll be fun if they do..."

Ella squealed as I looked around for my fake eyelashes. They must have fell when Ava was applying those eye shadows around my eyes. Must be around here, somewhere. I bent to search for them.

With a sigh I thought sir is not gonna spare us students even on Halloween. Urgh, I hate this policy of our school. Yeah, Tigris High school. Weird one and the most uninhabited places. When I say, we had walked or taken a bus to our school, it was hard to point the exact location of our building so we had to get off at close quarters since it was somewhere near the hills and in a remotely uninhabited place. Ah but the reputation of our school is fair enough. Also, rumor-wise, just behind our school and with the separation of a huge wall is a boys' school which is also quite famous. So, there have been several unannounced and uninvolved competitions between our schools. Tonight might also be another such a chance to raise our school in glory.

My rambling aside, where are my fake eyelashes?

"Hey," Ash called out as I still looked around, again and again wiping my glasses clean to make sure I didn't miss those lashes somewhere in the corners, "Dude...you aren't gonna be using them right now anyway so let it be. Let's go. We're running late. Ava and the rest have already gone. You are gonna have those glasses on anyway. If you'd have worn contacts like I have...," she widened her eyes for me to see clearly that she had worn some transparent eye-contacts, maybe. "Then I could have maybe searched for them with you as well.."

"Alright. Let's go. It's useless anyway but, Eva will kill me if I don't return her contacts..., I mean...lashes."

But still we went to our class and I knew I had to save up pocket money to buy my cousin those lashes else just find them. Phew.

The first period passed in boredom. The second and third period, too. And in the fourth period, I got my period. Crap. Will this Sir let me go to the bathroom?

"Excuse me, sir. May I go to the bathroom?" I asked during a political science lecture.

"Yeah, you may go." He replied, taking another book from the teacher's desk. I grabbed my bag and got up, "Why are you taking your bag?"

Came the most unanswerable question of the year. I slowly died inside. What shall I say? Tissues? Towel? Spare clothes? What?

"Sir, what's feudal system?", a girl with short dark silky hair and a rather beautiful figure and face stood up for me. She was dressed up as a siren or what? She was just too gorgeous.

Cool. Thanks. Way to save a person! I nodded smilingly at her. She winked with a blank expression. What? I don't care. I've to hurry. I ran to the bathroom and took my sanitary pad inside the bathroom stall. Well, I don't like tampons since I feel they hurt you. They don't, I know but I feel they do.

Relieved, I came out of the bathroom. Owwie, my stomach hurts. I looked at myself in the mirror then screamed. What the hell. I looked this scary? Hmm, so I rock huh. So much that I was scared of my own reflection. Lol.

I heard purring. Some cat? Not again. I'm done with these feline creatures. I came out of the bathroom. A girl passed by my side. She looked like the gorgeous girl but no, she didn't have brown greasy hair...

Wait, what? I turned to look. The girl from my dream? How? Was that even possible? Ok, I have a feeling I should make a run for it if I even get the slightest trace of fear.

I gulped and opened the door of the bathroom. There was Miss Olivia's cat staring right at me. ..... I think I should run, right? It could be just another cat...staring simply or it could also be some prop for the event today... Stare. Stare. Ok, a staring contest. She was staring at me and I at her. Right?

No, not at me. Behind me.
