7. A Chance Meeting With Ursula

{Alfren's P.O.V}

"I just gave myself a partial black eye." Rick murmured, stepping away from the Marigold who just woke from her 100-year long sleep.

She moved her palms across her neck. I frowned. Rick went to her side and I moved to my laptop. Ashley Ricardo, her friend was in the restroom and there was a bizarre chill in the air.

"How did you guys get in the past?"

Marigold asked, clutching the sheets closer to her chest. Wow. She really fit the role of some banshee, eh? And, hats off to her imagination skills.

"I think you bonked your head somewhere in that creepy old farmhouse and now think you are from the past..." Rick said, wiping off his clown make-up with some face wipes from Ashley's bag.

I stared at the small screen of my phone. Retrocognition? Nope. She merely thinks so, not that she could see the past events. Yes.

"Huh? Oh yeah, the farmhouse..."


"Where's Ashley? Did you guys lock her up? I know you are bad guys who want to hold us hostage and want some ransom money. I know. Ash warned me. She told me whatever happened was mainly after meeting you people. You are magicians, right? Evil..."

She crouched on the small bed and her glasses fell down from the side-table. Rick looked at her like she had asked to donate his heart. I didn't even look. Why do I even bother?

"Uh, no. They're good people, Marigold."

Ashley appeared, drying her hands with a hand towel. Was that provided here or did she bring it?

The girls' school was something out of the ordinary kinda place. This room was making me a bit uncomfortable due to its' vastness. Why even was I here? That aside, why that trickster too?

"See what these girls think of us as when we help them out..., dude." Rick gave me a look but realized something and avoided my gaze, quite angrily.

'Dude'? Are we getting friendly now?

"I think it's fine for her to think like that. She's a smart girl, aren't you, Ashley?" Jack walked into the room and patted the three kids. I snorted softly and got back to examining the footage of the passages and of the one, outside the girls' bathroom.

Jack approached me, smiled and patted me. Heck, I don't need it. I brushed his arm off and he went to Marigold, showing me a disappointed smile of his'.

This guy...

"Marigold, before you ask..., you are in Tigris High school now, your school. And we had escorted you back." She looked confused and kept stroking her fingers across her throat while Ashley was wiping off her make-up. This little princess..., "Well, Alfred...," I cleared my throat loudly and Jack sighed, "I mean, Alfren had gone to his school, Regis High and the costume party at his school wasn't as good but he was bored and-"

"...and I lived happily ever after. Jack, the details. The important ones, tell those. Not my history and my background story." I scolded, quite annoyed by his over-friendliness and all-talk-and-less-work behavior.

"Yeah and so...,"

"Look, there was a story session which Marigold attended and I didn't. I had asked her to return to the drinks' bar but there was a power-cut and all the girls had assembled in the Main hall and some had volunteered to search for other girls who might have lost their ways in the dark. We tried calling Marigold but she wasn't answering. Emma just assumed she might be asleep in some room and it was obviously silly. Each of us had called her, messaged her as well but she never called back nor responded any texts." Ashley sat beside Marigold.

"But I...I was the one who called you and your phone was on silent mode! Ava and others' weren't picking up and even though I had a good network yeah, might as well contact the aliens, but no one called me and there was no one around! The entire place was empty!"

Marigold breathed, shaking and trying to catch her breath. Hmm, so she must have experienced something frightening. But none of their explanations match. What could have happened...? Ah, but contacting aliens...fine imagination skills. Could have been a writer.

"Hey...calm down." Ashley held her hand and nodded at her affectionately.

"Al, bring some water." Jack ordered, getting up to coax Marigold. Rick bit his lip and looked around for something.

"Why shall I? If you want it, get it yourself."

I mean, he can do it himself.

Rick defiantly stared at me, then stridently got up from his chair and hurried to the fridge for some water. Does this medical quarter provide water in the fridge too? And damn, where the hell was the headmistress? After asking us to investigate the school at night, she disappears just like that? She must have been kidnapped. Phew. All the more better. Less work to look into then.

"Look, when we found you..., you were actually sleeping in the last room of the second floor, the last floor and the last room of the house. I mean, that was weird enough. Why would you go there just to sleep?"

Ashley said as Rick handed out a glass of water and Marigold drank it, subconsciously. "So we had all come inside the room and looked around to see what might have made you go there. Maybe you must have walked there to get something or maybe some thief might have knocked you unconscious...but we found nothing like that. Although,...how to say this..., it was quite peculiar for a room in the farmhouse to have things like a saw and chains... Looked like someone was trapped there or I dunno...maybe some farm animal..."

Ashley breathed and combed Marigold's hair into a ponytail. She was basically her mother, wasn't she...

"What...why would you guys go to a creepass place like that?" Rick said as Ashley snatched the face wipes from him and put them in the bag. He looked at her, narrowly.

I blinked. If there was something weird in that farmhouse, then why did the headmistress ask us, specifically Jack, to investigate the school? Did she know something? Or were there connections between the two places?

"Uh, well it was fun also the teachers had agreed on this although our history teacher was against this. She said the place gave off 'bad' vibes. Well, all the more cool... for the girls. The scarier, the better they thought. Also, way cheaper and was also hosted by some rich girl's parents..."

"Emilia Scott, a 12th grader, a blonde-haired girl who is known for her connections." I stated, looking up from the screen at my audience and probed Ashley to continue. And even though she didn't like me for some reason I don't know why, she complied.

"When we got onto the bus, also managed by Emilia, she got a call from her mom asking her about any girl named Isabella Adler was with us on the list of girls boarding the bus. Her mom was quite upset when she heard there was no one like that. And also you wouldn't wake up," she looked at Marigold who stayed appallingly silent all this time, "You were deep in sleep, sleeping beauty. Ava had gone back to her home after we all got off at our school. Emma and the rest too went to their homes and I was asked to stay back by Emilia's mom. And there were a couple of teachers in their night suits and surprisingly even the headmistress."

Ashley looked at her phone. Yeah, it was pretty late. About one a.m... Wouldn't her parents worry? Well, if they were they would have called her by now.

"Yeah and that's when we were called. I hadn't even changed my outfit and was asked to come. What a pain, seriously." I said, rubbing my eyes and that damn unattractive mascara or whatever smudged a little and I wiped it off.

"Al...!" Jack gave me a stern look. I looked at my screen again. I just want a good night's sleep. But this case wasn't so bad. Is that how I should have put it?

"Apparently, that girl Isabella had gave her name for the party in the farmhouse but never turned up at the school or the bus stop. There were a few other girls too who had not come but they called and stated their reasons. Only this girl hadn't and wasn't even at her home." Jack reported, smoothing his Tony Stark haircut. He cracked his knuckles and straightened himself on the Windsor chair.

"So, Marigold...tell me what happened." Jack gave a sinister aura as he moved forward to listen carefully to the soft voice of hers.

Finally the most awaited question. I turned my attention towards her and there was a one minute silence in the huge, empty medical area. The four unoccupied beds seemed to be disturbingly waiting for her to speak too. Then the door opened and the headmistress walked in at the most crucial time. Claps for this great lady.

She was a healthy woman in her mid fifties with a few wrinkles on her kind face which was now turned grim. She was in her copper-colored long overcoat, with hair up in a bun. Her glasses were highly questionable. They were big and rectangular with a yellow-rimmed frame.

"Hey Jack, who had called us here?" I asked, turning to look at him, almost innocently and complainingly.


Jack got the hang of my sarcasm but he just gave a laugh and the headmistress gave us a deep scan.

"I had. There's a girl missing from our school. Her parents claim they had sent her off but she wasn't found anywhere and her phone was switched off as well. We didn't want to inform the police. The reputation of the school matters. And, moreover...I just don't get why would a bunch of schoolgirls just decide on their own to go to a place, unassisted by any adults? Why weren't there any teachers who had accompanied them?"

She reprimanded, glaring dangerously at Marigold who was the eye of all this trouble right now, according to her. Wrong assumptions. She ain't kind. No. Why's she speaking garbage...I am waiting for the account of this person who might have survived a zombie attack. This Macaw...

"I agree. If I was a teacher," If I was a teacher, never let you go... I would let my students leave early though. "I would not have left my students behind...nor would I leave my kids at such an institute, as a parent." Jack remarked, scratching his stubble with a grin and patting the head of the survivor. Is she some soft toy he loves to play with, like a little boy? Ah, but that was epic, Jack.

The headmistress tucked her pen behind her ear like a carpenter or architect ready to get down to business. She leaned in closer to Marigold as if she wasn't able to make out her face because she lost her glasses in a wild run.

"Hmm. You live with your aunt, right? Eva is your cousin, isn't she? She's some real talent. Do tell her dad and mom to come meet me, I'd wanna discuss about her career choice. She's too gifted."

Who's this woman? I know Eva. Evangeline Parkinson, she used to be my co-assistant. But, this woman right here...the headmistress.

"Your name?"

I asked, moving around the medical quarter casually hitting the walls with my knuckles.


"Your...name." I repeated, as Jack stroked his forehead like a father who has given up.

"Sandra Williams."

She looked at Jack and at the door. Ashley was busy texting her parents in the corner of the room and Rick was anxiously pacing back and forth. "Where's the rest of your team? There's you and...these kids?"

Alright. Where's her off button?

"Uh, Milton and Jane would arrive soon but before that, please elaborate on what we should really do." Jack approached her and ran a hand through Marigold's hair.

"Right. Simple. You just need to find the missing girl."

Ursula got up and took out her smart phone and tapped on it. Who was she calling? The party's host? Now that I see, why aren't the chief guests here?

"Give us her photo. You must have it in your student record."

I said, slurping from a fresh orange juice carton and Rick looked at me. I offered him some but he frowned and instead got busy tying up his hair. Dude, comb it. They won't go down normally. Duh. Like he'd listen.

"Yeah, Martin's bringing it. Wait. Also, if you wish to speak to Madam Shirley and Emilia, let me know-"

"Yes please." Jack insisted. I see, even he couldn't tolerate this bossy woman's attitude.

"Very well. They're in my office now and also trying to find the missing girl through their sources. Come when you are done with questioning Eva's cousin. Her friend must know the way to my office so...ok. See you in a while."

She nodded and gratefully walked back the way she came from.

"Marigold," I began impatiently and she looked up from her lost self. She had bags under her eyes...well insomnia? And what color were her eyes...? Some chocolaty brown. Dark chocolate.

"Eh hem, Jane won't be able to come since Henry is alone at home so Milton might be. Matt is sleeping soundly and isn't receiving my calls. And our director, Mr. James Sternson has ordered us to complete this case first and then he would hold a meeting and discuss all that's needed to be. This old man is gonna turn my hair grey before his do." Jack sighed and pulled his chair close to Marigold who sat upright, clutching her stomach, to face him. Stomachache? Wow. Why was she mute then...

"Here, have a banana. You might be hungry." Rick offered her one, quite gentlemanly. She divided it into five before having one small bite of it. Then offered it to each of us. I felt like hitting her head with my math coursebook.

"What about Ashley?" Jack asked, tilting his head and trying not to laugh.

"Uh, I'll share." She replied but couldn't speak more as Jack shoved his share into her mouth. I plopped the tiny piece into my mouth. Can't help it. You don't return something which was offered to you. Manners. Nah, I'm not miserly, just honest.

"C'mon. Tell me what you had seen. What had happened?"

Rick asked, edgily, sitting next to her on the bed. I get you. I need to hurry this up as well.

Ashley walked over to us and nudged Rick to move to sit beside her friend.

"I think it is better if I don't say it. Either you people won't believe me else you won't have a reasonable answer to it. And the latter scares me the most."

Marigold said, bringing her legs closer to her and pursing her lips, gulping slowly.

"We believe you and we'll try to give you a half-scientific explanation if not rational. Alright? Now, speak out whatever you wish to say..."

She nodded and looked at Ashley in a solemn manner. She held her arm and then turned to look at us. That would provide a degree of comfort, psychologically. Though I dunno how far it is true, practically.

"It was when we were on the first floor of the farmhouse when the story session had started and Ash wasn't there but my other friends were. Ava and Emma specifically. Ella was narrating some story which I assumed was somehow real and it turned out to be...true. Emilia came with her friends boasting about how cheap she bought the place in and would be able to start some scary YouTube channel due to the relics of the farmhouse being said to be...., haunted. No one actually believed it but I had, partially at least."

She paused, breathed in and blinked twice. Probably trying to adjust to reality. I folded my arms and scanned the surroundings. The lights were fine. The tube lights specifically not the light bulbs...they seemed old and dusty. The security of the room we were in must be checked. The fan was alright. Particularly the one above our heads.

"Things began to get weird when the lights were flickering. I mean, why would they? We hadn't even switched them on! I think it was Ella or Sophia who wanted to scare the seniors and had maybe gone to the circuit breaker to tamper with it, probably. But after that...it was I who was cut-off from everyone. The...the place I was in...it was not the same, like...I found there were no girls there. No one. And it was hella dark. I think I might have walked blindly down to the main hall, feeling around the walls...and tried to call Ash,"

She turned to face her friend who had the most quizzical expression on. This Ashley, didn't she receive any important calls? Why would you not receive a phone call unless from a stranger or maybe your guardian or parent....

"She had her phone on silent, I knew 100 percent sure. So I tried for others' but none of them had their phones on them, probably the bullies who had taken them away and made things hard for me...and I think I had called someone. Some stranger...from whom I had received a text message from. I simply called this xyz and soon it got disconnected. I had walked some more but before I could move further, I was paralyzed. Stuck. Like my movements were being controlled or restricted. I couldn't control my body. There was a presence inside the room and...I could feel..it. I was inside some plastic bag or maybe it was over my face, alone but whatever it was, it constrained me from making sure in which place I was for the moment. I knew it was another room but I didn't know how I had reached here."

She took a break and hugged herself tightly. Why doesn't her friend do that to her though...hugging..

"I could hear her breathing. The woman...no, I dunno if it was a woman. I don't even know if it was human. It could've been a prank. A well-collaborated one and perfectly acted out. But no, it was way more paranormal. The breathing was hoarse and like the...thing...the presence...the ghost was with a sore throat or something I dunno. It grew louder and nearer and I didn't make a sound. The most upsetting part is when it whispered, I like you to me," she let out a sneer maybe to find her calm again, "...and that's when the spell broke and I could run free. I ran without looking back and till I was outside the farmhouse. I thought everything would be normal once I'm out but that wasn't the end. I called Ash and she had picked up. She began to scold me and telling how worried everyone is and are searching for me but I'm nowhere to be found...I saw... I saw from outside...there was no one inside the house. No noise. No lights. No hustle or bustle. No. nothing. I had...got so...scared."

Jack thumped her hand, holding on it securely. Good. This guy would make a great dad.

"Then Ash said she'd switch to video calling but I was too terrified to speak. I knew she'd not reach me and I wouldn't be able to explain her...and with the approaching fear..., I felt there was someone coming to me from behind and I knew if I move, it won't be so good. I couldn't run back inside the farmhouse again and the yard was too dark and creepy. I had asked Ash to quickly come outside with everyone but I knew it was useless now...Then the person, the...thing...behind me approached me and...and..."

She stuttered, biting her lip hard, so hard it'd bleed. Macaw, you should take a chill pill. But then I can't blame her. It would scare the shit outta any normal human. She was just fourteen. Fair. Maybe unfair.

"It..it..slit my throat with...a saw...b..b..blood wa...was..splatter..splattering everywhere and I lost consciousness...I think I saw some woman in white from my dream before that occurred..."

She sighed and breathed calmly. All of us looked at her, silently forming opinions inside our minds. I knew this wasn't her dream. Before she could say that, I knew it.

"And before you tell me this is my dream..,"

"I know. It wasn't. You experienced it." Jack said, twisting his head and stretching very casually in his chair. Yeah, I know how 'normal' this is for you but act a little to how much you believe her...else she won't help you when you need it, idiot Jack.

"Then how am I alive...and what was that..."

"We'll reach conclusions soon and don't worry it won't be late since we're experts at this, you know..." Jack bragged like how Rick would if in normal circumstances. Lately it has become hard to differentiate between normal and paranormal, so much that it has hindered with mine and people's lives too.

I toddled softly towards Macaw, disregarding Rick who was lost in thoughts and pretty much wasn't emitting his strong aura.

"Have you told everything?" I leant.

"Huh? Uh, yes...whatever I remembered I did say it all." Marigold put her glasses back on.



I blinked assuringly and looked at Jack who seemed sleepy rather than concerned. Okay, I know how knowledgeable and experienced you are but do tell us minors about your thoughts on this. Like, acutely even I'd like to know if what she experienced was some psy-

"Hey...," Macaw called out softly. Let me finish my thought process. Geez. "I wanna go to the restroom. Would you guys wait? I'll go with Ash..."

Ashley got up hastily and rather uneasily. "Uh, Jack..."

"I'll accompany. Don't worry..."Rick said, making his presence seem more important now. Macaw smiled at him, dully and Ash didn't say anything only stuck out her tongue at him.

"Nah, thanks. I'm a bit scared but...if you come...who knows the ghost won't like it? Besides, the restroom is right here. See?"

She pointed to the nearest door and on it was printed in big black bold letters 'RESTROOM'. Rick nodded, with a forced smile and as the girls went, he took out his phone and put it close to his ear. Oh. Okay. Family. Priorities.

"I'm not dead, ok?! Can't you tone it down a bit? I said, I was coming! Now stop calling so frequently. Fat old Piggy. Tell mom I'm coming soon and not to worry."

He shoved it angrily in his pocket. Jack yawned and gave us each a look of 'go-and-mingle'. I rolled my eyes and ignored his remark.

"Hey...did you take that carton from the fridge? The orange juice..." Rick began, walking toward me with a killing intent.

"Why, I asked you if you wanted to have a sip but-" I slurped as noiselessly as I could.

"Why would I want a sip, it is mine!"

Jack burst out laughing. "How long did it take for him to realize that was his orange juice?"

"About 30 minutes..., I assume." I smirked, crushing the orange-juice carton and presenting it to the owner. "How'd I know it's yours? It was in the ice-box and you didn't even claim..."

Maybe he has kept it inside for cooling when we entered the room.

Rick scorned at me. His nostrils flared. Ok, don't show me that face. I can't hear from Jack and Jane later about how 'uncouth' I am...

"Here," I handed him out a stack of notes. Nah, not stack...just a note, a few dollars. "That's how much it is worth. I don't keep fav-"

"And I won't let ya-!" He snatched the notes from me. The corners of his mouth went up. Glad you are content else I dunno what would Jack have made me do, though if I obey him or not was my choice.

"Hey Jack, what do you think she saw? Like was that real? I don't think she was making it up but...couldn't that have been a dream?" Rick slid on the chair.

He knitted his eyebrows up in a high intensity of curiosity. Jack blew up his cheeks and cracked his neck. Resting at home really has made this guy tired, hasn't it?

Jack blinked, staring at Rick for a few seconds. What is this intense battle going on? Better get back to my work. Jack's trying hypnotism, isn't he? But that would wear him off. Well, upto him though. Ain't gonna save his sorry-self when he's down with exhaustion.

Rick tumbled backwards. I diverted my attention at the two performers. Rick had the look of an early man who's been thrown into the future, on a helicopter. I sighed. Why's he being so naughty, this Jack...

"You are drunk, aren't you? Slightly...?"

Jack turned to me and smiled. "Silly kid..."

"He...he...he...spoke through me...I mean he...his voice, I heard it inside my brain! No, the head! No...he..."

"Telepathy. He simply wants you to know there's other ways to look into an uncanny incident by doing...heck, why do I even say..."

I turned to re-examine the footage and I spotted Macaw going in to the bathroom with something in her hand..., with her bag on. And there was something that followed her...


I zoomed in on the video. It was a blur and I could only make out that it was a long-haired girl with a normal T-shirt and night pants. It could just be another normal girl but her clothes caught my attention...those were simple night clothes. Nothing she wore was regular for the event. That outfit. It was so obtrusive.

Why cats on the shirt...? Was that creepy? Creepy enough to be chosen to be worn on a Halloween event at school?

"Marigold!" Ashley called out, out of the blues. Rick shot up bolt upright. He rushed to the restroom and Jack slapped his forehead.

"So, what did you find?" Jack began, munching on a snickers. 

"Remember Olivia?" I swiped open my phone.

"You mean, Marigold's night trip in-charge and the one who was involved in the affair with some...guy...?" Jack yawned.

"Too detailed but yes. Have you ever been scared of cats?" I zoomed on a shirt of cats on my phone.

"Cats? Not me but...maybe the rats at my place are hella scared of those fatty stray cats...oh yes." He pulled out a stash of cigarettes but kept them back inside.

"I think there's involvement of cats in this case." I murmured as there came another scream from the restroom. Were those people really resting there? Aren't we making the poor evil hosts of the party wait a little too long? Ah I don't care, does anyone?

"Go, check up on them. I'm gonna go to those unintelligent adults and do a thing or two. But you," he pointed at me like there was someone else other than me in the room, if I cancel the presence of any other non-homosapien, "...take bloody good care of yourself, sure but also the others...too."

That warning sign made me prepared for the things which would not happen under normal circumstances but now, definitely might.

I nodded, even though I didn't intend to agree to it and Jack disappeared behind the door . I sighed, walking up to the restroom. There was talking. Lots of talking. Might as well make this your meet-up place. These people have become closer than a garment to the skin, haven't they?

Though it bothered me less than what they were talking about which made them not leave and be focused?

"Ugh! I would love to slap that stupid smirk off of his face and strangle him with his ascot!"

Rick bellowed and I absent-mindedly clasped my ascot tie.

"Yep... I totally ship it."

Macaw hopped on the chair kept in front of the bathroom mirror. Wow. She really has no fear to think she might slip and offer her jaw to the floor, does she?

"Won't you guys come out now?" I hollered politely, removing my ascot tie and pocketing it. Not gonna get myself strangled. Nope.

Macaw came down and smiled like a Cheshire cat at me. Ashley grabbed her bag and held her friend by her arm and dragged her out. I raised an eyebrow. Really? I didn't come for you, Miss Ashley or for your friend. Mind you.

"Hey," Rick commenced , jamming his hands into his pockets and seeming rather flippantly, "I need to get home...mom's getting super worried...and Martha is making things worse. Can you do it, yourself?"

Do what? Robbery which he had originally intended to but the thought of family didn't make him do so? And why even are you telling me this....?

The lights blinked. Rick grabbed my wrist. This is no paranormal activity. Just a electrical fuse or perhaps someone's mind on a short-circuit fuse....

I jerked my arm away from him and walked softly out of the restroom, beckoning Rick to be quiet as well. He kept holding onto me and I had to shove him off all the few 30 seconds.

"I too don't wanna hold on to you but...let's just stick together till we are out of any possible..."

"Danger? See...the only thing which is dangerous is...being trapped with me or with Jack or Madam Aurora inside an inescapable area and never being scared of a ghost again."

I hissed as Rick furrowed his brows. Probably thinking who's madam Aurora...


"Boo!" Macaw's face zoomed into mine as I exited the restroom.

I rolled my eyes and felt my inner jaws with my tongue. So, she wanted to scare us? Scare me? I moved my head sideways. Jack, when will you return?

"Ah, was it you who were switching the lights on and off inside...?" Rick pointed and taking me for his back-up, approached my side.

"Well....those lights are malfunctioning to begin with... Don't tell me you got scared?"

Ashley drank a bottle of lemon ale, she had pulled out from her bag. Rick laughed, trying not to sound scared. He should really take some acting lessons. Sucked at it. You'd get an F.

"Where is Jack...? And the mystery-man Milton? What about Jane?" Macaw pelted questions of suspense upon me and I knew I had a long way to cater these younguns. I'm only fifteen. Don't make me feel old.

Ashley came up to me and rolled her eyes. Seemed like she had to say something but was just too full of irrational spite for me, to speak up. I bit my lip and walked around to examine the beds even though I had no need to.

"Hey....I gotta go. My parents have come back and they wanna meet me. I can't tell them about what happened, can I? Ah but I don't lie to them so... I'll say it all. Ok? About your BPRO too so if anything, like if a report comes asking you to shut down your agency...., don't come to me." She twisted her mouth like she was satisfied to be spewing her anger at me after years of keeping her patience in check.

Are you high?

I was sure she was trying to get on my nerves and also the fake fact that her parents have come back.

"Uh, Ash...." Macaw said, with an anxious face, holding her friend's arm from behind. Just take her away.

I sighed and tapped on my phone. It was about three a.m. My head hurts. I should really go to sleep more than you, lady. I suppressed a yawn as Rick walked up to my side.

"Hey, Jack says we have to...I mean, we could leave."

"How'd you get his number?"

"Uh, he gave me...last time..."

"Did he....?" Narrowing my eyes, I asked, walking toward the door.

"Uh...yeah. 'Cause...like, he told me you had these temper issues...that you can't control yourself and have sudden outbursts. And you also had been visiting some therapist...look man, I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way and you got triggered to get an emotional outburst but I think we should forget about it and..."

Rick explained, as we walked out and the girls followed us. More like, kept an eye on us, especially Ashley Ricardo. Macaw...what was her original name again? Anyway, she was hopping and trying to catch up with us as I tried not to get furious by Jack's senseless, crazy-as-Macaw's-encounter-with-the-spirit type of lie. And were all her memories gone? Wasn't she scared now?

"And what?" I snapped, holding back my fist which would have smashed Rick's face instead of Jack's.


Jack appeared out from an office room, we were headed to and I rushed to him. He backed away, finding a pillar to hide behind.

"W-w-what? What did I do this time? Warn me before you attack, you brat!" He screamed, ducking behind the pillar as if escaping from a pillow attack.

"Has the evil Ursula gone?" I breathed, coming closer to the criminal in question.

"Evil...Ursula? Haha.....The headmistress? Oh Yes...I mean, she's not in the office now. She had asked me to wait there and I had a talk with the party-planners a.k.a party-poopers but they're gone now. We can meet them tomorrow again if we wanna..., cause I think there's a trail we got on how or from where to find the missing girl...."

Jack's commentary ended and I aimed at him a candy, about the size of a walnut.

"Spare me, your majesty!" He cried stooping low before I could aim. "But could you just tell me...!"

"Temper issues? Uncontrolled anger? Therapist? Me? You told that all to Rick?! I was keeping a calm when you had called me in my leisure time to help out with a case and that case turned out to be this and we also got no effin' clue! It is three am and I have an effin' working day tomorrow! Damn school!"

With an gasp, I said at a stretch and threw the candy at a bewitched Jack.

"Whoa!" He caught it just in time and faced me in full picture, "What? Who told you that? Al, you've been tricked. And no honey pancakes for you for aiming to hit me, an innocent being!" Jack sneered, popping the candy in his mouth.

I turned to Rick, cracking my neck bones and taking a casual look around. Rick gulped and Macaw patted him, giving me a sneaky smile. You innocent little devil.

I fished my eyes around for something convenient. Jack got busy talking to Ashley. There was a sports room near. Ah. Just the thing. It must be open...I don't think so. Let's just try my luck.

I turned the knob. Fwoosh. It opened. Macaw ran inside, gleefully. Idiot, wait to check why's it unlocked at an hour as this...

The knob was loose. It was a typical knob, one which didn't need screws to fix but maybe some kinda cement or super glue?

"Why did you come....?" I gave her a once-over. She had a waist belt on and her usual hair band...except that this time it wasn't a cat-eared one but a devil-horned one. Ironical but true.

"My...stomach....cramps....that's why." She swung her arms like a circus master levitating someone in the air. "And you?".

She added casually. Yeah, we are having those converations you have on a bus stand like most weird people who chat-up with strangers while waiting for the bus.

"I'm good," I held out a pair of roller skates of my size and put them on as Macaw's eyes glittered. I stole a glance at the door, Rick was peeping nervously at me. "So who was it with the brilliant idea of tricking me like that? I mean, highly appreciative that person must be...except that..."

"Except what...?"

"They could have done it better by actually presenting me with a real medical document stating I was in need of a therapist."

"That's....yeah, we could have forged it...you'd never know....I...uh, shit."

Macaw moved away from me inch by inch. So it was your clever idea, huh. Rick followed you, I see. Well, these mighty rollers are gonna so make you two be taught a lesson. You run and I fly.

"Hey...we just...played around...a bit..." Rick stepped in as we got out and the audience's attention turned towards us three.

"Yeah...I just gave him an idea when he told he was angry at you for you shouting at him so....haha," Macaw paused, gave a quick scan of her surroundings and whispered so loud, I could hear, "Run!"

So we were playing 'Tom & Jerry'. Yeah. Jack got irritated but still shook his head and gave a laugh like a Grandpa acknowledging his grandson's antics. Ashley clapped her forehead and sat on the glossy floor. So this was an everyday thing to her.

Well, I wasn't a fan of playing 'tag' but I needed to catch these two to show who's the one in control. Yeah...onto the chase game now. I was obviously faster than the culprits since I was 'rolling'. Macaw and Rick screamed to spare them and that this wasn't a fair play. 

"If trickery was fair, you would have gotten by. It ain't fair. Why shall I be?" I said, addressing to the panicked Rick who nodded when Macaw said something in his ear and they separated. She laughed wickedly as she turned to a corner and disappeared. Rick was nowhere in sight.

I tilted my head, raised an eyebrow. Uh huh, joint collab. I could figure out in minutes what's on your minds through Jack's power of mind-reading you know...ah, but I like catching hold of criminals when they think they have fooled their pursuers. Those expressions are what I fancy the most in a criminal encounter.

Just sounded like a criminal myself, didn't I...? And a very twisted one too..

You have no idea how mad I am right now and how much danger you are in, Mr. Trickster and Ms. Macaw. I made an estimate on where they could have hidden. I mean, they wouldn't still be running. Ok....maybe about two-three passages....? Certainly not inside the classrooms. Those were locked and none would take the risk of hiding in the bathrooms assuming how scary they think these experiences could be.

I can call them. Make Jack call them. Or make an announcement. Switch off the electric generator, maybe. 

I found her. As I walked about, I spotted Macaw hiding behind a cupboard in an unnoticeable corner of the corridor and there was a fire extinguisher above her head, next to the cupboard and attached to the wall. Ah, there you are, you impish rabbit. 

Macaw was peeping on the opposite side and facing her back to me. She probably thought I was coming from the other side but I had taken a roundabout way to catch hold of this imp. If she's my hostage, Trickster would be fish to fish-bait. I quietly walked over to her and remarked in a low tone,

"You are cornered. Hands up and-!"

She jumped slightly and pulled me down, "Shh." She said, beckoning me to hide behind her and to not make a sound.

Can't be swindled by a swindler. She's up to something.

"Hey, stop it. You have lost. Now, we have to leave. Where's Rick?"

"Shhh!" She hissed and covered my mouth with her hand, "Quiet! I saw someone! The woman in white! The same one from the dream and the farmhouse!"

She whispered violently pulling me to her side to be concealed behind the cupboard completely. She's...either tricking me or has started to hallucinate or there really is someone whom she doesn't wanna let us be discovered by.

I pulled her arm away and bent to look at the exhibitionary 'woman-in-white'. Macaw was tugging at my shirt to be careful because the one in question might be dangerous and may hurl me off to Antartica, who knows. Okay, Ms. Macaw. You've finally lost it. I confirm you are seeing things and at in immediate need of a therapist. Yes, you and not me. 

I looked at her to voice my thoughts but something swished past the cupboard placed opposite to us. I turned my attention to observe what it was. A white light, very minute but visible to the naked eye was glowing from behind the stairs leading upwards.

 Alright. Was that Rick? His flashlight...maybe, not his' but his phone's..? I placed my theory before Macaw. She raised an eyebrow, deep in thoughts like I had asked her the product of 9999 x 9999. Then after two minutes, I counted them in my watch, yes..., Macaw's eyes widened. She blinked thrice looking at me and shot up so quickly I thought she was gonna fall on me. But she bonked her head with the fire extinguisher above her and was pushed back in her former position, only now she was doubled up in pain.

Ouch. That might have made her switch back to reality.

"Klutz," I cursed as she rubbed her head vigorously, still trying to get up but carefully this time.

"Ahh, I didn't see... Anyway, Rick is hiding in the sports room. And there's no one except us, and the H.M with her guests and Jack and Ash so we need to find out, Alison." She said, still recovering from the pain. And when I thought her single sentence made sense, she added my name. I narowed my eyes. Not my name.

"Alfred but you can call me Alfren, I like the latter one. Or Al."

"Ok, Al."

"Yeah, and...you were....Mac-?"

"Marigold, please."

"Ok. Marigold."


"Macaw, we'll first inform Jack..."

"Uh huh..."

An announcement broke through, "Those who have come in with the Head Mistress,  you are asked to kindly leave the school premises before meeting with the H.M in the office. We are closing after twenty-five minutes. I repeat, those who..." It was a male voice. Maybe Martin. Ursula's P.A.

Macaw shot me a look. I shrugged.

"I'll stay, you go and inform Jack..." I began, scratching my neck thinking up a scheme but she cut me in. Macaw.

"You can call him. This isn't the 6th century..." she folded her arms, probably thinking I am dumb to not call him. Well, she picked on quick.

"But his phone's switched off. And Rick, well, I don't have his number... why don't you call Rick or Ashley? He's your new partner-in-crime so you must have his-".

 "Ashley messaged me saying she's leaving first 'cause something came up...I dunno...phew. And, no...I don't have Rick's number." 

She pursed her lips then opened her mouth to say something but I shut her off before that could happen.  

Don't speak. Just let me, first.

"Stay here. And when I say that, I mean it. Don't move. I'll return in a jiffy. If I'm late, go to the office. I'll ring you, okay?"

"Okay." She flashed an 'ok' sign and adjusted herself to a comfortable position, slumping against the cupboard and getting busy with her phone. I got up and gave a quick once-over to the place then skated to the office in a few minutes.

Jack was seated on an arm chair. There were two more people which I recognized by aforementioned descriptions to be Emilia and Mrs. Shirley. The girl seemed like a typical cheerleader with the dyed hair at the ends. Her mother was pacing about in the office, checking her phone from second-to-second. The HeadMistress was nowhere to be seen. Where's this Ursula now?


I called out and gained an audience. Jack nearly jumped from his chair and held my forearm hysterically. He has...lost it.

"Where....?" He breathed scornfully eyeing me.

"Well, can we get some privacy first?"

Jack looked around. He nodded at the two anxious people and walked out with me. As soon as we were out of the two humans' sight, Jack wheeled me and stared in my eyes.

I broke free and looked at him narrowly, "Where's Ashley and Rick?"

"You answer me first. Where's Marigold? And no, I don't know where's Rick. You must know, don't you?"

"Ah," I sighed. Damn. "Marigold...okay...yeah..nearly forgot her name. She's waiting for me in the 3rd corridor. And I'd come looking for you. You had your bloody phone switched off. And telepathy might not have helped. Unless you contacted me. No exhaustion wanted."

"Why didn't she come?" Jack reprimanded, running a hand through his hair.

" 'Cause, we...well, more like, Macaw...Marigold...saw someone going upstairs and she claimed it was a woman dressed in white who had appeared in her dream and as well as in the farmhouse..."

I paused, thinking and analysing if what I saw was actually....

"Let's talk on the way..." I dragged Jack as he gave a nod and alerted the ladies that we were on a short tour.

"And...? You just left her to..?"

"No, I asked her to keep an eye. C'mon, she faced those things back in the farmhouse...and I warned her to not move. She ain't a kid."

Jack sighed, rubbing his forehead. Yeah, poor you. We're pissing you off too much, aren't we? Well, it was three. Sleepiness probably.

I came to an abrupt halt at corridor number three. I blinked. If my sense of direction was poor, I'd have believed I had come the wrong way and Macaw wasn't here due to this reason. But, I knew blindingly sure that I had come the right way.

"And she moved even when you told her not to...she's a kid. What do you expect? Well, let's just call her...my head hurts from being inside the school premises... I must be allergic to girls' schools..."

Jack rested his hand up on my shoulder and I stared off into space. An idea struck me. More like, a thought. A doubt. A guess.

"Hey, can this school be haunted?"

Jack raised his head and peered into my eyes, "Can't believe you actually think there might be spirits lurking around here and causing people stress. I had told you about my encounters with 'possible' spirit hauntings in my past experiences...but you are too soon to conclude-"

Somebody screamed. Well, that calls for us. It wasn't the girl...Macaw..., probably Rick. I looked around, grabbing hold of a broom as Jack gave me a glance thinking I was gonna ride it, probably.

We rushed upstairs. There were only two floors according to the school map, which were in function. The third floor was undergoing renovation, as per Ashley's assumptions. And we were on the second floor.

"Hey!" I called out as we climbed the stairs. There was no reply. We paused in our tracks. Jack beckoned me to be quiet as he lead us up. It was dark upstairs. Only a mild, dull light seemed to be coming from there. The railings were all old and had caught wear. I gripped tightly on the broomstick and flashed the flashlight of my phone on and walked ahead of Jack who kept telling me to follow him and to not be the lead. Yeah, figures...I am only fifteen, right.

We saw the classrooms, all locked. And the source of the dim light was from the LEDs lighted up on the ceilings. The entire corridor was empty. If that scream wasn't human then what Macaw claimed she saw was the truth.

I gestured Jack to go to the terrace. He found this dangerous and told me to stay back. Look, If I stay back it'll make me more anxious about your return so won't it be better if the two of us go....? Well, I stated those facts to him.  He considered for a while. 

"Fine. Stay behind me and close to me. Okay?"

"Might as well hold your hand..." I grumbled as Jack offered me his hand.

I looked up at him, blinked, then strode ahead of him. Jack shrugged and ran to catch up with me. As we walked on, a guy, my age zoomed towards us, panting slightly.

"Alfred!" Rick gasped and gave a quick glance at Jack.

I narrowed my eyes at him. So you finally pronounced my name right? Was that an act too, all that mispronounciation...?

"Why are you here?" Jack said, advancing towards him with a frown.

"Uh..., well...Marigold..." Rick began, moving an inch back.

"Did you see her?" Jack walked up closer to him.

"Uh..." Rick had no room to move, except for the terrace door from where he couldn't escape from If he wanted to.

"Jack," I sighed and walked upto Rick, "Tell me..."

"Well, I was roaming around after you lost me and saw someone go upstairs. I thought it was Marigold so I rushed to catch up but that girl didn't respond when I called her and that's when I saw Marigold, sitting next to a cupboard in a passageway and reading something with those half-broken glasses of hers. I went upto her but I knew there was someone up on the third floor..."
