9. What The Goose. I Had One Job

{Rick's p.o.v}

"Hey Al, what powers do you think I've? Passing through walls? Or reading minds like Jack....?"

I slung my arm across Alfred's shoulder. He and Marigold were walking away from the office with the cool girl.

Al gave me the look of a stranger. Ouch. I'm hurt.

"Hey, is it alright if he accompanies us?"

The not-so-cool girl said, stopping mid-way in the door of the cafe.

I frowned. What? Marigold looked at me and nodded so aggressively I thought her neck would crack.

"Good for you."


....Were the unamused reactions of two people who could've been potential candidates for twins.

As we sat on the cool-surfaced chairs, the cool girl ordered for cold coffee.

"Shoot away." Al drew his breath before sipping mocha plus latte combo. Ew. How can he like that? His taste buds might not be developed.

"I have a better taste than you." He stared pointedly at me.

"How- wait. You too are a mind-reader?"

"Nope. Face-reader. Simple psychology."

"Uh, Marigold...what did you wanna discuss...?"

The girl who stood out in the gloomy cafe spoke turning the attention of some middle-aged men at her.

Marigold looked around, leaned closer and beckoning us all to copy her. She whispered in her soft squeaky squirrel-like tone.

"Can all of us visit the farm house once again, please?"

I drew back my chair hastily. No. No. No. Don't wanna be featured in a horror movie.

The three men glanced at us and continued talking whatsoever.

"Farm house? What's that gotta do with-" the gentlemen-killer spoke, caressing her ear-piercings.

"I think what you heard and what I saw...might...might...must have a connection, Bella."

Marigold blinked, looking at me hopefully to gain a supporter.

"Wow. How did you even get the idea, sweetheart?"

Bella said, putting the mug on the table with class, no pressure. Royalty?

Marigold protested and told her what she had told me. I mean, I do agree with our chats...but...this ain't a story or some tales from children's books. But reality. Or may be I'm someone non-existent. Bluffing.

She told me how she had been having dreams which were peculiar and never made sense. Not the kind where you'd at least see someone or something you know of, but an entirely different dream. As if you're dreaming someone else's dream.

Well that made barely any sense to me but I lent her an ear. She told me that the young woman she saw in the farmhouse had appeared in her nightmare just before we were called by Jack for the seminar. She didn't give me the micro details but who needed it anyway. What made me curious was this young woman Marigold spoke of never spoke her name and this cat-eared girl wanted to help this 'trapped spirit' out.

Sounds really lame. But there was also one thing she said she would want to confirm if she got to visit the farmhouse again. She didn't say exactly what it was but she said it spooked her out. For her, that was a first...getting scared from a horror experience. That's what she said.

Why did she make me her sacrificial animal though? What if the spirit comes looking for me?

"...you're sort of crazy, y'know... The ideas you get..."

Bella snickered subtly, rubbing her forehead.

"Maca-Marigold Mc Kenzie," Al began, sounding like the respectful gentleman he never was.

I snorted. This guy, is he my senior? Why does he act like a big old oaf?

"Just call me whatever you like. I'd call you whatever I like, too." Marigold spat inevitably, sucking on a lollipop.

"Wow. She owns you now. Lucky you."

I slurped from my straw- the remains of my Orange juice.

Al shot me one of his murderous glances. No, dude no. I'm not amongst those who get terrified because you stare. If ever I would, it'd be if I saw you drunk and mad with laughter rolling on the floor. Wow. What a sight for the eyes. And for social media purposes.

"Macaw, we can't just barge in a farm house which is private property. We must have the consent of the owner and also, kids alone... to some deserted farmhouse on the outskirts of a city? How were you gonna not get into trouble for this?"

Al explained, maybe trying to be calmer than ever.

"Marigold, seriously...what do you wanna see now? The detectives are at work. They'd do their jobs, let's not take that away from them."

I looked at my phone. Martha had been messaging me non-stop. Can this old hippo shut the frick up. She'll spice up about my stay at a 'friend's' to a whole new level. She's a great cook when it comes to lies like these.

Marigold looked at us three, breathing slowly and flaring her nostrils. The lemonade she had was not yet finished. It was three-quarters and covered. Is she a slow eater or rather, drinker?

She smiled. She too is a great cook of lies.

"So you guys are not with me on this?"

Nope. I'm not.

"No, girlie. No one is." Bella said, paying for her coffee.

"And that's a final?"

"Uh...why not."

She sprung up from her chair and slammed some penny on the counter and paced toward the door.

"Mighty grief." Al mumbled, sighing and running a hand through his hair.

"Mighty grief? Not good grief?"

"For that irritating bean...!"


"Can't you do some official stuff and make it so she can get some peace? Like for investigation..." Bella said, looking at Marigold who was stopped by a man and asked to tie her shoe laces.

"We need some case to deal with on that site. And currently, there isn't any. Even the missing girl has been found. You should have stayed lost so we could've gone and caught up on the thrill."

Al gave the men a stare-study and looked away.

Bella sighed. Marigold was tying up her laces then met my eyes. She stomped her foot and resumed her tantrum. But am I her brother or what? Why's she showing me an angry sister condition?

"Marigold-," Bella approached her and pulled her face up, "ya know what, screw the men. They don't get us. Tell you what, I'll come with ya... We'll go there and have a ghostly interview, okay?"

I'm offended. She's such a vixen. She and Martha would make a great duo. Such sisterly aura. Ah, but such unrivalled beauty this girl has. I couldn't help but stare.

Al looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I know, right?

Marigold smiled and squeezed Bella hard while the taller one patted the one with the tantrum syndrome. Marigold peeked from the bear-hug and stuck out a tongue at us. That vixen part two.

"How are you even gonna go?"

I walked to them ignoring the creepy old dude behind them who kept staring at the beautiful girl for no reason.

"Well, dad has connections. He'll do the tough work. And if the owner doesn't listen, I''ll..." Bella turned casually to the old dude and glared, "...screw them and their organs."

Gore and horror? Not a fan.

Alfred Robinson...this dude was busy being busy with thoughts.

"I can come along..."

"No way! You are a betrayer! You told me you'd accompany me to the farmhouse and....fdjgssss!"

Marigold stomped her foot, blinking like a malfunctioning machine.


"Ah...," Ashley stepped in, throwing away a badly crushed cola can in the trash, "...was that experience not good enough? You now a daredevil, Marigold? Well I'm sure this Robinson dude is manipulating you or that Miss. Universe behind you or even the clown playing tricks on you."

"Ash...woman, you know they didn't and you also know I like it." Marigold slapped her forehead. Her smallness with that grown-up punk gesture made me laugh. She's silly.

Al gave a deep scan to the man behind the two girls. The other two had already left. Well if this Alfred is suspicious about him, he must be fishy.

"Go ahead. You got new friends too. Discard me 'cause I'm no use. You won't even include me in...in...on your secret conversations-"

Ashley pulled up her handbag firmly.

"You were talking...I dunno what but it...seemed important. Also, you told me to stop thinking about it. In the end, I was definitely gonna tell you about this though. If you'd listened or not."

Marigold bit her lips and breathed.

"Eavesdropper..." Bella muttered as an angry Ashley gave them a deep glare before striding off violently.

Marigold scratched her head, messing up her hair.

"It's okay, Miss. Take it as a relation-building procedure." I patted the confused girl's back. Her eyes went round and She smiled gleefully.

"Oh boy yes. Once I prove it to her about my theory I bet she will bow before me." She snickered, resting her arm on the table because the counter was too high for her.

Al stood up and walked to the plump woman behind the counter who was busy blasting music on her headphones and in her own world.

Bella sighed and shrugged at me. Yeah, Ashley is a handful...., is that what she meant?

I stared at her. Her lips were glossy and her piercings seemed too bold. I like that.

"Never had a chance with girls?"

She broke into my thoughts and my heart.

"Just...the top part of your ear lo...lobe...that piercing..."

"The helix you mean. Yeah, what of it?"

She popped a chewing gum in her mouth. Marigold was talking to the man behind Bella. What were they talking about?

"It's cool. When did you get it done?"

I walked over to Marigold's side.

"Hmm. It's very recent. Maybe been a few months. Actually I wanted to get the..."

Bella began but I nodded without listening to her.

"...Really? What's your name, Miss?"

The old dude asked an excited Marigold.

"Mac- maccaw, aren't we getting late? You'll have to reach early to hunt...c'mon."

I said, smiling awkwardly at a narrow-eyed Al. Sorry for using your copyrighted name for this imp but she'd listen to it. She likes it.

"Stop...I hate that horrible naming. Call me Super Mario or The Red Queen. Those nicknames are way cooler." She imposed as she bid a quick bye to the man.

"Well you are not coming along. Bub-bye. Muah."

Marigold blew a flying kiss and rushed off with Bella who winked at us smugly.

"Dude..." I began, looking at Al but he seemed preoccupied, again. He is an old man seriously. Has too much on the mind all the time.

We walked out of the cafe. I checked my phone. Mom must be upset as hell. But let her worry for real now. She should know not to trust her daughter all the damn time. But also give her son a chance. This time, I'll not care and see how she would. More of an excuse to stay at the BPRO.

Regarding psychic powers..., what do I have? I'm curious to the boot. Alfred the great is mute about it. Do I wait? No choice. I have to. But Al is the one who kidnapped me, uh...correction, brought me here and there must be a reason why. Nobody's gonna tell me, of course. I'm in a mystery movie, right...?

I'm simply following my worst hate-mate or classmate because apparently he's superior.

We entered our shared room, heartily provided by Jane to us hate-mates. Al searched his closet and took hold of some baggy dark olive green shirt and a black trouser which seemed cozy as a rabbit's burrow. Never been in one though.

I stared at him. He glared at me. What? Think I can't do that? I glared back. He moved his head to a side.

"What? Macaw got your tongue?"

"Go away, sicko. I'm changing." Al turned off the lights.

"Shy maiden Al..." I mumbled.

"I heard that and you won't live after tha-"

"You were supposed to."

After the lights were back on, I pulled on my sweatshirt. Wherever are we going, let's be ready. Ah but that little imp.

"Marigold says she'll collect information if she doesn't get to prove her theory from this tour. I really hate it but she has such a small-sister syndrome...I wanna pinch her. Says she has a lamp-shaped diary in golden cover in which she records all the weird and crazy stuff which happened with her or with her friends. She showed some of them to me since we developed a common interest in anime. That's how I got to know her. Ugh."

I clutched my head. And also, she showed me a class photograph which she said she found underneath the old closet in the classroom. It was nearly torn and seemed useless. Said she'd store it in her golden lamp book. Such a historian.

Al smirked. Shocked? Maybe bewildered to accept she's such a nut-case.

"She's crazy. And just when you think you've reached the bottom of her craziness, there's a crazy underground garage."

"Seems about right. Okay. I'm gonna sleep while you..."

"I'm going to the farmhouse."

"What? Really?"


"To check on them? Worried? You?"

"To check something way more important than that. You can come on your own risk. I'm going alone."

"Wait. Alone? No. I'll come too. But how are you...gonna...go...?"

Al smiled sneakily. He pulled out a mask.

"Really? You're so childish."

"I am the driver's acquaintance. Now...let's see how I make this..."

Al said, scratching his chin as I dumbfoundedly walked alongside him.


The silence was biting at me. Al was so quiet like he wanted to sneak a snack inside his room at two a.m. while making sure mom doesn't hear him.

Why was it so eerily chilly in this van now? And I hate being the one who said we should follow the warrior-girls. Besides, weren't we risking it going alone without letting Jack or Jane know? It'd be the death of me if we get caught. Well, let's see Al handle it all. I mean, he led me here. Don't blame me.

"Hey, you know where to go? Is it far?"

I scooted over to peep on Al's phone. Maps? Seriously? I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You have permission to leave."

He said as his crazy driving made my stomach nearly turn.

"Are we following them? Marigold and Bella?"

I popped a Pringles Chilli chip into my mouth.

Al didn't respond. Yeah, like I was asking him to help me cheat on my exam.

My watch said it was five p.m. and my stomach said it is dinner time. Really. Can I just jump outta this van and run back home?

I scratched my forehead. It was itchy as hell.


Shit. It was bruised. And I rubbed right into it. Bandaids hate me and I hate them so I discarded the one Jane had plastered on. Really. She should care only for her little brother. I'm not her little brother.

"How'd you get that?"

Al asked and I was mentally singing 'it's a miracle...the new-born speaks...'.

"Well, thanks to you....I got this badge of honor."

I dropped out of the van as it halted to a stop.

Al looked at me and then at the hell of a farmhouse. Wow. It looked....perfect for horror maniacs like Marigold.

Al dived in the backseat to search for something and came with a bag and... a medicine?

"You can still decide. Stay in the van or come with me."

He said, putting on a mask and holding a torch-light.

"Hmm. Can I use your phone-"

"I'll have the keys of the van and you'll be locked in."

"Stingy. Okay, can I pull a prank on the girls if we get what we wanted in the end?"

I rubbed my forehead fiercely as a bee buzzed by. Ouch. It's so itchy.

"Why ask me," he said as we walked towards the main door, "...and don't scratch it."

Scratch what? Door? Am I some clawed beast?

Al handed me over an antiseptic. Oh. Wow. Is he guilty of hurting me accidentally or is he just being generous?

Whatever it maybe, I'll think later. This is a level I've to cross in real life. A terror game.

Al switched on the lights. Bless you. I'm not a fan of the occult.

The mansion was classic. Nothing scary from the inside. There were barely any signs of party litter from the Halloween party. Clean to boot.

"Hey, do you think the girls are already here? How are we gonna follow them and not let them know? And while we are doing it...," I said as I dabbled the antiseptic on my forehead with a cotton swab, bearing the little burning pain, "...what are we...looking for...? Like...y'know...goal."

The lights blinked. Did I blink? Tell me it was me.

"The electricity won't last long. It's been long and the system won't be stable. The party was hosted by the so-called owner, right? So she must have...sorta...boosted up the electronic system here...for a couple of days... for as long as the party lasts. According to my assumption, she must have thought she'd make the students stay here for their Halloween holidays and earn something on the side. But things went too bad for her. Keep your torch turned on. It's only temporary. The lights."

Al warned before I clung to him but remembered I had pride so backed off, tapping on surfaces to show my not-so-professional style of investigation.

"Do you think there must really be something in here?"

Al smirked as the lights flickered once again and I let out a gasp.

"I...I...I don't beliebe...I mean, believe in ghosts."

I muttered, moving closer to Al as we climbed to the first floor.

Where are the girls? Did they trick us, specifically me, into coming here? Oh no.

I heard a scream. Thank the God.

Normally, I wouldn't be so grateful but thanks for existing, Marigold's scream. If anything human apart from us I heard, it's her.


"Shh." I warned Al as he crouched behind me.

The lights went off. Was expecting it anytime soon.

"Why did you scream?" Bella piped up, in a normal-fit tracker suit as Marigold leaned over the railings.

"Because I think I saw the lights turn on and go... pfffssshhh. Do you think someone is inside? The owner?"

The two girls strode ahead, with torches in hands. Bella told Marigold to brush it off and that they'd simply knock anyone out if they were to get a fright and examine the human later to check if he was a threat or not. Killer Queen bee. And Marigold was delighted to hear such a response. She's a psychopath.

Al and I were about fifteen steps behind them. I don't know what we came here to check nor did this Alison...I mean, Alfred...tell me.

Half an hour had passed with us following them like creepy stalkers and hiding whenever they doubted something. Well, I came here. I can't show I'm uninterested. Then again, what should I do? Al was quietly examining each door and room as we passed..., those which were unlocked, yes.

"Bella, can we now go to the last room, of this mansion? Ash says I was sleeping there. They found me there, she said... But like I told you..., I know very well I didn't go...I think."

Marigold forced a cackle, swinging her golden diary like she expected a genie would present itself before the fake Aladdin.

Bella nodded, biting a lip as they walked further into darkness.

Golden diary. Should I have mentioned to Al about that class photograph Marigold showed me? Would it have made his detective mind whir faster?

Nah. It's a mere school property. Not something from a museum. I should probably think of how to prank Marigold. The first one, the clown one was unintended and I too got myself a frightening experience. So, this time...let it be a real prank.

Al signalled me to hide in the room next to the last one. What? Do you think I'd gladly oblige and rot there alone in darkness for hours?

I nodded. No. I'm not going in there.

Al directed his torch light at my face. Ah, my eyes.

"Mr. Patrick Adams, I request you to wait. I'm following you too."

He whispered, pushing me slowly inside the room and we stayed peeping right from inside as my torch light died. It was a mortal.

Al closed the door. What? Where's he? Did he leave me? Abandon me? How...how could he...?

"Make no noise now. Wher-!"

Al spoke through the dark space inside the room and I crawled to him, grabbing the torch from him. I snorted.

"Quick. Get this over with."

"Be quiet. Lemme observe!" Al whispered in a hush. I saw it. The wall was a thin carboarded kinda wall. The sounds from the next room were audible. Ooh great Al.

"Didn't expect you to be a pervert, Al. Sneaking in on the girls like this..." I scooted over to him and he gave me a frightening look. Oops. Sorry. It was a joke.

Okay, I'll just sit in a corner. Excuse me. I walked away like a mouse.

I could still ear the girls speaking. Marigold was telling how Ashley said she was sleeping on the bed and everyone woke her up but she didn't wake up. Ah. Boring. I know that.

The class photograph which Marigold had shown me...could have been a clue if it was not a boys' classroom. But the question that still lingers is, why is a boys' class photograph in a girls' school?

Affair thing, I guess. What else can it be. Also, the year in which it was taken was in 2014. Last year. The boys seemed like highschoolers. But, I had high suspicions it being a photograph from our school. Regis High.

Maybe some girl has a crush from one of the boys from our school. Wow.

I popped open a Pepsi can and drank from it. Al turned to me. He frowned. I extended the soda can to him. He sighed and got back to his job.

What? I thought you wanted a sip.

I nearly dozed off. But the dark awoke me. Can't have Al abandoning me. Even as a spirit, I'd be scared to the spine to haunt alone.

Ah. Sheesh. I need a bathroom break. Damn, at a time like this.

"Al. Psst! Psst!" I called out in a loud whisper. Al walked to me and raised his foot to stamp me. "No. No. No. Spare me."

"Why the heck do you keep calling me in the middle of my damn work?!" He glared the torchlight on my face. I sprung up.

"It was urgent, man. Do you know where's the bathroom?" I directed the rays of the light back at him.

He gave me the torch and pointed to his right. "Go." He turned away and switched the light of his phone on.

I turned to go. Man, why did he leave me alone. I'm already scared as it is. I don't want to beg him to accompany me. Well, whatever. I'll just go.

I went to the bathroom. It was old-fashioned and had carved designs on the mirror which was fogged with dust and cobwebs. There were bugs and rats.

Better company than ghosts.

I kept the torch on the mirror stand and hurried out of the bathroom after a while.

I asked Al if the girls have done their work. He just waved me to stay quiet. Yeah, right. Busy man.

I sat on the carpeted floor and began playing games on my phone. Wi-Fi, I miss you. I switched my 4G on. It was limited. Cool. Really. I had a couple of messages. From my class group, mom, Martha, cousins and a classmate whom I barely consider a friend. There was also one unknown chat message. From who?

'Hello. +×÷-#*!.'

The hell? What does it mean? Some prankster or...money-shark?

I don't care. There was no number either in the status for contact info. Must be someone from my class. Some bully.

Thinking back on bullies, Al says he saw me being bullied and it was after a while I got inside the van in a subconscious state and slept on the seat. He did not come to help. Well, he was the kid who likes to keep it to himself and not interact. Either because he's shy, or nervous or haughty. I feel the cause is the latter. Haughty. Pride. But, I've seen him interacting with the class president for some work and a few others too. He must be the typical mean kid.

All aside, he said he brought me to the BPRO on a purpose even if it was me who got onto their van. What purpose could it have been? Apart from the lame questioning. His observance skill is crazily high. Could it be, he had seen something whilst the bullying?

Ah. I wish he had not seen me being picked on by those scumbags. My reputation would've been a lot better now.

Those guys were demanding money from me because they said they didn't have lunch money. Well, sucks to be poor but you gotta beg. I said that and those were the consequences. I obviously couldn't have fought all the four...wait, there were five maybe. I couldn't have fought all of them at once. A few punches and bruises from round, tall and plump kids isn't gonna disfigure my face or my body. If you want, you can damage your already damaged mind if you can provide further destruction to the worse-off state.

My ranting aside, Al was now examining the floorboards, window panes and furniture in the room. He didn't get anything but it was fun to record him performing for me. He better not find out he's on my phone. Else I'm gonna gain another bully.

Al saw me. Oops. Better hide my files in my secret app. He hurried over to me but tripped over a rubber pipe. He broke his fall by holding the floor with his palms.

"Ow." He let out and I muffled my laughter in the sleeves of my elbow. No. Don't laugh. Falling down isn't funny. It hurts. It bleeds. It...makes others laugh for no reason. Well. The fall was too funny. "What were you doing?"

"In the bathroom? You wanna know? People visit the toilet for a reason, dude."

I laughed and accidentally scratched my forehead And the band-aid came off. Damn.

"Serves you right. Disgusting idiot." He kicked the pipe away as I got up, hurriedly and covered my bruise, rushing to the bathroom to wash off the blood. It was little but stung like hell.

Al followed me, shining his torch on the basin, as if to observe my blood was red and not green like aliens.

"Dude. My forehead was already bruised with those bullies poking me with a broken glass bottle and threatening they'd poke my eye out if I fight back...and you hit my head with something, making it worse." I looked at the mirror and my head threw a lit bulb inside my mind.

Al furrowed his brows. "Broken glass bottle? Hmm. Do you know them? Were they seniors?"

I traced my hand on the mirror with my index finger. "Mm...maybe. Some of them were and some were from our class. Abel..., Gordon..., Louis. Can't believe it, right? Well you won't know them. You're too busy with blood, crime and assignments."

Al was lost in thoughts. "They are irregulars. They hadn't been coming to school for days..." he muttered as I showcased him the 'haunted' mirror.

He looked at it and gave me a forced thumbs-up.

'Welcome. I was waiting, Marigold.'

I had written on the mirror. The prank. The payback.

I heard the girls voices nearer now. I grabbed hold of Al and rushed out of the room. I forced him to hide behind the gigantic grandfather clock in the passageway, to enjoy the fun view.

"How long..." Al began and I beckoned him to be patient. He bit his lips in anger.

"I wanna go to the bathroom! Hurry, Bella!" Marigold called out, rushing out of the last room. Bella dragged her feet out.

"C'mon. There's a toilet on this floor in the...well, let's check this room. Look, there's one." Bella entered the room we were in, minutes before and pulled Marigold in.

"No. It had bugs here! Gross! No. The one on the ground floor is way cleaner!" Marigold stamped her foot like a spoiled child pissing her mom off to buy her her favourite toy.

"Yeah. Yeah...let's go." Bella turned.

No wait. Look inside.

As if they had listened to me, Marigold spun back and shone her light on the bathroom door.

Bella turned to examine.

"Hey...why's the door open? It wasn't...b...before, r...right?" Marigold stuttered, clutching Bella on her arm.

"C'mon, the owner lives here. They might return any time soon. We should go back. They'd sue us for breaking in. And why wouldn't they do this? And as for why the door is open....? Wind. Simple."

Bella guffawed, closing the bathroom door as Marigold stopped it and flashed lights on the mirror.

"Holy shi-" Bella gasped and took a step back. "Marigold, let's go to the bathroom downstairs. We're wasting time-" Bella turned, directing her friend away but Marigold broke through.

Ah, yes. Be terrified. This is a harmless prank. Wouldn't hurt you guys.

"Wow...," Marigold's voice faltered. "Now it's a 'he'?"

What? 'He'? Did she not read what's on the mirror? Ah, I couldn't see because of my cover. This damn huge clock- blocking my vision.

"Wait. What the hell." Bella said and I heard her shoes click against the floor.

"Yeah. It was a female. In my dreams. From my experience and now...? Why is it a 'he'?" Marigold said, cracking her knuckles irritably.

"No. Not that. This isn't what I read when I entered...it was..." Bella said, tapping on the mirror casually.

What's happening? I thought I'd make the heroic entry if these two screamed when they see my message on the mirror but...

" 'Kill him'. That's what's written. What else did you see apart from that? Some welcome home message?" Marigold joked, playing with the faucet while humming.

"But that's what it said. 'Welcome. I was waiting. Marigold.' I'm not lying-" Bella said but Marigold cut her in with a bang on the mirror.

What are they saying? Are they the ones pranking me? Did they already find out?

I squeezed myself out of the space. Whew! I'm going even if my cover is blown.

I rushed to them but stepped on my untied shoe laces and tripped. I feared the girls would beat me to a pulp before seeing who I am. How embarrassing.

"Whoa! Rick! The friggin fudge! You scared the dying night lights outta me!" Marigold exclaimed as Bella pointed her flashing lights on me.

"Ah, ow." I got up.

"Isn't the smarty pants with you? That Alfred."

Bella helped me up.

"Wow. You're not asking me how and why I am here instead you ask for Al." I brushed my dress, walking over to the bathroom.

"Cause obviously you guys are a bickering couple-- unfriendly friends.

Bella said making Marigold giggle softly. What? Why?

I looked at the mirror. I stared at it, rubbed my eyes and looked again. I didn't write that.

'Kill him'.

"I didn't. It wasn't me who wrote this." I slumped against the wall.

Al came in. Bella whistled and Marigold jumped, pulling out her diary.


"You know right, Al...I didn't wri...write th...that. I wrote something else so...so...wh..why...is th...that...?" I stuttered while trying to grip onto my bag to make myself think I must have.

"Well. The prankster must have been him and the dweller of this house...,the real one...., must have gotten an idea to communicate."

Bella clapped as Marigold flipped the pages of her diary.

"Al..., I think I know who wrote that."

Marigold said, taking a snap of the mirror and dragging Al out.
