11. 101 Ways To Get Yourself In Trouble

{Ashley's p.o.v}

"Wow. Somebody needs a happy meal."

Rick remarked, nudging Alfred who nodded and got back to his phone.

These so-called psychics aren't gonna listen to me. I had to accompany them as a guide. Yeah, for exploring the school-both the branches and also for undercover investigation sorta.

It was now 10 a.m. and I had bunked today's class. So had Marigold and that Isabella. We were gonna get outstanding punishments and I was trembling to boot. I needed a supporter. Marigold. She isn't particularly scared of punishments and such. Actually I can never figure out what she's afraid of other than bugs.

And of senior girls because they seem domineering to her.

I let a soft chuckle escape but immediately covered it with a cough.

It was such a sight in the morning seeing her anxious and fidgety around me. Those movements which suggested she wished to talk to me but didn't get a response. To be honest, I wasn't mad at her. It was those people around her which made me mad. Even though it might not be their fault, aren't they responsible for making her stray from school shit and the normal life?

Isabella was wise and mature. She should have at least told Marigold about it all. Well, I don't have a grudge against her. Nor did the craziest of antics of Rick and Jack's orders made me angry.

It was Al. Al. Al. This Alfred Robinson. He was the one who started all this. From the forest incident which was forged by none other than Evangeline the Egoistic Eagle, to plans which lured Marigold inside his trap. It was his goal to captivate her by his charms and make her, his slave.

"Whoa. The last time we came here, it didn't seem so refreshing."

Rick said as we reached a three storey building coloured in blue and crepe color.

"That's cause this is in the morning and that time we were in a hurry."

Jack said, wearing an ID card around his neck, hopping out of the van.


I cursed under my breath and Rick leant to me.

"What? Did you say something?"

He asked, sniffing my short-brown hair like a lab squirrel sniffing food.

I shrugged and showed the security guard my ID batch and Jack's fake one as well. He smiled and let us in. Wow. Are other people in this world, easy to dupe? Apart from me that is.

Apparently, Jane had gone with some guy called Milton to the primary school dressed as surveyors. There was no news from Marigold and Bella. I heard they were gonna accompany us later but well, they must be V.I.P's. What's my role with these guys anyways? Some guide, they say.

What am I gonna tell to Miss. Lawliet now? About me not being able to attend her morning class. Whew. Way to go.

"...yeah and make sure Ashley doesn't catch you with Marigold's stuff. I can hide it."

Rick murmured to Alfred, as Jack led us inside. He pulled his shirt close to himself.

"What? What did you say? What's it you are hiding? Did you steal something from Marigold? What's there under your shirt? Show me!"

I pulled Rick's hands to see empty palms. He grinned. I let go.

"Wanna see? See, I've got abs.....olutely nothing here."

He slowly pulled his shirt up and pulled down with a smug look on his clownish face.

I snorted. "Not funny.

Alfred had a poker face on. He got a call and put his phone to his ear.

"Uh-huh. That's normal, I guess. Yeah. Don't come. Hmm."

He disconnected the phone and put it in his pocket. He looked at me then followed Jack into an office as I was asked to stay behind, alone. Rick went inside as well. Oh great.

I flumped on one of the assembly hall chairs in the hallway. Why should I sit and rot here? I swiped open my smartphone. Kevin was online. Cool.

'When are you returning?'

The response was, 'soon'. How soon is this 'soon'?

Should I tell him about the BPRO and Marigold having some power? Let's not tell everything. I'm gonna let him fish for it.

'I'm bored and I miss you, bro.'

I giggled. A big fat lie.

'Fraidy Cat can't sleep alone. One reason to miss someone.' He texted back.

Let's see him take the bait now.

'Omg. How'd you know? U a psychic or wut lol.'

There was not an immediate reply. He's thinking.

'Ash. Is everything okay?' He texted after three seconds.

Wow. I totally didn't expect that. We're called fraternal twins for a reason despite the age gap.

'Kev, U know...Mg got a power and can see what some ded victim has experienced...lol. Do u think powers exist? Lame...Lol....'

I typed, then paused. I tapped on the backspace key. Nope.

'Nope. Why? Jst scared of the night, Kev."

'Ok. I'll try 2 wrap things up quickly and return 2 trbl my sis. *wink*' he texted and went offline.


In the end, I didn't say. Why am I so indecisive?

Just when I thought Jack and the gang came back from the office, I saw a group of six people in white coats and casual office attire. They seemed like someone from the health organizations. The leader of this team was having a talk with the security guard near the office. She nodded her head and exchanged papers with her fellow colleague who put on his glasses and went through them once.

The female doctor or head nurse...I dunno, came up to me and bent to me. She smiled and said a 'hi'.

I returned her greeting with a 'hello', as politely as I could.

"Tracie, there is a list of absentees and we would need a re-test sometime. We're gonna fix an appointment with the Health Nurse here. Jennifer and Patel will accompany me."

The young man with reading glasses said and the woman called Tracie nodded and the guy went off with the other two nurses who were chatting amongst themselves.

"Hey, mind if we go to the cafeteria for coffee?"

The remaining two nurses asked putting the files inside inside a big folder.

Tracie bit her lip and gave a nod as the two women strolled off. She turned to look at me. And I became a stiff cardboard. Stop looking. Just don't talk to me. I'm not good at communication.

"So...," She began and there we go. "...are you a student here? Not in the mood to attend classes?"

"Ah. Yeah, sorta. I got caught up in some family business so couldn't...attend the morning classes and...yeah."

I clipped my hair right. Shouldn't look like I'm still celebrating Halloween.

She nodded and looked at the wall before her. Tracie was a plump woman with a soft tan on her face. She tucked a long strand of red hair that fell across her face, behind her ear.

After a brief moment of awkward silence, I brought up a thing to talk about.

"So...you guys are doctors? Are we having some health programme in our school?"

She laughed, almost awkwardly. "Yeah, sort of. I'm a Phlebologist and my team...those people are Phlebotomists. In simpler terms, we have come here for blood screening tests for both staff and students. It's a programme which our health organization has given us." Oh. I considered. "There were less number of headcounts so we have to conduct again when the strength of each class is full. Whew. Our boss is crazy strict so we can't be careless." She sighed, cracking her neck at random angles.

"Uh, must be tiresome. Sorry." I said, drooping my head down.

"Why on earth should you be, honey? Nah, it's probably our boss' fault for assigning us a duty on a day when it's likely that the chances of students turning up are lower than her common sense."

She gave a low laugh then suddenly stopped as if someone would catch her making fun of her superior and make her jobless.

I laughed. Jack appeared with the two boys from the office. Tracie peeked out at the office then got up and so did I. She smiled at her colleagues who appeared from the other side of the hall.

"Michigan, is it done?" She asked the glasses-dude and he gave a nod.

The man called Patel cast me a brief look then squinted at the pile of documents and some books in Alfred's hand, before going away. Tracie waved at me and disappeared inside the office.

"Who-?" Jack raised a brow.

"Screening Test. They're from the Health Organization." I piercingly looked at Alfred who was reading something from Marigold's golden lamp-diary.

"Ah. That would've been such a better cover, actually...." Jack punched the air.

"We could've been health experts, right?" Rick clicked his tongue in dismay.

"Yes, y'all brainy men. And get caught when they ask you your medical license or anything related to medical field. Surveyor is way better. We can have all the information without being suspected by the suspect. Crazy irony." Alfred slipped the diary inside a folder.

Jack ruffled Alfred's hair like he was a cat. Al swatted his hand away, glowering at him. "That's why we call you the Teen Brainbox. Little one."

"Alright. Hands off now. Jack, we are gonna ask those list of questions Jane prepared, right?" Alfred said as Rick was busy putting on his reporter disguise. Heck, we aren't even reporters. What's he doing.

"Yeah. We can ask the teachers, students- not all of them of course, technicians,  sweepers...and rest of the staff. Ashley will accompany me and...where's Bella and Marigold-?"

Jack pulled his coat in anguish.

"Ah don't mind them. Bella said she's not sure if she can come cause some work came up and Marigold...has a stomachache." Alfred said as Jack pursed his eyes. Signs he was irritated. Why won't you be.


Aren't the three of them super close for friends? Even starters? Why do I get the feeling Alfred's pressuring them, especially Marigold and bending them to his wishes? I had to clear the doubt for the sake of a peaceful mind.

"...And she told it to you? Not her friend who's been there for her since ages?"

"Bella called. Marigold was asleep. Jane had already gone for the job."

He gave a low sigh and turned to Jack.

"Look, I'll go alone. You guys can do it with one side of the staff members and I'd do the other half. Fair?"

"Rick will go with you. Fair and square." Jack underlined.

Both of them looked displeased. No one nodded in approval. Rick looked like he was a primary kid who was forced to go school on the first day.

"Now, if you guys don't agree within the count of five, I'll need you two to give a hug and-" Jack smiled cunningly as the two of them raised hands in unison. Rick nodded confrontationally and Alfred sulkily nodded.

I can't believe Marigold gave Alfred her golden diary of her craziest records. She wouldn't give it to Kevin when he had bribed her with pictures of her favourite idol. Someone from K-pop. I dunno.

We parted ways and Rick made a face like he was sending his daughter off to war between humans and zombies. Alfred was busy (as always) texting someone... who, Jack?

I had a clear vision but I'm sure it was him who he texted. Jack's phone whistled. Ah, a message. Who doesn't get messages. It must be anyone.

Jack ignored the sound and put his phone on vibrate mode.

We went to the juniors first. The juniors block was so pleasant and seemed like a learning sanctuary unlike our high school block. Jack introduced himself in a few classes as a surveyor for educational purposes and asked the students about the school, its' hygiene and all that stuff the good old guy asks you in lower grades. The student-interrogation was over. Is that what it's called? I'm unsure.

We had the staff up next. Be ready to gulp the fears down your throat, Ash. Buckle up and shoot the lie in Miss. Lawliet's face. The lie about how I got stuck and couldn't attend her class.

The questions were slightly different for the staff of course. About the salary, for which I obviously didn't care, about the treatment by both juniors and seniors and by the workers etc. The female teachers gave straightforward answers and some even began to cuss how the students don't listen to them. While the male teachers were in jolly great mood, laughing and telling stories about the students which I genuinely didn't want to listen to.

Well, Jack was doing the questioning and the investigation so I better back-off.

The physics teacher came and I smiled as bright as I could, like how Marigold does in times of trouble, naturally. He didn't recognize me. Ah. Should I be happy or sad about it, that is the question.

After the questioning session, Jack asked him. Finally.

"Sir, do you know a worker here by the name Spencer?"

Mr. Williams crooked up his bushy grey eyebrows. He scrunched his lips up.

"My grandfather had the same name...but Spencer? I dunno. Why do you ask?"

"Ah, cause we were given a list of the staff members' names for the survey but we didn't get to see him."

Jack said, as smooth as butter huh.

"Well. He must have taken the day off. I dunno anyone by that name though."

He said and excused to exit because he had a class.

I slumped on the chair in the corridor. I hate this. I should just have attended the classes. This has took us to nowhere. No clues at all. It was a waste of time. All that hard work for naught. Well, happens when you depend on someone's 'dream' for a criminal investigation. More like based on spiritual experiences.

"He must have an alias. Hmm." Jack scanned the sheet once maybe expecting to get answers for the case. Ain't no Aladin's lamp. "Ah, who's Miss. Lawliet? We didn't get to survey her..."

I sprung up as the name-bearer came my way. In flat slippers of the simplest model and in a long brown skirt with a loose red top and hair tied in a messy bun-the tutorial kind, Miss. Lawliet stepped to me. She squinted like she usually does when she knows you haven't done your homework and in my case, if something's wrong. Don't ask me. There's a whole disaster inside me.

"Hello." She greeted Jack and waited for me to introduce him to her.

"I'm...uh, well...is she your student?" Jack gave me a look. Help. Me.

"Yes. Ashley Ricardo. She didn't come today. May I know why?" She smiled through me. Don't do that. Scary.

"She was assisting me in lots of work and-" she cut Jack off.

"Work is a secondary issue. Studies must be the priority, right Ashley?" She twinkled and the wrinkles around her mouth didn't hide her charisma.

I blinked. "Yes ma'am. Sorry." I nodded.

"Excuse her for this please. I'm a surveyor and I've-" Jack was cut off once again. That must have made a record in his lifetime.

"No need for the extra information. I've already heard from my colleagues. And also don't bother asking the same questions over again. You can ask about the reason for why you came here." She peered through her grandmother glasses. The ones with strings on both ends.

Although I don't believe in this crap, is she a psychic?

Jack laughed, raising his eyebrows in negation. Well, she's a psychology teacher.

Since only one class in psychology is typically offered at any school, teachers of psychology also must teach other subjects. So she also teaches us English.

Marigold has a love-hate relationship with her. She says she loves her and at times says she hates her.

"Not really, Miss. But since we have asked everyone around here, there were only two persons remaining to whom we had not asked...questions. It was you, ma'am and we've already met you. And...yeah, Spencer. Do you know where can we find him?" Jack read the paper again. He has skills.

"Well you see, it must be one of the workers or assistants. We have a policy here. We usually don't call them by their original name, you know...to lessen the stranger behaviour and be more close. Only during the first few months, we have to refer to them by their names to come out as friendly and not as bullies." She added a cackle to lessen the air of discomfort, maybe.

"You haven't met the workers yet? Hmm, let's see. There must be around ten to twelve alone in our block. Eight in the technical department. There are technicians, assistants, sweepers, maids,...."

"No. Ugh. Alright. Lemme just get straight to the point. We're here from..." Jack pushed back his tousled hair which was purposely that way. Jack, what are you doing revealing your intentions and blowing your cover...? "...a relative who works for the police. And some girl from Ashley's class told her about her cousin's uncle who had gone missing years ago. We investigated privately and found out that he's a staff in this school. He's called Spencer."

Marigold is no match compared to Jack's lies. Nor is Kevin. Jack is supreme huh.

Miss Lawliet smiled and closed her eyes for a minute. "Alright. I get it. Well, I'll tell you one thing for sure, I'm not an alibi nor have I ever have had a criminal history or interference with crime or criminals. You can trust me."

She's a psychic. I declare. I approve.

"Ma'am, have you ever heard of a teacher committing suicide in our school?"

I had to. Jack nodded, looking sideways but not in Miss. Lawliet's eyes.

She stitched up a brow. "Hmm. The ghost rumors, is that it? You kids say there was a woman who hung herself from the ceiling on the third floor of the last classroom and some say she cut herself and jumped. How's that even possible. Okay, yes. And, was it a murder?"

"I'm afraid...it was." Jack gave a grim glance.

"Hmm. I'll give you the list of workers around here. The real names...if I could. Let's see if that helps." She smiled and walked into the staff room.

"Oh but the physics teacher...told he didn't know..."

I dragged off, staring into the empty room.

"He is forgetful and also, he joined us late. He must not be knowing the nickname system or he might have just forgotten. Like your friend, Ashley."

Miss. Lawliet giggled shutting close a dusty and rusty old cabinet and bent to write something next to the names of the workers, maybe their nicknames. I nodded, recollecting Marigold's worse-off forgetful moments. Once she was searching for her book to write down a poem but forgot where she had kept it. When Kevin went to have a cold cola from the icebox, he found her book, covered in ice particles.

"Thankyou, ma'am. This will certainly help us."

Jack took the file of the year 2012 and gave it a once-over.

Miss Lawliet flashed a thumbs up and in return asked me and Marigold to attend more of her classes. I agreed even though I'm unsure if I was going to. I just need someone, Marigold, then I'd attend even four of her classes together.

Jack was walking with the winds. I had difficulty catching up with him. No joke. He had long legs and was somewhat around five feet six inches to seven inches. And I was merely five feet and a few inches. He looked stressed and was sweating despite the cool air-coolers blowing. He sat down on a chair in the corridor.

I peeked on the file he was scribbling in. There were many names with each one having the date of joining and resigning or retiring, if any. Jack stroked his head and tapped his left shoe on the floor. I should probably help but I don't know what help does he need. What's he even doing?

"Lemme see." Alfred appeared before us, grabbing hold of the file. "What's this? Who gave it?"

"Miss. Lawliet. The girls' teacher. Hey, would you..."

Jack took his phone out and pointed at the names on the file.

"I know. I'll narrow down the list. Go, call."

Alfred said, and took a deep sigh before marking the names and doing exactly what Jack was doing. Oh but I don't get it. Jack patted Al and walked off to the cafe...?

I glanced once. Again with the short-listing of names according to age group. So tiring. Rick was nowhere to be found. When I asked Alfred, he didn't reply. He was too absorbed in the solving of the case. Or he must choose to ignore me.

"Alright! We're down with the categorization. Administrative staff, guidance counselors, librarians, custodians, food service personnel, and even transportation workers. There's no mention of anyone called Spencer." Jack turned to us and hurried to catch up. "This must be forged or somehow a fabricated version. I think this has a number of names which are weird, no offense, but they're sorta...incomplete."

Alfred showed us the short list which was quite long. Rick jumped up from behind me. I clutched my heart. I want to slap him.

"I think you called for me. What's it?"

Rick beamed like he's trying to hide the fact that he stole my lunch for today. And I hope that's not the reason why he's acting so.

Jack repeated Alfred's statement and Rick peered onto the paper.


"Right?" Alfred read his face.

"Seems like...like...fake or...names you'd keep for...like, I call my sis as Hippo. Y'know..." he shrugged and bit his lip.

"Yes. A nickname." Alfred cracked his knuckles.

Jack took the file and got up to stroll and put it back on the chair. He smiled. What? I grasped the file and read the highlighted names.

Peggy Gemsworth.

Buffy Buffet.

Daisy Ginger.

Hank Jock.

Maíconha Jobs.

Tooker Skeletor.

John Q. Public.

....etcetera etcetera. The list extended long. Yes, some seemed like nicknames, surely. But this complicates things. We got the name, so we....I mean, they had found out where he works and the details from another long list of factory workers. And now, when we finally got his whereabouts, we can't reach him because he has now a nickname. And no one really knows what his real name is. I wanna retire.

"Nicknames have a reason. An origin. Let's see which each person with the nicknames is popular for." Rick pointed at the ceiling like an aspired artist.

"There are over a fifty names, with and without nicknames. And you're gonna know the in-depth meaning behind each of them? Got time, eh."

I handed him the file.

"Everyone hasn't got a nickname. The old people prefer to be called by their original names. We can exclude that. Me and Jack would do the job of finding the names' meanings and-"

Alfred bent to Rick and nearly bumped his head with him.

"Al. I got his face. Jane did the deed." Alfred looked up and down with a sigh. He snatched Jack's phone from his hand. "...hey! Well, She asked someone in the primary section about the teacher here having any kind of affair with a man who now works in this school. I didn't know Jane had guts. She says most of the staff didn't know about her but there was this old librarian who had been quite close to her, to Alicia and so they had taken a picture together...the three of them when she got her job here. It was before the primary section got its' own separate building."

I looked at the photograph. Alicia was a short-haired girl wearing a mauve top and casual tracks. The old librarian seemed about 59 or so and she seemed like a sweet woman with a braid like Elsa's flowing on her left shoulder. She had a smile on. To Alicia's right was the man. A very slim built man. Too slim, almost like he had no flesh on. He was dressed in a formal shirt and pants and had an unsmiling face.

Alfred pointed to the bookshelf behind them.

"What, do you wanna read some book now?" Rick clicked his tongue.

"I'm talking about the...ugh, Jack... I went to this library with Rick moments ago. We can look into it once agai-" Jack took his phone back and nodded in negation.

"We wouldn't need to. Milton found out from the agency's records whether this man was one from the participants in the health induction programme back then. And like you know, there were samples of the diluted solution of the drug which had been distributed across a few cities and were exchanged for high prices in the black market. It wasn't a small scale programme." Jack smirked putting a finger to his stubble. Solution? Doesn't that thing have a name? Like a chemical name?

I voiced my doubt and Jack rubbed his head like it were a lamp. He said he couldn't remember the complicated scientific name and asked me to have a wide research done in the BPRO library.

Although Alfred told me its' common name was Healthaids. Healthaids? As in aid to heath? Help, sorta? Sheesh, science is interesting but not when I don't get it.

"How are you gonna catch him?" I stared in the empty hallway and then at my watch. It was two p.m. Where's Marigold? And why isn't she here yet? Stomachache?

"Maybe using hands..." Rick laughed at his own joke.

I rolled my eyes. Yeah, right. Alfred grabbed Jack's phone and sent the Thatcher family's picture to himself. He gave the phone back to the owner, took the file and secluded himself into a corner. He plugged in his earphones and began talking and making notes in a book.

Jack sighed.

"Ashley and Patrick, you guys should go home now..." Rick's hand flew to his chest in relief. "...we now have his identity in our hands, including what the culprit looks like. It's likely he has a psychic ability and may try to harm you two. I and Al will handle this. You guys can go back to the BPRO or your homes. And also, exchange numbers as well, the four of us. I need to know you have reached safely."

Jack patted us both and wrote down his number and Alfred's giving it to us, thinking deeply. I saved the contacts on my phone and Rick did the same. I twisted my mouth. Although I'm finally able to walk away from this, why do I not want to?

"Do you want me to come with you?" Rick asked, grinning like I was begging for him to come.

I stayed silent and motionless. I turned to Jack. "Hey, aren't there any side-effects of using your abilities? I mean I know they're obviously fake-"

"Overuse makes us feel giddy and in extreme cases unconscious state or a brief coma. But don't worry. We know to what extent must we use them and not deplete our energy." He stifled a laugh as Alfred rushed to me, pulling out his earphones.

"Hey, who was that driver or guide who accompanied you all to the farmhouse on Halloween? Other than the hostess..."

He tucked his hair behind one ear and pulled out the golden diary.

Uh...wait. I really didn't know but...who was it again? "Um, someone said he worked as an assistant for the teachers. Some trusted employee. But we didn't see him on the way back nor in the entire party. Ava said something was different with the driver and she told that the driver had changed when they were returning."

Wait. Had I seen his face? The guide's? I had. Why can't I remember... He had a batch with his name engraved on it. What was it...

Alfred gave me his notebook with the nicknames on it. I creased my forehead. Why? I read the names. Re-read them and once again went through them.

Was it Hank Jock? Maiconha Jobs? Tooker Skeletor? John Q. Public?

It was definitely a male name.

Remember. C'mon. Quick. Back then, Ava and Sophia were giggling. Ella was hushing them down, trying not to laugh. What was she telling them to not talk about...? The face? The body? The costume....? Right! The costume he wore! It was a skeleton suit that he wore which stood out more due to his skeleton-like figure. He was...

"Tooker Skeletor! B..because he loo...looked li..like a... bag of bones, people gave him a last name...or...He was...originally called that...! Skeletor!"

I squinted when Alfred showed me the golden diary even though My sight was just fine.

In Marigold's cursive medium-sized almost-illegible writing was written in bold 'Skeletor'. In her words, he was a serious and grim guy and since he stood out too much, she wrote it down as an entertainment point. Whoa.

But how does that justify him to be the culprit? That's just a nickname.

Well, I asked the same to Alfred.

"When she gave me the diary, Macaw warned me to not look elsewhere in her book...other than the pages she had shown me. Well, I didn't mean to but as I was turning pages, I found this to be strange. I asked Roger to look it up. The meaning of the name. He sent me a message now. Tooker was the last name of an American Fine Artist. George Tooker. And amongst the nicknames we got from your teacher, I found out the origins of those names out of curiosity..."

Rick mumbled under his breath in a mimicking tone.

" 'out of curiosity'...? Brr."

Alfred ignored him and continued, "...And none of those names had a near-connection to art. There was craft but not art. And well, the craft one was a female so I cancelled that out. Tooker Skeletor. He was an excellent carpenter. He had even designed a bookshelf for the library in this school."

My hands flew to my mouth as I realized we had been on the bus with a killer.

"Great. I just got 'permission granted' stamp from the head mistress. Also, the school bell will go off soon. I wish we had Allen here."

Jack stomped his foot as the girls rushed out towards the main gates along with the ring of the bell. Allen? Allen-who? Is it the same one I know?

Nope. Couldn't be. There are dozen more Allens out there. He doesn't have a copyright to his name. Right. I took a deep breath.

"Ah. That Ursula. How'd she even say yes...?" Alfred said, reading Marigold's golden diary like it was a manual for catching criminals.

Jack gestured for me and Rick to leave. I gave one hairpin from my hair to Jack. He frowned. That's a freaking memento. Keep it with you.

"Keep it with you. If I wanna join the BPRO, maybe...I'm not sure, I'll come back. It's a proof of me being with you people on this case. Don't worry I won't take it back. I might also change my mind and not ever come."

I said in a frenzy. Jack gave a forced laugh.

"Dude, who needs your presence at all in the BPRO...and Jack clearly isn't interested in that hair-clip-" Rick said and I glared at him forcing him to stop blabbering.

I made a disgusted face at Jack. He creased his brows then sighed.

We waved at each other as we departed. Jack smiled softly at us from the distance and turned to Alfred who told him something which made Jack draw out his phone in a hurry and text someone.

I wasn't interested in the psychic stuff nor was I eager to join the agency. I just told him that for the sake of being in his good books. Also, the clip...that definitely was a memento pointing out that I was with them on this case and also, it was a fake 'trust' bond I made.

Jack must have understood that. He knew I wouldn't believe them no matter what. In those freakish abilities. Even if I did see one, it'd just be some science.


I was sitting on the raised platform in front of my school. It had been over thirty minutes and everyone had gone home. I didn't want to go. Not to the BPRO. Not to my home. And it wasn't because no one was there...but I just didn't feel like leaving Jack and his counterpart back there.

Rick was swinging from a lamp post with a pendant mount on the top like he was some performer in the club. He jumped down.

"When are we leaving? How long will we wait?" He cried, stomping his feet.

"I did not ask you to wait. You should go." I looked at my phone. Whoa. A text from Jack, already? Did they get hold of the guy...?

"But...Jack asked me to go with you." He took off his jacket and tied it across the waist.

I scrolled down and it was a quite long for a message. Why does this seem like a farewell? I scrolled fast and didn't exactly read the whole thing. Just the last two messages.

'So...I hope you don't dislike me or Al. We might meet again someday and we might not. We never know. It was short but great to know you.'

I widened my eyes and shot my gaze at Rick. He blinked then somehow understood everything. He took a deep breath.

"Listen, whatever trouble they're in... we must not be an obstruction. We should try to help them by staying safe and as well as...guard them."

He gulped and moved his hands like he was trying to calm down.

I should call Marigold...or...even Bella! Bella might be able to hear those voices again. She might be able to trace the location of the culprit with Alicia's help. I mean, her spirit or something might help. Why don't I just call Jane or that Milton? But ah, I don't have their contacts.

Shit. Splitting up would be the worst choice now. And we can't risk going inside the building. How even did the headmistress allow them to investigate?

Rick must have some kinda psychic ability. Doesn't he...? Isn't that the reason why Alfred picked him up from school...?

Does he?

I scanned him. Messy brownish hair, that wild-boy look, his monkey-like smile....

Hmm, no. Can't be.

The weather was cloudy and there were hardly any signs of the sun. Just then my eyes caught something flying in the sky. Not a bird. Rick looked up too.

It was an object, suspended in mid-air. A chair?

It fell. We dispersed far away within the blink of an eye. The wooden chair was half-broken.

I looked at Rick and we didn't need to communicate. Both of us rushed inside the building and to the last classroom of the third floor.

"...Just like that, shall I throw that little one of yours out from here?" Tooker Skeletor's smile stretched across his bony face which made it look more scary.

Little one? Jack has a child? Rick looked puzzled too.

Then we looked at Alfred who seemed sort of waspish. Ah. I and Rick then exchanged looks. Alfred is the 'little one' he's talking about. Can I not laugh about this? Rick already seemed to enjoy this.

Jack was near the window of the class and he caught us peeping inside. Somehow, Skeletor wasn't able to see us. The window was diagonally opposite to the door at which we were peeking from.

"Spencer, I don't wish you harm. Just I want you to accept you had killed Alicia and her aunt on a whim and that you had no ill-intentions whatsoever. Your punishment might get reduced to a certain degree."

Jack said in a soft and small voice and constantly throwing us a contrasting look.

Right. His name. His original name was Spencer. I have no idea about the last name though.

Rick kept fidgeting because he didn't get a clearer view of the scene. I silently told him to stay quiet but he wouldn't listen. He demanded, quite childishly that he should too get a vivid view. There was a mouse that skidded past him and he squeaked. I shut his mouth with my hands.

Shut up. I too got a mini heart attack but I was quiet! You too should have!

Spencer's gaze turned towards the door and we hid quickly. What should I do...what should I do? We came here, thinking something was wrong and now we are in trouble.

I heard the sound of his footfall against the floor zooming in towards us. Can I make a run? But Rick...He might not follow what I did.

"We're not done talking to you!" Jack roared from inside the class and the sound of a blade dragging across the tiles of the floor.

It was afternoon. I saw Spencer's faded shadow approaching us with a saw in one hand. I pursed my eyes. No. Just go away. No one's here. Just shoo off.

Just then I heard a loud thump and a strong gush of wind blew past my left shoulder. There was a sound of metal falling to the ground. I looked around.

There was no Spencer. Rick collected himself and helped me up. He went inside the classroom and I followed.

Spencer was lying on the ground against a metallic cabinet which had a deep dent in it. The saw was near my feet. Alfred was panting and Jack drew his hands once through Alfred's hair, smiling at him before he approached the unconscious Spencer.

What exactly happened?

Jack took out a pair of handcuffs which were broader than usual and handcuffed Spencer by pulling his hands to his back. He then sprinkled water on his face. Spencer woke up and started to move but saw he couldn't. He glared at me and Rick. He threw a look full of rage at Alfred.

Alfred got back on his former position and walked to Spencer. He bent to him, close to his face and smirked. Spencer snarled like an angry dog. Jack pulled Spencer up to his feet and beckoned him to walk out with him.

When we got down to the main hallway, the headmistress was just getting inside her car. Wow. This timing must suck.

She was behind the steering wheel and gave us one of her flashy grins.

"We damaged a metallic cabinet on the third floor while trying to get a hold of him and I apologize for the property damage. We'll replace it soon by sending one of our men." Jack leaned, resting his hand against the sash molding of the car.

The headmistress nodded and scrunched up her nose, scanning Spencer.

"I always had my doubts but Mr. Williams said otherwise. I was wondering why the previous headmaster was terminated. Seems like the case revolving Miss. Alicia Thatcher couldn't be solved by him. He was careless. And I was feeding a criminal." She threw a malicious look at Spencer.

A blue car stopped a few metres across the headmistress' car. Jane was behind the wheels and a rather spunky man sat beside her. Milton? Marigold leapt out of the backseat and I almost forgot I was mad at her. She rushed to hug me but I had to maintain my 'rage' so I took a step aside. Oh shit.

Did she fall...well, no. She fell on Alfred who looked quite taken aback by the sudden unintended embrace. She coughed as she got back on her feet. Did she catch a cold?

"S...s...s....s....s...sorry! I didn't see you...!"

She took almost half of the headmistress' time pronouncing 'sorry'. Alfred nodded with pursed his lips and eyes.

Bella sped to her and held her hand. What...? Marigold weakly smiled at her. What's this sismance right before my two eyes?

Jack tapped on her shoulder with a smile. Milton approached him and gave each of us a look. He was a normal built man with ocean-blue eyes that felt like the ocean itself. He adjusted the muffler which was wounded round his neck. Why a muffler in November? It's not even that cold in this area.

He leaned in close to Jack's ear and whispered something. Jack bobbed his head. Milton then escorted Spencer to the car.

Jane greeted the headmistress who returned a plastic expression.

"Do I still need to wait?"

She asked, glancing at Jack.

"Oh! No. I don't think..." His eyes skimmed over us and stopped at us. Me and Marigold. "...ah but you'd be delighted to know how two of your students have helped us solve this case. Marigold and Ashley made it so much easier for us."

Don't lie. What the hell did I do except almost make Spencer kill us?

The headmistress tilted her head in a disdainful manner. Marigold plastered a no-expression across her face and I stood straight.

"Really? Ashley Ricardo...your brother must be so proud of you. Good job." She was about to leave then lightly tapped her forehead and turned to Marigold. "You too, Ma...Mary...?"

"Marigold. Jack mentioned the name."

Rick raised an eyebrow, almost sarcastically. Ah, this dude's not bad.

"Oh Yes. Slipped out of my mind because she's sorta obscure so...anyway, good. See you." Her car zoomed out of view.

Marigold turned to me. "What's obscure?" Is she a damn kid? This woman...

Fourteen is not an age where you should be so dumb. Or aboveboard.

I sighed and slapped her doubt in the air.

"I told her to rest but she ran away and hid inside my car when I had returned from the primary school. Bella came later and we found her sleeping so we just brought her along." Jane shut the trunk of the car and walked to the hood of the car before sitting on the driver's seat.

Marigold giggled as Jack slapped his forehead. Jane drove away. She loosely slumped on Bella.

"Al, you said falling ill after we discover an ability is normal. Then why's Marigold sick and I'm not!" Bella shrieked but immediately patted Marigold seeing she scared her.

"Immune system. It all depends on how strong it is. Or maybe she just might have less powerful ability than you."

Alfred stretched his arms and opened the door of the van.

"No way! I'm way stronger. Come and have a fight if you think I'm weak!" She breathed feebly as we got inside the van one by one.

"Yeah sure. I never told you were weak...though." Alfred mumbled as he strapped the seatbelt like we were about to fly.
