Natures and Evolutions

"There are no immortality, all will perish. We buy time, that's what will do."

- The Scouts

The Valorem, a high grade master compiler school. Located on a satellite city in the south of Rogan. A complex of factories build all around it, the school it self compounded of 3 sections. The outer where all the economic center happens, on the based of the hill. The inner where the school is located with a student mess between the building, a complex was build cutting through the inside of the hills an underground facility. The peak of the hill is filled with a facility center, it was the command center of the industrialist. Fully guarded, limited access and closed to public. The center top of hill there are a sets of golden satellite disc align in circular operated by the central core, a giant nanites box about 10 meters in a form of a cubes. It was the cerebral mind of nanites conducting super computer, it was the only relic that survive the nanowars activation, since the core of the supercomputer is bounded to an organic material. It said that in the core it self there are a sets of human brains that runs the higher functions of the super computer. The millions of nanites revolves around these organic entity performing all communication and monitoring for all of the industrial assets. The building was called as "the crown".

The city it self belongs to a groups of independent industrialist, organizations of companies in different industries with common ownership interests, which include firms necessary to manufacture and sell products, a network of manufacturers, suppliers, marketing organizations, distributors, retailers, and creditors. It was a brain of the nations as well as the hand that weaves the economic net.

Days come in and out, as i keep practicing my structuring skills as i got easier to control the round nites, i can evoked it to do the pick up in 5 minutes and sticking in about 15 minutes, my grade has increase to mid grade. In nanites networking proficiency i can go as far as 1100 meters, the teacher said that there is no more i can learn, because the pass limit of minimal range was 800 meters, and i has gone above and beyond for 300 meters more.

I still feel that i can go more, that i should find a better facility than that in public school. A letter in replied of acceptance to the high grade school has arrived last week, I've been accepted to Valorem. My mom was very happy she cried holding the picture of my father and talked about it with him for hours. Its her way to cope with this, I'll be gone for months in training. And got home 1 month in a years for 3 years, before sent away for 2 years to God forsaken land, by the pledges companies. Even now i haven't got any hints what company that going to take my internship. Pledging has this rules where you cant be revealed to both party, but the middle party always given a warranty, that the candidate will be very satisfying for both party.

Fang has grown up, he is bigger than every daily wolf could ever be in size, since he reach 9 years in age, he is beginning to reach a new heights, and average arctic wolf can reach a height of 3 feet and length of 5 feet, but now he is a 4 feet height and 6 feet in length. I have to find out why and how this could happen. He is a stunning wolf in a bear shape, in power test he can charge a car and tumble it sideways. He can mauled an adult size cow, although for me he is still my cute little pup. The rest of the class that manage to reach 850 meters in nanites networking will be granted a chance to get a slave nites, in exceptions that already given a partner. They receive a prize of well stock high quality pet food instead. This effort is to encourage the compiler to reach the achievement of beyond average, its for the school ranks. Rogan elementary school is the top 5 in the west country. They will announce it today on the school board, after the school finish. Everyone bolted after the last period bell rang, they are racing to the board. This year they can select from 3 type of animal to be enslaved. A type of strength it was a Pit bull dogs. A type of agility it was a Bob cats. And the defense type it was a Crested Porcupines. These animal was cloned since there are rarely a time to expected a natural birth that can be performed into a bonded at birth naturally, it was a cloned procedure that will reach this goals. They will be summons to the city bestiary center, since owning these animal is registered as owning a weapons. Pets that has been bonded was classified as a nanoweap, the ownership will be deemed healthy in psychological test to do this proceedings, since we are gradually always been tested, and pass as maturely and capable of doing an adults roles, we are eligible for getting the animals.

The day the pets is scheduled to be pruned, the eligible students will be summoned to the bestiary lab to give a pinch of their blood, in 2 or 3 months time the slave animal will be sent to their respective school for solidifying the bonding process. Even the Clancy's boy is in a very good mood, he is the one that beat me in structuring. His dad owns a grizzly bear for slave nites, considering he is an officer in the west army, his mother has this adorable angora cat that as white as snow. His mother came from a wealthy family, so a pure comp family usually have a very good resource to train their successor, i think he is going to that military high grade master compiler school, Royal Academy without a doubt. I will trained to my limits to beat this kid, i have no pure comp parents. But i never will admits that hard works comes unrewarded, that's how i was brought up, i will do it for my Father! After that i always practicing for hours after class, since the nanites networking teacher has given me a free pass to not attending his class, since has already over high above the pass requirements, the 3 hours of nanites networking, combine with my structuring class schedule make a very long 5 hours of structuring practice, all of my class has pass the picking and holding the round nites, now after controls comes shapes. The round nites is now inside the middle of a pole shape of glass 45 centimeters in diameter, a lump of it. Our task is to manipulated it to reach the highest height, i manage to make it to 81 centimeters, and that Clancy boy about 85 centimeters. He is always eyeing for me, every time i get to close. He will out length them about 5 centimeters more.

Last night Mr.Barnes called me to the study, he gave me a pair of rings. Since i tell my efforts that has been always ousted by the Clancy boy. "Cass using this rings while you practice will help the ability, but it will restraints your controls, there are no efforts goes unrewarded!" He said it with a tone. I bet he heard it from my pops, he never admits it, but to him i was a nephew. He always regards my dad and mom as a family, although he never said it out loud. His wife, Lilia's mom has died in an assassination. Luckily Lilia survive the attacks, he lost his only trusted man that day. He regarded the lost of my father is the third lost of his very dear, after his wife, and his loyal right hand man. Well he never talks about that.

The rings makes my controls worst, for the training picking the round nites. When i reaching to pick up the wretched round nites it was really really REACHING. A week pass by, 6 hours a day i keep doing it. I seems to reached my original speed to line up the round nites, today i will try with the circular glass. In the circular glass on the first try i barely make a 30 centimeters height. All the students is mocking me behind my back, the Clancy boy has reach a height of 87 centimeters. The teacher come at me, almost questioning me about my setbacks. Then she sees my rings, she seems to understand the problem. Shushing the crowd, she bend over from behind me whispering "fancy equipment Mr.Reed you are very cheeky indeed.." then she pat my shoulders. "Keep on trying class, you'll need at least a meters in height to pass my class". The rings it self is a disruption device that inhibits a stable frequency. Making the control of the round nites very hard.

The day of the slave claim is today, all of the slave will be distributed to the class. One by one the officer from the bestiary is handing the animal cages, after they receive it they will sign it. The permit will be digitally signed. Some of them got a yellowish color kitten, some of them got this cute miniature porcupine and a bunch pit bull pups. Clancy choose a pit bull for slave, the snob just jeering at me. Well that puppy with never reach the levels of my wolf anyway.

The test of height altering will upgrade my grade to mid level. As long as i manage to go over the height of 1 meters which equal to a 100 Centimeters. We all lined up before the examiner, "please begin the alteration! You have 1 hours!" The examiner begins the test. Today i do not wear my rings, i been meaning to find out the results, as always i begin expanding it to 30 in 5 minutes and controlling not to splice it, after ten minutes is was at 40! controlling very slow this time two the both side 60! The clock has runs for thirty minutes, i extend the round nites both ways 80! That is when i see Clancy has extend the round nites to 90 centimeters in forty minutes. Carefully control after the forty five minutes 100! Everyone still eyeing to Clancy's glass chambers, i was in tie on the 100! The clock is running tight on the fifty five minutes i make another pull 120! That when on of my classmate shout "Reeds has the longest!" I glanced Clancy has 110 centimeters long trying to gain more. In the last minutes i pull the last effort of my round nites 130! "Okay that's it students, your efforts has been recorded, stand down!" A blue light turned on, the ray of lights make the round nites freeze on their current altering state. I glance to pale expression of Clancy he was looking at the last results, its 113 centimeters long.

The results that i came at first in my class, and passing a 100, i has reached the mid grade. The next two weeks is the last week of my final test, it was the mixed practice of the two preliminary test. Knowing i get result because using the rings, i will force a full practice training using it for another painstakingly 2 weeks.

The date to attend the Valorem meet and greet is this Friday night. My mom has delegated to Mr.Barnes to be my legal guardian chaperoning to the invitation. We arrived to the ball around eight, the security of the ball is very tight. Every invitation have a chip embed in it. After getting pass the gate way it was a slight climb the hill, the mansion located in the foothills was guarded by a sets of elites team in full armor, using some kind of monocle. The coolest thing i ever seen was their slave nites, all their body is covered by this shining armor like their masters. On the air sometimes a kind of flying device flying around, sometimes they fly by the cars to scan them with a green laser like beam. When we get out of the car, the guard team handed over me a piece of badge and a re-sizeable pet collar to put on myself and Fang. After that we enter the grand hall of the mansion.

It was very stunning, the ceiling of the ballroom is a giant screen that visualizing the northern aurora, its very beautiful. Reaching Fang's ears i whispers to him "this is the sky of your ancestor Fang! We will go there some day!" He growls a little, i feels an urge to howl from him. I pet his head and willed him to hold the urge. Suddenly a sets of fireworks projected on that same ceiling, the sounds effect is very realistic. All the people gatherings at the refreshments table or in the drinks bar gazing at them.

A follow light shoots up to the staircase at the point the projection stop, two of a very beautiful lady appears opening way for a man with a tall hat "ladies and gentlemen, guests.." he raise his hat. And come down the stairs, he reach the podium at the end of the stairway. "We the Valorem high would like to welcome you to our humble abode, before we mingles and indulge in small talks, we would like to announce that at this years enrollments we will be implanting our new students with the new super cores engine" a stunned face of the guests and a surprise whisper all around, i see Mr.Barnes smiling glee, it was scary. He looked at me patting my shoulder "a lucky rascals!" Then he shook my hair. That night all the guest had a blast, the food is delicious even the pet food is great as Fang asking and asking for more, i meet a few of my soon to be fellow school mates. Their pets was also almost as fierce as Fang, a grizzly bear, a golden eagle, an owl with a red eyes devil like, a lion, a gorilla and couple of strange lizards and snakes that i can see too well since they are hiding in the coats of their master.

On the way home i found out that super cores is an implanted core that will be injected on a students on high school, since the semi master and master class is all about multitasking of the skills, and mastering of such as device is needed to increase the maximum ability of nanites functions. "do not imagining things boy! Even i never know this elites occurrence, i never had any family members using this things." Since no Barnes net has ever crossed to the industrialist side of the networks.

According to Barnaby the Merchants never got to use this super cores unless you are accepted to the military or to the industrialist high school, and this was far better, to obtain a new version of super cores. Most technology were researched by the industrialist, a stable technology implementation will be handed down to the military. Since they have many weapon grade technology to develop too, army induced their handed technology with advance weaponize, so the industrial counter parts creates the basic of the weapons. Industrial developed the technology for advancements and the army developed the technology for defenses. And the merchant learn to cuts corner, while keeping up with the technology, for their advantages.